Ch. 45

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I woke up and Maddox was gone but there was a note on the pillow beside me. The note says, "Kitten, I left the keys to my Porsche on the kitchen counter. I should be home around four. Love, M."

I look at the clock on my phone 11:00 a.m. I think I should go see my aunt and grandma. I take a shower and dress in jeans and a white tank top and white flip flops. I grab my purse, the car keys and head out the door. I make it to my aunt's and I see grandma's car. I feel weird when I get to the door, should I knock?....No that would be even weirder. I open the door and walk to the kitchen not even bothering to check any other room. I feel the smile on my face as I enter the kitchen. I see grandma actually sitting at the table and aunt Mary at the stove. They are arguing about how long to cook rice.

I walk into the room loudly so I don't scare them. "Hi."

"Look who it is, did you just get back?" Aunt Mary questions as grandma comes and gives me a hug.

"No, last night." I answer.

"Have you talked to Maddox?" Grandma asks.

"Yeah, he actually came and got me yesterday."

"So, you guys are good then?" Mary asks.

"Um, yeah I guess. I'm still upset but I realized if I wanted us to work out I had to quit running. You guys didn't know he was coming to get me?" I ask, confused by the conversation.

"What do you mean sweety? How would we know?" Mary asks just as confused as I was.

"Well, I didn't tell Maddox where I was. I assumed he got you to tell him. Maybe J.J.?"

"No dear, we didn't tell him and J.J. wouldn't have told him. He's still really angry at Maddox for what happened at your party." Grandma answers.

"How did he find me then?" I wonder. Thinking about everyone that knew where I was, it doesn't make sense.

"Did you still want to go get a car?" Mary asks, interrupting my internal debate.

"Are you busy? We can go whenever." I reply, smiling.

"No, now's fine." She states, walking to the stove and turning it off.

"Let's all go." Mary suggests.


The first stop is the bank and they give me a run through of all the investments and interest of my money. My parents company is still running and they gave me a print out of the dividends I've received so far.

After the bank we head to the Mercedes dealership. I choose the 2018 red Mercedes Benz CAL. I give my aunt the keys to Maddox's Porsche and we drop it off on the way back to aunt Mary's. I'm following grandma who's driving aunt Mary in her car. By the time we get back to the house it's 2:00 p.m. and aunt Mary and grandma leave for a book club they belong to. I decide on a nap, I want to stay here tonight and spend time with the family. I'll call Maddox around four and tell him.

I fall asleep easily, when I wake up its to the feeling of kisses down my back where my skin is exposed. I moan and I feel a hand come around me bringing me back against them. It feels good so I just go with it knowing Maddox will do what he wants anyway. I feel his arousal and smile, wiggling my but against him as his hands play with my side's. I hear a groan and I'm shocked it's not Maddox. I sit up quickly turning to see who it is.

"Alex what are you doing here?" I ask, shocked.

"Why are you avoiding my messages?" he asks.

"Alex, I told you I don't feel the same about you. I have avoided your calls because I don't want to have to say it again, I don't want to hurt you." I reply, softly.

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