Ch. 40

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Tyler wakes me up at eight in the morning by jumping on my bed, I hate mornings! "Tyler!" I yell, taking the covers and pulling them over my head.

"Get up! Get showered, we still need to go to your house and pack." He yells.

"Okay, get out and I will."

"Actually, I'm really into conserving water. So I was hoping we could shower together?" He asks, crossing his fingers looking hopeful.

"Fat chance, I'll be out in ten." I reply, making my way to the bathroom.

After I shower, I put on Tyler's clothes from last night and walk down to the kitchen with my clothes from last night, my shoes and purse. Tyler's making pancakes and sausage. Alex and Chris ended up staying here last night, too.

"Morning, boys." I greet them sitting next to Chris.

"Morning, princess." Chris responds, as Tyler puts a plate of pancakes and sausage in front on me.

"Thank you. It looks delicious." I tell them.

After breakfast I hear my phone. I know who it is. I take my phone and walk out the back patio doors. I make sure not to look at anyone. I don't need to see their reactions to Maddox calling. They all have their opinions of him.

"Hello." I answer.

"Hey." Maddox says, sounding relieved.

I better tell him I'm leaving. I don't want him harassing my family. "I'm going away for a couple of days."

"Where?" He asks, sounding both angry and sad.

"Tyler's parents' house."

"Please, don't leave. I'll leave you alone, but please don't leave."

"Maddox, I need to get away for a bit."

"Hadley, why don't you just tell me what you really want?" Maddox says, getting upset.

"I don't know what I want." I respond, complete honest.

"Then it must not be me. I want to be with you every second of the day, if I'm not with you I'm thinking about you. I'm turning my life around for you and you're telling me you don't know what you want." He points out.

"I'm sorry. I'm just twisted up, I need to think." I say again.

"You should know what you're feeling about us. Tell me?" He begs.

"What I feel about you? God, where do I start? I feel like being with you is as natural as breathing. I miss you when you leave the room. I want you and I've never wanted anyone before. I feel overwhelmed and cherished when I'm with you. But all those good things come with a different Maddox, the one who scares me. You can be controlling, confusing, stubborn and your first choice when you don't get what you want is to fight. I love you so much it kills me to see you hurting. I know a side of you that no one gets to see and I feel honored you let me get so close. I shouldn't have to ask you to change, Maddox, you should always want to be a better you. You don't want to change, I can see that now. I'm not going to ask you to change. If you want to fight then do it. If you want your hair long and you want to wear contacts you shouldn't change for my preferences. Don't change for anyone, you're perfect for someone, I just have doubts that you're perfect for me. I was being so unfair to you and now I see that. You're constantly fighting for me and it's because I made you change, you think you're not good enough. Everything is my fault. I never want you to feel like that, you're more than good enough. I love you so much it makes me sick to think I did this to us, to you."

"Hadley, you never asked for too much. Don't say those things because you're not right about any of it. I cut my hair to get your attention, not because I believed you wouldn't be with me if I didn't. You know why I wear the glasses. What you don't know is how hot I get seeing you blush. I wear them for you as much as for me. I am controlling and overbearing but it's because I've never had feelings for someone, I don't know how else to be. I want to put you in a glass box and make sure no one can hurt you, that no one can see you, touch you or hear you laugh because I want every smile, laugh and touch to belong to me. It's so easy to love you. I don't want anyone to love you but me. I'm fighting for you because I know you deserve so much more than me. All I can give you is all my love and devotion but you deserve someone without my issues, someone less domineering. I can't be that. I'll never be able to let you walk away. I'll never be able to leave you without a fight."

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