Ch. 67

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We wait for half an hour before I hear back from J.J.


"The fight is over." I state sitting down after pacing for twenty minutes in the living room, my feet hurt.

"How's the baby?" Alex asks.

"Fine. We had a couple of scares. First, I had a cyst on my ovary and then I started spotting. Both can cause a miscarriage but both times it ended up being nothing." I say smiling.

"That's good." He returns my smile. My stomach starts to rumble. "Hungry?"

"Yeah, you?" I ask.

"Always. Pizza?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Let's go." He says putting on a baseball cap.

I laugh. "Oh, that's smart, put on your baseball cap. No one will be able to tell it’s you."

"Shut it, smartass." He orders smirking.

We go the black Land Rover I parked next to and get in. My phone rings I look at it, it's Maddox. My heart starts pounding. "What?" I ask irritated.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Where were you, Maddox?" I ask holding my breath.

"I went out. I'm back now, come home."

"I know what you did, Maddox." I say my voice high.

"I had to. I was so pissed off. This is all I have to get it out. I don't have anyone to talk to. This is what I need." Great back to this again!

"You can't talk to me?" I ask.

"Not about everything." That hurts but the truth tends to do that.

"You knew what was going to happen if you fought again, yet, you did it anyway. I guess I'm not reason enough for you to change, or our baby. Goodbye, Maddox." I say ending the call with him shouting at me.

My hand is shaking. My phone rings and it’s Maddox. Do I answer it? He'll keep calling if I don't.

I answer. "What?" I ask feeling tired.

"I'm sorry I fought. Just come home and we'll talk about it."

"No. Maddox, it’s not going to work that way. I won't be that girl. The stupid one that comes crawling back to you every time you do something wrong because you say you're sorry."

"I don't expect that." He says frustrated.

"Then what did you expect? Did you think because I'm pregnant I'd have to stay with you? No, I don't. I can take care of our child on my own." I shout determined to get through to him.

"I know you don't need me." He says sadly. "That's what hurts the most. You'll never need me like I need you."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I thought for once you'd get it. That I need this. It doesn't have to touch you or the baby. We can deal with this and work it out."

"No, there's nothing to work out. God, I can't believe this. You are choosing fighting over us. I can't believe I fell for your line of shit. You just said what you needed to say to keep me from leaving, didn't you?"

"I didn't want to break my promise, I love you. But I needed to do something. I can't just sit by while you run around with other guys."

"Helping a friend is not running around with other guys. You made a promise to me, Maddox. You broke that promise. For once I don't feel like I pushed you to do this. You wanted this. You missed fighting and you saw an opportunity and took it."

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