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I know I look pissed and extremely stupid, but there's no way I was going to let anyone hurt my cousin. We continue to stare at each other. My green eyes clashing with his purple. His jaw is tense and ridged.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous these fights are? Your cousin needs some sense knocked into him." Maddox growls.

Looking back at J.J., Maddox continues, "Do you know how many times fights break out after we're done? Use your fucking head next time."

"We can protect her Maddox, its fine." Logan interrupts irritated. I think of that Tyler guy from earlier, what if he wanted to fight? Luke and J.J. didn't even see it.

Shaking his head, Maddox grabs my hand and starts walking away. The crowd parted, leaving him plenty of room to pass; it's embarrassing so I keep my head down.

Then I hear Tyler yell to Logan, "Poor Logan, he brought her to the fight but she's leaving with Maddox!" Tyler and a few others start laughing.

Maddox stops walking and turns toward Tyler. Finally, Tyler notices the whole room has gone silent and he looks to where Maddox and I are standing.

"Calm down, man, it was only a joke. I figured someone that hot wouldn't be with that prick. Although, he did say she was his when I tried to talk to her." Tyler says, nervously rambling on.

Looking at me J.J. asks, "When did he try talking to you?"

"He grabbed me when we first came in." I reply, not thinking how bad it may sound.

"Grabbed you?" Maddox questions.

I can see his face is ridged and he's clenching his jaw shut. So I try to explain. "He only grabbed my arm. He just wanted to piss Logan off, I'm fine." I say, honestly. I really just want to leave.

Maddox turns to look at Tyler and by the look on Tyler's face, Maddox was still looking angry.

Then Maddox's voice, calm and clear, reaches my ears, "You better start running."

Tyler doesn't waste anytime he takes off and J.J. starts chasing after him with Logan and Luke following. Maddox goes to follow after them and I look up for the first time noticing his back is covered with tattoos. The announcer guy tries to stop us, yelling at Maddox's retreating back. "Don't hurt him too bad, I don't want this to affect my business!"

When we reach the back of the building Maddox pushes me through the window and I stand up, looking for J.J and the guys. I find them and they have Tyler pinned up against a tree. I start walking toward them. Where the hell are Tyler's friends? I know he didn't come here alone, cowards. Maddox catches up to me and takes my hand.

"Please don't hurt him. Really, he just wanted to make Logan mad and he even apologized to me. I guess they don't get along." I plead with him.

"Of course they don't get along, he's the quarterback for USC, they're our rival team." He states, simply.

I pull his hand to get him to look at me. "Please let him go, it's not about me. It's between Logan and Tyler." I say.

He growls deep in his throat, giving me goosebumps. "Fine. But I get to threaten him." He smirks and I can't help but smile back. Laughing, I nod my head.

Reaching Tyler, I can tell J.J. already got a few hits in on him. Tyler notices Maddox and I can see the panic in his eyes, I smile reassuringly. Maddox stops and glares at Tyler, I hate seeing how scared he is so I shake Maddox's hand. Maddox looks back at me and raises his eyebrow and so I raise mine in response. He shakes his head looks at Tyler and says, "Don't touch, talk or look at her again, understand? Leave her out your fight with Logan. Let him go." He orders the others.

"What, that's it?! He grabbed my cousin. He's getting his ass kicked!" J.J. yells.

"He didn't hurt me, J.J. He just wanted to make Logan mad, he even apologized. Really, he didn't do anything to hurt me. Just leave it alone, please." I beg.

"Fine, let's get out of here, I need a beer. You going to the house, Maddox?" J.J. asks.

"Yeah." Maddox still has my hand and I can tell Logan is not happy about it. Should I feel bad? I'm starting to get uncomfortable but as we get to the parking lot Logan grabs my other hand and starts to pull me away.

"My car is this way."

"I'm taking her. We'll meet you guys there." Maddox responds, proceeding to walk away with my hand in his. Logan holds my hand until he has to let go.

We get to a parked black Audi and Maddox opens the door for me. I get in and watch him walk around the front of the car and open the door. He takes out a white v-neck from the backseat and puts it on before he gets in. As he starts the car and I notice that his hands have blood on them.

"Did you split your knuckles?" I ask.

"No." He answers as we pull into traffic. Then a few seconds after I hear, "You're not Logan's." He states, firmly.

I'm confused at first but Maddox must have seen the looks Logan was giving us, he's been pretty obvious.

"I know. I don't belong to anyone." I agree. The look he gives me is heated, making me blush so I look out the side window.

"Yet." He corrects in his deep voice. For some reason this makes me happy. I shake my head trying to snap myself out of it

As we pull up to a huge fraternity house I notice people are everywhere. Outside, there are people playing horse shoes and other lawn games. I take off my seat belt and Maddox says, "Hold on a minute," and comes around the car to open my door. I smile as a thank you and he smirks back and takes my hand. As we walk up to the house I see people staring at us, one girl in particular is shooting daggers at me. So I ask Maddox, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He turns to me. "Nope, never had one."

"Then why are girls glaring at me?" I ask.

"Jealousy. Have you seen yourself?"

I don't respond and just look down, shaking my head. My cheeks are on fire with embarrassment.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks, as we stop in front of a tall guy with red hair and freckles.

"Amber Bock." I say.

"You drink dark beer?" He asks.

"Yep. Only dark beer nothing light, except for New Castle." I confess.

"Nice. Although that's not considered a light beer." The red head replies.

I laugh. "I know, but it should be."

"Well, you heard her." Maddox interrupts and hands him some money.

"Thanks, I'll pay you back." I say.

"Don't worry about it. So, are you planning on going to UCLA in the fall?"

"Yeah, they have a good nursing program." I answer. Then he did something that I didn't expect, he smiled a genuine smile and his eyes lit up. He grabs my hand and leads me into the house and he doesn't stop for anyone.

We get to the kitchen and he explains, "I need to wash my hands."

"What's your major?" I ask, sitting on an empty stool.

"Business management with a minor in economics." He answers.

I didn't know what to say, I was shocked. I could tell he was waiting for me to respond.

"You would look good in a suit." I blush. I can't believe I said that.

He smiles. "I like to think I look good in anything."

I snort. "Maybe if you got a haircut." I reply, smugly.

He grins. "Whatever you say."

Then I hear J.J. yell, "Hey, when did you guys get here? I've been waiting for you."

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