Ch. 61

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After all the phone calls, Maddox set up four house tours with our realtor. So, today we have an appointment to meet her in the lobby to start the house hunting at nine in the morning. Maddox is really excited to find a house for us. His excitement is contagious, now I can’t wait to see the houses that we can choose from. I know it will be perfect, Maddox would never settle for anything less.

We make our way to the lobby when the elevator doors open and I see a pretty brunette with big brown eyes waiting at security. She has a black pencil skirt on with a tight red blouse. She's looking at Maddox like he's her next meal. I instantly don't like her but I'm not going to let her ruin today for me or Maddox. He needs this after the stress of the last week.

Maddox walks over to her and introduces himself and then me. She turns when Maddox looks at me and she holds out her hand with a small smile like she knows something I don't. I look away first, please let this day go smoothly.

"We have four houses you wanted to see ready and I also found another I would like to show you. It doesn't have all the specifications you requested but the property has plenty of room to accommodate the separate house you wanted."

"Sounds good. I want to close on a house as soon as possible, anything close to want we want, I want to see."

"Yes, sir." She says, her voice changing slightly. She is trying to flirt with him in front of me. I roll my eyes.

"Well, we should get going." I say when she just stares at Maddox. She looks away and starts walking. We follow her to her car and get in the back seat.

As we leave, the realtor, whose name I didn't catch, is talking to Maddox about other houses he might be interested in. I don't listen and stare out of the window. We enter a gated community with big houses. I don't think we need anything this big. But I want Maddox to be happy and if this is what he wants then so be it, it's his money.

We pull up to a huge house with four pillars in the front and huge double doors. It’s beautiful. I open the car door when we stop and we make our way into the house. The entry way is wide open with a double staircase with dark wood floors. It looks clean and shining. It has to be a newer house, I don't think anyone has lived here, it looks that immaculate.

Maddox looks at the paperwork that came with the house that he got from the realtor. She's going on and on about the house décor and what wood is what. I tune her out and look around. We enter the kitchen at the back of the house, it’s very modern, I hate it. I like when a home looks like a warm and inviting place not cold and sterile.

"Do you like the kitchen?" Maddox asks me. I look at him trying to gauge his reaction to the kitchen.

"I hate it." I shake my head and he smirks.

"I didn't think you would.”

"What don't you like? You know it’s only cosmetic and you could always change it later. Although, this would be a huge selling point if you wanted to sell at a later date, this is what most buyers want to see in these high end houses." The realtor says sounding slightly scolding at my lack of taste.

"I don't want to have to do any major renovations. This house isn't what Hadley likes. She likes warm and cozy, not white and sterile. Right, kitten?"

"Yeah, nothing so modern. I'd like it to feel like a home." I agree.

"This one is out." Maddox states and turns to the realtor. "Lindsay, if it’s okay with you, we'd like to see the next house."

"Yes, sir." She says shaking her head.

As we leave I feel her glaring at me. She's not happy with me not liking the house. I hope the others are better though, I won't lie just so she can get a commission check. I will have to live there and raise a family. I won’t like something just to like it.

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