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I look at J.J. "We've been here about fifteen minutes, not long at all." I answers.

"Well, what are you drinking? I'll have Red get you whatever you want." J.J. asks.

"It's taken care of. I had him go when we got here." Maddox responds.

Logan walks in the kitchen looking around; when he sees us at the kitchen island he comes to take a seat beside me. I look across to Maddox and he's tense again. He stands up and looks at me. "I have to go do something; I'll be right back." He tells me and walks out of the kitchen.

"You know, if I didn't know better I would say Maddox likes you." J.J. says batting his eyelashes like a girl.

I blush and punch his arm playfully. I really wanted to say I like him too but I didn't want to say anything in front of Logan. Plus, I did just meet the guy. He's different though, more interesting than I'm used to.

"Since when does Maddox like anyone? He just wants in her pants." Logan sneers.

"Are you kidding me? We both know all he has to do is point if he wanted a piece of ass. He brought her here, got her alcohol and did you see how pissed he got when Tyler said you told him she was yours? He definitely likes her." J.J. states, knowingly. Luke joins us, hearing the last of the conversation.

"Who, Maddox? Yeah, he wants her." Luke agrees, disappointed. "As much as I would love to keep my hat in the ring, I'm not about to hurt my man pride and go up against Maddox."

The guy they call Red steps through the door with a case of Amber Bock. Taking one out, he pops the cap off and hands me one. "Here you are beautiful, enjoy." He says and walks away.

"Thanks." I reply to his back.

"If he liked her he would be here. He's probably off with a girl right now." Logan comments getting irritated.

"No, I heard him ask Chase to give him a haircut." Luke says.

I start laughing, that boy is crazy adorable! He really didn't need a haircut. Although, the thought that he's cutting his hair because of me is very satisfying.

"What's so funny?" J.J. asks with a small knowing smile.

I shake my head and look up when I hear the door to the kitchen swing open. I start to laugh again, then I say, "Yep, I was right. Now you'll look good in anything."

Maddox smirks. He shaved all his hair off, now it's just a little longer than the stubble on his face. I have to admit, the five o'clock shadow that looks like it's a permanent thing, is super sexy. With his shaved head he looks more dangerous and devastatingly handsome at the same time.

"Dude, you shaved your head because she told you to?" J.J. yells cracking up. Luke joins in and both are laughing uncontrollably. Logan just looks pissed off again.

"She said I needed a haircut." He shrugs. "Although, I wasn't going to shave it off. Chase was a little drunk and forgot to put the guard on the clippers." He grumbles.

"Well it worked out for the best. It looks good." I assure him.

Just then, two girls walk in from the backyard and look in our direction, one of them notices Maddox. "Just when I think you can't get any hotter you do this." She states, smiling.

She's beautiful with shoulder length black hair and light blue eyes and she's really tall. I am immediately jealous when he smiles back and walks over to give her a hug. The second girl tries to give him a hug but he steps back ignoring her. Maddox leans and whispers something to the girl he just hugged and she yells, "What!" Whatever he said, made her stop smiling.

"I am completely serious." He says to her.

"I can tell. When are you not serious?" She asks. I can't tell if she's angry or worried.

She looks my way then back up at Maddox and he nods with his head to follow him over to us. He stands by me and the black haired girl says, "Hi, boys, how are you doing?" Totally ignoring me.

"Good. How are you, Lauren?" Logan asks.

"Been better." She replies quietly.

She turns to me with a smile and I can tell it's killing her to even look happy at this point. I don't know what Maddox said to her or why she instantly doesn't like me but I don't care. I smile and hold out my hand, "Hi, I'm Hadley."

"Lauren." She replies, taking my hand, she shakes it once and drops it.

Yep, we are not going to be friends I guess. I get up to go get another beer and offer her my seat which she takes while glaring at me. I walk past Maddox to the case of beer and take one out when I hear, "Isn't that Maddox's beer? Only he drinks Amber Bock." Lauren's snooty tone reaches me.

"Yeah, I guess." I answer. "Want one?" I ask him.

He holds out his hand and turns to Lauren. "Stop being a bitch, Lauren." He orders, simply.

I give him a beer and he grabs my hand leading me out of the kitchen. He takes me to the living room and we sit on a huge chair which we barely fit in side by side.

"I'm so sorry. She's not usually like that." He says.

"It's okay." I reply, quickly.

"No, it's not. I'll talk to her when I calm down."

"Who is she?" I had to ask.

"My godparents' daughter, we've known each other our whole lives. Since my father died, I spend all my holidays and even had some family vacations with them. I knew she had a crush on me when we were younger but I thought she had outgrown it, or I guess I hoped she had. I think of her like a sister, it's kind of gross actually." He explains, looking disgusted.

I laugh at the face he makes and he smiles, "This is funny to you?" I nod my head yes and keep smiling. He stops smiling and looks at my mouth intently.

"She's beautiful." I tell him, trying to think of something to say.

"Who?" He asks, confused.


He scoffs. "She's spoiled rotten and as you can see. Sometimes she can be fun to be be around. But when she doesn't get her way it can be ugly. Trust me, she's going home to tell daddy I called her a bitch." His hand raises to my face and he runs a finger lightly along my lips.

"I need another beer, you ready to go back in?" He asks, pointing to the kitchen.

"Whenever you're ready. You kind of pulled me out of there in the first place." I remind him.

"I did. Sorry, I just didn't want to leave you in there and I had to calm down."

"Do you have to do that a lot? Walk away to calm down?" I clarify.

"Yes, I do." He responds staring into my eyes. I can see he's trying to see my reaction to his obvious temper, almost like he's waiting for my rejection.

"Relax, Maddox, lots of people have tempers. At least you recognize it and know when to walk away. If that's how you cope when you get angry, it's a good thing not a bad thing." I say.

"Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow?"

"I'd like that." I respond, smiling. I can't believe how much he makes me smile.

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