Ch. 41

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After the dishes, we went to our rooms to shower and dress for bed. I looked at my phone for the first time since this morning.

I had one text from Alex telling me he's thinking of me. I don't respond. I looked at my missed calls and they were all from an unknown number. I listen to my voice mails, it's Henry Kahn, Maddox's grandfather.

First message:

"Hadley, sorry to call, this is Henry Kahn. I'm worried about Maddox, we are usually in contact with each other every day. I've tried calling him a bunch and he's not picking up. Just wondered if you were with him. If you can call me when you get this I'd appreciate it. Thanks."

Second message:

"Hi, Hadley, it's Henry again. I'm going to head to Maddox's house, if you get this in the next thirty minutes, could you call me back? I still haven't heard from either of you. Thanks."

Third message:

"Hadley, I need you to call me as soon as possible."

I didn't listen to the fourth message I called Henry back. He answers on the first ring.

"Hadley. Thanks for calling me back." He answers, my heart beating faster.

"That's okay did you get a hold of Maddox?" I ask, a little on edge from the voice mails.

"I came to his condo and it's a mess, everything made of glass is smashed and there are empty alcohol bottles everywhere. He's in his room but the door is locked and he won't let me in. Do you know what's going on?" He asks, worried.

"We had a fight. I'll call him and tell him to open the door. I'll call you back if it doesn't go well." I say.

"Thank you." He replies, relieved.

"No thanks needed. Bye."


I find Maddox's number in my contacts and hit send.

He answers after the second ring. "Hadley." He answers quickly.

"Yeah, it's me. Your grandfather called me." I tell him.

"Why would he call you?" He asks, stubbornly.

"He's worried about you. You haven't answered any of his phone calls and he's at your condo. He said it's a mess and you're locked in your room." I explain.

"He said all that, huh? Hadley, he's not here. My place is a mess sure and I'm in our room, in our bed, but the door isn't locked."

"Then why did he call me?" I asked confused. "Why would he say that?"

"Hadley, what do you want me to say? I talked to him earlier, he's worried I'm not-I don't want you blaming yourself." He says, frustrated.

"Your grandfather played me." I state, in disbelief.

He laughs. "Yeah, kitten, he played you. He yelled and screamed at me for letting you go. Consider yourself lucky." He replies, sadly.

I don't respond but I don't want to hang up either. I miss him. Even with the distractions of today I still feel my heart has been ripped out.

I hear him sigh. "I miss you." He says, quietly.

Tears start to form and I try blinking them back. There's a knock on my door and Tyler pokes his head in. He's comes in when he sees I'm on the phone and about to cry.

"Tell me you're not crying." Maddox says softly.

"I'm not crying."

He scoffs. "Don't lie to me, kitten."

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