Ch. 26 Maddoxs POV. Part. 1

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After getting Hadley to agree to come to my place to talk, I felt better about things between us. I didn't want to talk to anyone when I left the house all I wanted was to be alone with her. When she said she forgot her purse I gladly went back to get it; I knew I'd be faster.

"Back all ready? Did she come to her senses? Did she ask for me?" Luke yells my way.

"Fuck off, Luke." I say back.

I go the kitchen and see her bag on the counter. I grab it from the side and almost everything spills out, don't they put zippers on these things anymore? I start putting the things back in and I see a piece of paper with Tyler Murphy's number written on it. I leave the house clutching the bag in one hand and the number in the other. Opening the car door I hand her the bag. "Why do you have Tyler Murphy's telephone number?" I ask as calmly as possible.

"I saw him today when I was out shopping with my grandma and Mary." She says.

"Where at? Did you go up to him or did he come up to you?" I know I sound possessive but I don't care.

"Why does it matter?" She asks getting a little irritated.

I don't say anything just look out the windshield clenching and unclenching my jaw trying to calm down. Then I hear her say, "It was at Ruby's, a restaurant by the mall. He was at a table with some friends and he said hello and thanked me for saving his life. Incidentally, he told me not to tell you that we saw each other, that you would follow through with your threat if you knew we'd spoken. When he got up to leave, he came over and gave me his number and said he owed me and if I ever need anything to call him."

I'm so pissed. I warned that mother fucker to leave her alone, not to talk to her or look at her. When I hear Hadley start talking again I listen, "I was playing truth or dare with Chris one night. I chose dare and he dared me to tell him my deepest, darkest secret. I told him the first time I touched myself, I thought of Clark Kent."

I don't know what to say, I have to get her to my place as soon as possible. I start the car fully aware that I am straining against my jeans needing release. I think about what she told me the whole way to my house. When I pulled in, I quickly undo my seat belt and run to her side. I basically pull Hadley out of her seat and shut the door. I push her against the car, trapping her tiny body with mine, I know she can feel me and it makes me harder. She looks up to me and I can't help myself, I kiss her pouty lips roughly, my hands are tangled in her hair. I grab her ass with one hand and her breast with the other. I have to stop or I'm going to lose control. I take her hand, walking into the building.

I don't notice anything; all I want is to bury myself in her. It takes all my effort to stand calmly next to her and not take her.

At the elevator I press on the control panel putting in my number, she asks, "Why do you have to put in a number?"

"There aren’t multiple units on my floor." I answer. God I need her.

The whole elevator ride I stare at her and she stares back. I notice her eyes travel to the front of my zipper and she looks guilty.

"I probably shouldn't have told you about the glasses, huh?" She asks.

I don't say anything because she brought it up again! Is she trying to kill me?! As the doors open, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my torso. I look into her eyes and start walking to my bedroom.

I can't look away from her, she looks so ready, her cheeks are flushed and her lips red from our previous kiss. I open the door all the while thinking how good it would feel to have her against the door. I know she's inexperienced so that will come later. I lay her on my bed staying above her, kissing her again. This time I take it slow when I feel her hips move, I groan, giving in and grinding myself against her. Her gasps and moans make me lose control.

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