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"Come home with me." Maddox orders.

"We really have to work on your asking skills." I scold, smiling.

He laughs, "I'll work on it, but I think we both need to get a lot of stuff out of they way. We need a quiet place where we can talk. I don't want to lose you before your even really mine. So, come home with me and tell me anything you feel comfortable with me knowing. Eventually, I hope you'll tell me about your love for glasses. But right now I'll settle for your favorite color."

"Okay, your right, I'll even tell you about the glasses....maybe." I laugh, "I'll probably chicken out."

"Don't tease a weak man." He says, leading me out the bathroom and down the stairs.

"Well, well, well, what have you two been up to?" Luke says, raising his eyebrows.

Everyone is either sitting at a poker table or at the kitchen counter eating chips and pizza.

Maddox doesn't say anything and continues to walk toward the front door.

"Hey man! Where are you going?" Adam asks.

Maddox ignores them and we go to his car, of course he opened the door for me and helped me in. Then I remembered my purse. Shit, when Maddox gets in I say, "I forgot my purse. I'll be right back." and turn to get out.

"Stay, I'll get it." I watch as he walks back into the house.

When he comes back out of the house I could see something in his hand, its a white piece of paper and in his other hand my poor purse was being crushed.

Entering the car he hands me my purse and then looks at me and then the white piece of paper. "Why do you have Tyler Murphy's telephone number?" The calmness of his voice was scary...sorry Tyler.

"I seen him today, when I was out shopping with my grandma and Mary."  I answer.

"Where at? Did you go up to him or did he come up to you?" Why does he sound suspicious?

"Why does it matter?" I ask.

When Maddox doesn't say anything but looks out the windshield clenching and unclenching his jaw I decide to answer him.

"It was at Ruby's, a restaurant by the mall. He was at a table with some friends and he said hello and thanked me for saving his life.  Incidentally, he told me not to tell you that we seen each other, that you would follow through with your threat if you knew we'd spoken.  When he got up to leave he came over and gave me his number and said he owed me and if I ever need anything to call him."

I can tell he's trying to calm down, I don't know what to do.  So after a couple minutes I settle on a distraction, "I was playing truth or dare with Chris one night. I chose dare and he dared me to tell him my deepest darkest secret." I put my head in my hands and spit it all out. "I told him the first time I touched myself I thought of Clark Kent."

Without saying anything Maddox starts the car and we drive away. Why does he always do that?!

Five minutes later we pull into some upscale apartment complex.  I start unbuckling my seatbelt, I just get done and Maddox's is already pulling me out of the car.  Once I'm out he shuts the door and pushes me against the car trapping my body with his, I feel his arousal.  I look up totally confused by his actions. The next second his lips are rough on mine his hands are tangled in my hair. One hand moves to my butt the other the underside of my breast.  I can't breathe his mouth is punishing, his tongue plunging deeper in my mouth.  He stops suddenly and takes my hand walking me to the front of the building.

I'd give anything to know what he's thinking right now, when we walk through the doors the doorman seems surprised when he sees me with Maddox, then I remembered what Logan said about him not bringing girls here. 

At the elevator he presses the control panel putting in a number, I ask, "Why do you have to put in a number?" Because there are floor numbers right above it.

"There's not multiple units on my floor." He answers huskily.

The whole elevator ride he stares at me. I didn't know what to do so I stared back. I know he wants me I can see him straining against the front of his pants. 

"I probably shouldn't have told you about the glasses, huh?" I say, stupidly.

As the doors open he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso his eyes locked with mine, he starts walking.
I can't look away from him his eyes they're burning me up, I know I must looked flushed and wanting.  I can't help it, he has all the control.  I feel by back hit a door and I hear him open it and start walking again.  Laying me down on a bed with him still positioned above me, he starts kissing me again. This time it's slow and sensuous my hips move on there own accord seeking pressure and Maddox groans, grinding himself on me making me gasp and moan. 

"I want you, so bad." He whispers, kissing just below my ear.

"I want you too." I reply.

Maddox moans and pulls away to take his shirt off, then his lips crush mine and his breathing becomes even more heavy.  He pulls one of the straps down from my shoulder, then the other kissing every inch of skin that he reveals.  He continues until I'm in nothing but my light pink lace bra and matching panties. Unhooking my bra he takes it off and takes my pink nipple in he mouth sucking lightly making my hips come off the bed and a groan from the back of my throat.

I know I should tell him I'm a virgin, but I can't say anything and I don't want him to stop.  I feel one of his hands graze my body traveling down and entering my underwear.  I stop breathing when I feel him touch me making me aware of how wet I am.  He slides a finger in me and I hear him grunt. "Your so wet and tight, I can't wait to be inside you." He says, into my ear.

I take my hand from his side and try to lower my self to be able to reach his pants.  As I bring my hand past the waist of his pants. He pulls his finger out of me to grab my hand.  "If you touch me I'll come. I want you too badly." He warns, shaking his head. I notice how strained his face looks, how hard he's trying to control himself and it makes me want him even more. 

"Tell me what to do, I've never done this before." I whisper, looking at him.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, but it feels like hours I just want him to touch me again.  Then he jumps out of bed taking his pants off in a rush leaving him in pair of white Calvin Kline briefs and turns on the bedside table lamp.  He takes off his glasses and sets them down.  He takes my legs and pulls me toward him, he hooks his thumbs in my underwear slowly pulling them off never taking him eyes from mine. 

He leans down and kisses my ankle then the inside on my knee then nips at my inner thigh.  He stops to spread my legs farther apart and uses his mouth on me.  My orgasm was instantaneous, my head rolls back and I scream out his name.  I feel him leaving me suddenly and then he's right back above me. I feel his arousal touch my thighs it's soft but hard at the same time.  He takes it and strokes it down my center making me buck my hips, he groans and enters me.  I can feel him shake so I grab his head and brush my lips against his kissing him deeply.  I move my hand down his back gripping his butt I pull him forward.  He hisses as sinks deeper in me, when he's all the way in I lift my hips and rub against him. 

He moans loudly, " I have to take you now, stop me if  I'm hurting you." Then he pulls back and starts pounding into my flesh, I whimper and moan my nails digging into his skin but I can't stop.  My orgasm starts to build and I tense up and fall back as it courses through my body.  Maddox's pace picks up even faster and I feel him go ridged and grunting he falls on top of me. Then rolling to his back pulls me to his side.

I break the silence when I say, "I thought you were bringing me here just to talk?" I smirk at him. "This was a nice surprise."

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