Ch. 52

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I don't know what to say to him. Seeing Maddox go from panic to relief was an eye opener. As much as mine and Tyler's relationship is uncertain and I'm truly heartbroken over it, I need to reassure Maddox that our future is solid, that we'll be the family he so desperately wants and needs.

"Maddox, I was never choosing Tyler over you. I'm so sorry you felt like that. I just didn't want to see you so unhappy. Our relationship was filled with arguing and fighting which needs to end. We have more than each other to think about and we have a lot to talk about. I want this to work. I want our baby to have both its parents. I will fight for you and our child just as hard as you are willing to."

"Will you marry me?"

"Maddox, we don't have to rush everything! Plus, we have a lot to deal with as it is."

"Please, just say yes. Be my fiancée for as long as you want but.... be mine."

"Let's talk about things first, then I'll decide. I have a few things that I won't negotiate on and I want both of us going into this with our eyes wide open." I say, seriously.

"Anything you want, it's yours." He states.

"No more fighting. I don't want our child to think its ok to settle everything with his fists."

"I agree. I'd never want that." He agrees.

"I can understand and even accept cautious and protective Maddox. He makes me feel loved and cherished. But obsessive and possessive Maddox, is smothering and downright disrespectful. I won't be treated like that anymore."

"It's hard for me sometimes." He says, running his hand through his hair.

"Tell me why it's so hard. What makes you struggle with this?" I ask, not having the slightest clue.

He comes over and sits on the couch and pulls me to him resting his head on my stomach lightly. "I'm terrified something will happen to you. I'm scared you'll leave me all the time because I don't deserve you. Every guy wants you and all of them are better than me." He confesses.

I run my hand around his head. "That's not true and I don't think that." I say quietly.

"Everyone else does."

"So? What I think is the only opinion that matters. I love you."

"I love you, too. Just be patient with me. Tell me when I'm getting to be too much. I'm still learning how this works."

"Instead of getting quiet or mad you need to talk about what's bothering you. I can't keep guessing, I'm always wrong. I need you to know that I do love Tyler, he makes me feel comfortable and he's a great friend and has always been there for me. I feel horrible hurting him in any way, he doesn't deserve it. But my love for you is different, it's deeper and it's consuming. I will never love anyone as much as I love you. Please don't make me ever try. Please work on yourself for all three of us, we're going to need you. A calm and secure husband and father. If you can do this, then I'll marry you."

I see him lift his head and look at me with his happy, content expression, the same one as yesterday when he found out I was pregnant. I think he's getting it and I smile back at him.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

"I have to meet Alex for lunch. I told him I would hear him out." I say, with annoyance.

"Are you going to tell him you're pregnant?"

"If he doesn't listen to me then yes, I'll tell him. Are you okay with that?"

He laughs, "Are you kidding? I want to see the look on his face. I want to tell everyone we see."

"Give him a break, he's just confused. Please, don't tell anyone else. I just hope it doesn't get back to Uncle John, especially after you announced it to the whole house."

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