Ch. 49

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"How do you know when to give up on someone?" I ask, as we continue to look at each other.

"I don't know. I think that as long as you're happy you're doing the right thing. He's not the only one who can make you happy, Hadley." Tyler answers.

"I think if I'm pregnant I should stay with him." I admit, quietly. I see the hurt enter his eyes so I close mine.

"Why?" He asks.

"I think that we could work it out, I do. I know you don't think we could but we would have to get it right eventually. I want my child to have both parents not two single parents splitting time between us."

"Do you think you were better off? Isn't that what your parents did?"

"Yeah, but I would love my child. So would Maddox. It'd be different."

"Hadley, I-..." My phone rings interrupting him. I pick it up from the side table and look at the screen, it's J.J.

"Hello." I answer.

"Hadley, I know this isn't any of my business, but why is Maddox fighting again? I thought you two agreed no more fighting. I swear he almost killed the kid."

"We broke up today."

"Oh. I guess that explains it. I guess that's why he quit the team today, too."

"He what?" I yell, sitting up.

"Yeah, he quit, said he had other things going on in his life he needed to concentrate on. You didn't know about any of this?"

"Well, I knew he'd fight but not that he quit the team." I say, stunned.

I hear Logan in the background, "Tell her what we saw."

I hear J.J. sigh. "Maddox was kissing Lauren a few minutes ago but, Hadley, he's wasted. He was drunk even before the fight and he got a few punches for it, too. He's at the frat house now passed out. When he realized who was kissing him he pushed her away. I don't know why I'm telling you that, I guess I just don't want you to be hurt. He's just messed up, Hadley, you deserve better."

I feel the pain of Maddox kissing Lauren. Then I feel a little better knowing he'll kick his own ass when he realizes what he did. We are broken up. What did I expect? He probably slept with someone as soon as I broke up with him too.

"Thanks for calling and telling me, J.J., let me know if you need a ride or anything."

"Actually, that's why I'm calling. Do you think you could come get us?" He asks, slightly embarrassed.

"Of course. I'll be there soon." I respond, readily.

"Thanks, Hadley. Sorry I had to ask. I didn't know about you and Maddox."

"Don't be sorry, J.J., I'll see you in a minute. Bye."


"I have to go get J.J. and probably Logan from the frat house. Maddox is there passed out. J.J. said he fought drunk and made out with Lauren."

"Fucking idiot. I'll drive." He offers, getting up.

We walk out of the house to his car and he opens the door for me and I get in. As we pull out Tyler says, "You wouldn't be a single parent, babe. I'd be with you. Look at what he does when he doesn't get his way, it's not normal."

"I know." I say, softly. Why does Maddox have to hurt me all the time? I feel like I'm constantly upset with him. I'm definitely going to that doctor's appointment. I need to know.


We pull up to the frat house and the party is still in full swing. I don't see J.J. or Logan in front of the house, so I call him. He doesn't answer, great. There's no way I'm going in there.

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