Ch. 38

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I start laughing at Tyler's shocked face. "Really, Tyler! You thought I was going home to have my wicked way with him? No way, I want him in this costume as long as possible!" I say, smiling at Maddox.

"I thought this was a done deal." Maddox states, grinning back.

"Well, since it was thought up to embarrass me, you're going to have to wait." I reply, smugly. "I think I'm going to have to borrow Chris's handcuffs."

Maddox's eyes darken. "You shouldn't say things like that, kitten."

"I have to know the story, it's killing me!" Luke, yells frustrated.

"Dude, you don't want to know!" Chris shakes, his head laughing.

"Yes, I do. Why would she like Clark Kent? You know, tell me!" He orders Chris.

Chris keeps laughing and I turn red burying my head in my cup. Maddox whispers. "He won't say anything, will he?"

"Not if he wants to live." I reply. "Did you really have to do this? You couldn't have come out at the end of the night? Now, I'm going to be worked up all night!" I whisper to him.

Looking back at everyone, I see Chris whispering to Tyler. Oh, no. He's not telling him! Chris is laughing at Tyler's face, I want to die. I love Tyler but some things are better left unsaid. I'm going to kill Chris. I catch Chris's eye and glare at him, he laughs and shrugs.

"What? It's a best friend secret." Chris says, defensively.

"You told him!" Maddox yells, pointing at Chris.

"Yes and you should have seen his face! Straight guys are so funny!"

Tyler is still stunned, I think, and trying really hard to forget what he just heard. I look up to Maddox and he's glaring at Chris and Tyler.

Maddox pushes Chris. "Why the fuck would you tell him!?"

"Maddox, stop. He's drunk!" I yell, stepping in front of Chris.

Alex won't let Maddox off with the push though and pushes Maddox back. I step closer to Chris.

"Okay, enough!" I order, but no one is listening.

"Your brother messed up by telling Tyler something he shouldn't have." Maddox states, deceivingly calm. Oh no. Alex and Maddox are face to face glaring at each other. "She's mine and its killing you, that's what this is about." Maddox points out with a smug smile.

Alex narrows his eyes even more and swings fast, his right fist connecting hard with Maddox's face. I gasp and Chris hugs me to his side. Maddox takes the hit but doesn't retaliate. He looks up and grins.

"You hit like a girl." He smirks.

Alex pushes him again but Maddox barely moves. Tyler looks at me and shakes his head, walking over to both of them. Tyler stops when he's right beside them getting their attention, "You both are ruining the woman you claim to love's birthday. So cut the shit!" He warns, his eyes burning with hate for both of them.

I take Chris's hand and pull him away from the crowd that gathered. "I'm so sorry." I say, feeling horrible for what just happened. I can't believe Maddox pushed him.

"No, it's my fault. I should have kept my mouth shut. I wish I didn't like embarrassing you so much." He teases, making light of the whole thing.

I continue to walk to the back staircase; security lets me pass so I guess they know who I am. I walk up the stairs to Tyler's room.

"This place is nice!" Chris says, looking around.

"You should see his kitchen." I respond, taking out my phone. I text Tyler that we're in his room and sit on his bed. Why does there always have to be a fight? The constant jealously and Maddox's over protective nature, why? As I'm thinking I hear the door swing open and Tyler walks in.

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