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    Still holding my hand, Logan follows J.J. and Luke to a small basement window. J.J. opens the window and climbs through and Luke follows. Logan lets go of my hand and follows them. They haven't said anything since we left the parking lot and I didn't want to break the silence and ask why we had to use a window, obviously we were not supposed to be here. After Logan goes through, I get down on my knees and back myself through the window. I squeaked quietly as I feel someone grab my hips and pull me the rest of the way in. I heard Logan chuckle so I knew it was him. He grabs my hand and leads me through a short hallway. I can hear a crowd yelling, trying to talk over each other and place their bets.
    J.J. opens up one side of a double door and we go through. I did not expect this many people. There has to be around seventy to eighty people in this basement. They are all circled around a ring made of chalk on the concrete floor. There are a few other girls here too, most of them are hanging off their dates, laughing and having a good time. I feel someone grab my upper arm and try to pull me away from Logan. I look back and see a guy probably two years older than me, tall like Logan with just as much muscle. Noticing my delay, Logan looks back and sees what's happening.
"Get your hands off of my girl, Tyler." Logan says, trying to shift me behind him.
"She's not going to be your girl for much longer. Why don't you fuck off and leave her with me? I'll take care of her." Tyler replies, smirking and gives me a wink.
Finally coming to my senses, I try to pry Tyler's fingers off my arm. He looks at me realizing what I am trying to do and lets me go. Smiling at me, he leans close to my ear and whispers, "Sorry love, just really hate this asshole. Thought I'd try and piss him off." He explains, mischievously.
Having had enough, I roll my eyes and start looking for J.J. He's by a concrete pillar waving at us, trying to get our attention. I pull on Logan's arm until he starts moving at together we walk towards J.J. and Luke. I still hear Logan and Tyler trading insults with each other. Reaching J.J.'s side I release Logan's hand but he picks it back up, squeezing it and tugs me closer to him. I was going to say something but a man about twenty-six years old stands on a folding chair telling the crowd to shut up.
"Okay people, you know how it works by now. Betting is over once the fight starts so get your asses moving if you want in. Fighting tonight is Trevor 'Golden Gloves' Casey!" Half the crowd cheers watching Trevor walk into the circle. He was big with solid muscles, he looks scary to me.
"Next, the man that needs no introduction. The undefeated champ, the unstoppable Maddox 'The Mad Man' Kahn." I watch as Maddox walks into the ring looking bored. His body was not just in shape, it looks expertly sculpted, every muscle is prominently displayed; he is beautiful. The cheering stops and the announcer calls for attention once again.

"Fighting doesn't stop until a knock out or a tap out. I call the fights, bitches, so stay the fuck out of my circle! If I see you step across that chalk line you won't be coming back!" He warns.

The announcer steps off the chair and someone takes the chair out of the circle. I look back at Maddox and I see him looking at me but instead of being bored or indifferent, he looks ready to kill. My heart starts pounding, he breaks eye contact and glares at Logan and J.J.

A horn blares and I jump watching Maddox walk toward the center of the ring. Trevor throws the first punch which Maddox easily dodges. I squeeze Logan's hand. I hate this already. Maddox lands a right hook that knocks Trevor to the ground and Maddox stands still, motioning for him to stand back up. This made the crowd go crazy, everyone was yelling at this point. Trevor stands back up with his eye bleeding and already swelling shut. Maddox went for the jab and Trevor ducked down, big mistake. Maddox took this opportunity with an upper cut, not only knocking Trevor back but he fell, hitting his head hard on the concrete floor. He was knocked out, before they could call the fight over Maddox get on top of him, hitting him repeatedly, knocking his head into the floor each time. Finally, the announcer gets a hold of Maddox's arm and pulls him back.

I know he's looking at me. I can feel it all the way to my bones but I can't take my eyes off Trevor Casey's face, it's bloody and swollen. I thought Luke said he was good. This was a slaughter; why would anyone want to fight like this? It's brutal. I gave in and looked up to see Maddox standing in front of J.J. yelling at him for bringing me here. As Maddox shoved J.J., I pulled out of Logan's hold and faced him placing myself in front of J.J. trying to push Maddox away, he doesn't budge. I get Maddox's attention though and he looks down at me.

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