Ch. 24

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"I love you too." I reply, before I even knew what I was saying.  No one has ever told me they loved me, besides Chris. I hug him back and he kisses me roughly groaning into my mouth.  I hear his phone ring again, " Maybe you should answer it? Could be important."

"It's not." He decides and starts kissing me again, his hands are all over my body.

His phone starts ringing again, "Just answer it." I say, backing away.

"Fine." He takes his phone out of his pocket. "Hello. No, not today...No...Next week. Have I ever missed before?...then you know it's important...He told you, Why? No, I want her to myself for a while.  He deserved it, trust me.  Let it go...Fine. what time? Here...We'll order in... okay,  bye."

I look at him confused by the conversation. "My grandfather wants to meet you, he's coming tonight for dinner."

"What?" I yell. "I'm still in my dress from yesterday, I can't meet him like this." I say, pointing at my dress.

"You look beautiful, but we can go to your house for clothes.  Yeah, let's go get your clothes." Maddox says, moving to the elevator.

"Wow.  That was a quick change of pace." I comment.

"Well, You can get clothes for tomorrow too and Sunday." He smirks.

"What do you mean?" His smirk turns into a full-blown smile. "I'm not staying here again." I deny, completely serious. I would like to get to know my family eventually, but I'm always with him. "I have to spend time with my family, I'm always with you." I add, getting on the elevator. 

"But you love me. They'll understand."

"Yeah, because most people fall for someone they've only known 4 days. Completely understandable." Sarcasm in every word, I roll my eyes.

He laughs, "Yeah, what do you think they'll say when you move in? I bet coach wants to have another, 'keep away from my niece talk.'"

"What!" I yell.  "I'm not moving in! Slow your roll....What talk? John told you to stay away from me?"

"Yes, you are and yes he did." Maddox replies, taking my hand walking me out of the elevator to his car. I start to feel frustrated with him, he can be a very difficult person to be around. Once we are in the car and heading toward aunt Mary's. I disagree again, "No I'm not....What did he say?" I ask.

"If I wasn't serious about you to keep away from you. He told that to Logan too." He says, grumbling. "Why don't you want to move in? You're going to be with me a lot and when your not I want to at least come home to you."

"Let me reiterate, four days. Maybe in a year!" I yell, shocked.

"A year, that's bullshit. I'll give you a couple days." He states, firmly.

"You're absolutely certifiable. The answer is, no." I turn away from him.

Once he parks the car and he follows me inside. I hear people in the kitchen and head there. Maddox still hasn't spoken and his sulking is obvious.

"Hey." I say, entering the kitchen. I see grandma at the stove as usual and Mary at the table with recipe cards everywhere.

"Hey, sweetie! Did you have a nice night?" Mary asks, grinning knowingly.

Blushing, I quietly say, "Yes."

"Grandma's making her famous chicken and dumplings. Maddox, you can stay for dinner if you want." Mary says, smiling his way.

"Thanks, but we can't stay. My grandfather wants to meet Hadley. He's coming to my place for dinner." He replies.

The front door opens and it sound like a herd of elephants walk in. J.J., Logan, Adam, Luke and Chase walk into the kitchen seconds later.

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