Ch. 65

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I woke up when I heard arguing. I open my eyes and Maddox is yelling at Dr. Harris who is listening to Maddox with a slight grin. He lets Maddox continue then holds up his hand and gently speaks over him. Maddox is still ridged with tension but he seems to calm down.

Dr. Harris starts walking to my bed and smiles when he sees I'm awake. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better now that I know the baby will be okay." I say returning his smile.

"Yes, I'm sure that scared you. It's not really common to bleed in the first trimester, it only happens in about one third of all pregnancies. But everything is going well with the baby, you'll be fine." He says, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you. What is Maddox upset about?" I ask him.

"He wants me to extend your bed rest, but I don't see the point." He answers trying not to grin but failing.

I raise my eyebrow in question to Maddox. "I just don't want anything to happen. Just a few days." He looks away guilty.

"I'm fine, Maddox. It will be okay."

Maddox gets a phone call and holds up his finger and walks out of the room.

"God, he is so hot. I don't know how you can stand it. He reminds me of a caveman." Dr. Harris says secretly.

My eyes get wide and I laugh. "I know, tell me about it. I gave him my virginity after knowing him three days."

"I can tell, looking at him, it was great. It's those damn glasses and he's always so attentive to you. I'm a hundred percent jealous. I want someone like him." He whispers wistfully.

"You want a caveman?" I ask jokingly.

"Honestly, I don't care what he is, as long as he looks like that."

I laugh again and I see the door open. Maddox holds the door open for Aunt Mary, grandma, Uncle John and J.J. I smile at them and they smile back.

"So, you had a scare, huh?" J.J. says.

"Yeah, but everything's fine now. Thanks for coming." I say as I get hugs from everyone.

After we talk for about an hour everyone leaves and I get my discharge papers. Dr. Harris must have caved to his crush, Maddox, because it says, 'Bed rest is encouraged for another twenty-four hours.'

We get home around five and Maddox insists I get in bed and rest while he orders food from an Italian restaurant he loves. So here I am watching T.V. in bed waiting for Maddox to come in to get me.


The next day I go to all my classes that I have on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I get up early to make it to creative writing on time. We get an assignment to write a story of our choosing. I leave class and go to art history. Art history was great and even though my hand is cramped from writing it was a lot of fun. I go sit under the tree I was under the other day and pull out my folder finding all my Monday class syllabuses to find my professors office hours. I need to explain why I missed class and let them know I may need to miss future classes because of doctor appointments. I have talked to all my other professors today before class started. They understood and didn't seem to have a problem with it, as long as I keep up with the course work.

I wrote down Professor Miller's office number and his hours then the rest. All of them have office hours tomorrow so I guess I'll wait and talk to them before or after classes tomorrow.

"I thought you'd be here." I hear Professor Miller say and I see him sit down like on Tuesday.

"Hi. Actually I needed to speak with you, but I was going to wait for your office hours."

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