Ch. 53

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The elevator stops and I see into the kitchen. Maddox is reading a book and there are three others on the counter. He looks up smiling.

"How'd it go with the douche?" He asks.

"Alex wasn't too bad. What are you doing?" I ask smiling.

"Did you get my text?"

"Yes, I did. I like Harper but Blake is not happening."

"Well, you can look. I got the biggest book of baby names." He says putting down the book he was reading and picking up another.

"It's too early to pick out names."

"No it's not. I want to be prepared, plus that's a lot of names to go though."

I look at the cover of the book he was reading, What to Expect When Your Expecting. Maddox is too funny I start chuckling, until I see the next book, Pros and Cons, Natural versus Drug Delivery. What the hell?

"I am not having an all natural delivery! I am getting the drugs, I'll tell you that right now."

"But it said-." He starts but I interrupt him.

"Absolutely not, it's my choice. I mean look at you! There's no way I'm feeling all of this baby coming out, it’s going to be huge." I say pointing at him.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point." He says smirking.

"Yes, I do." I take a deep breath. "I told Alex."

"I bet he offered to be the baby daddy." He narrows eyes.

"He's upset but I think he gets it now and he's ready to move on, which is good." I say not responding to his statement.

"Good. What about Tyler?" He asks not looking at me.

I feel myself flinch. I clear my throat before answering. "I decided to give him time and if he still wants to be friends, he can call me. I don't want to rush him or anything." I say. Truthfully, I'm also terrified he doesn't want to see or talk to me again and I'm too chicken to call him and hear him say it.

"He'll still want to be friends."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Because you guys are close. Plus, he knows I'm a screw up and he can swoop in and be with you when you’ve decided I've screwed up for the last time."

"Tyler is not like that, Maddox." I say seriously.

"Sure he's not. Sorry to be the one to break it to you but he's a guy. A guy that loves you, he's not going to just give up." Maddox sighs heavily. "He's not going anywhere."

"I hope you’re right." I say quietly. "You have nothing to be insecure about, Maddox. I love you and this baby." I assure him touching my still flat stomach.

"No matter what you say, I know if you weren't with me you'd be with him. He deserves you and I don't. I will never tell you who you can be friends with but I don't like this. I mean how would you feel knowing I was friends with someone that was in love with me, like Lauren for example?"

"I'd hate it but this is totally different, Maddox. Tyler hasn't tried to kiss me or act inappropriate in any way."

"What if he does?"

"Then I know to stop being friends with him. Really though, he would never put me in that position." I say knowingly.

"But if he does then you'll tell me and stop being his friend, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"That helps. It makes me feel better about everything. Thank you."

I walk over and he picks me up and sets me on his lap I pick up the baby book of names and start thumbing through it. I feel Maddox lift my hair and throw it over one shoulder. He starts kissing my neck. When he gets to the spot just below my ear, I moan. His hands come around and rest on my thighs. The sensation of him lifting my dress slowly while his lips play with my neck gets me instantly heated. When his fingers brush my inner thighs, I start shifting on his lap. I hear his breath hitch but he continues to stroke my thighs making his way to my center. His fingers brush against my panties and my head falls back resting on his shoulder. When I feel one of his fingers stroke and then enter me, I moan again. I reach back with one hand and find his hardness. I use my hand and rub up and down his length hearing him groan, I lose it.

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