Ch. 63

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Tuesday morning I drove myself to class, Maddox is spending all day at the office and I get out at four o'clock today. My day starts at 8:30 and after breakfast of eggs and toast I head to the school. I have to park further away then I would like so I walk quickly to my first class. Creative writing, at 8:30 in the morning is cruel. Why did I take it this early? By the time class was over I'm pretty sure I nodded off twice.

My next class is an art elective which I'm excited about. Art through the middle ages. I loved the professor he was really knowledgeable and had passion about the topic he was teaching. The class flew by.

I had an hour break in between art and my calculus class so I decide to go to the student lodge to wait until class starts. As I leave one building to go to another I look around. It's a nice day out and there are a lot of students studying under trees and walking together to different classes.

I see a spot under a tree not really in the center of everything and walk over to it. I drop my bag and sit. I rest my back against the tree and reaching into my bag take out my water, of which I have three. Yes, Maddox packed me three bottles of water two sandwiches and two apples. Insisting I needed all of this during my hours at class. I hear someone clear their throat, startled I look up. What the hell does she want?

"Hi, I'm Jenny."

"Hi, I'm Hadley. We have sociology together." I say.

"I saw you run into professor Miller yesterday, that was kind of desperate. You don't have a chance he's mine."

I can't help it I scoff and start chuckling. "I assure you, that was a complete accident. He's all yours."

"Good." She says and walks back to her group of friends. Does she really think a teacher would date her? He'd probably lose his job. Oh, well I got the impression yesterday that Professor Miller is used to this kind of attention. So I'll stay far way from it.

I open my Art history textbook and start reading the chapter that we were assigned today. I get half way through the chapter and a shadow falls over me. Hoping its not Jenny from sociology, I glance up. Instead I see the smiling face of Professor Miller. Wow, this day is going great for me. I force a smile.

"Hello, Hadley."

"Hi, professor. How are you?"

"Good. You?"

"Well, I did have a run in with your favorite student. Jenny from my class, she told me to stay away from you. I guess she seen me bump into you yesterday and assumed I did it on purpose." I say chuckling.

"No, really?" He says irritation clearly on his face as he runs his fingers through his hair. "This sucks. I'll talk to her, sorry."

"Oh, please leave me out of it. I don't want her to confront me later."

"Of course. I'll deal with it. What are you reading?" he asks sitting in front of me.

"Art history textbook. I can tell its going to be my favorite class." I say without thinking.

"Ouch." He says smirking.

"Oh, no...I mean second favorite class?" I reply, trying to bite back a smile.

He laughs that's better, "So you like art? Are you an art history major?"

"No, nursing. I just find it interesting. My professor is really engaging which makes it more fascinating."

"Who do you have?"

"Professor Lucca."

"Yeah, hes a favorite at this school, lots of students like him."

"Its easy to see why." I agree.

"Can I ask who picked you up yesterday?" I'm shocked he switched subjects so fast but I answer anyway.

"My fiancee Maddox." I reply smiling. Every time I think of Maddox I smile like an idiot, I cant help it.

"Fiancee?" he practically yells. "Your so young, how old is he? If you don't mind me asking."

"Hes twenty one. He's a senior this year, until recently he was on the football team."

"Maddox Kahn?" He asks flabbergasted.

"Yes, you know him?" I ask.

"Everyone knows of Maddox Kahn. I think some of the girls that go here keep a shrine of him in their rooms."

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry, I'm sure you know about his reputation by now."

"Yeah I do. Thank God I never had to see it. I don't think I would have ever given him a chance if I had."

"Fiancee, that's a little fast isn't it. Your only what eighteen? nineteen?"

"Eighteen and everything with us has been fast trust me." I say thinking of our baby.

"So its love then?"

"Oh, its love alright. Crazy love, but with us I don't think we'd want it any other way."

"Well, you definitely got one of the most eligible bachelors on campus...and probably the greater metropolitan area."

I scoff, "Yeah, hes definitely a hot commodity. I should get going I have a class in a few minutes. It was nice talking to you and please don't mention my name when you talk to Jenny, I don't need the drama."

"I won't. Thanks for telling me about it." He says genuinely.

"No problem. Bye." I replyy walking toward the science building for my Anatomy class. I can't wait to get home and get the meeting with the designers out of the way. I have lots of reading to do for tomorrow and I want to soak in the bath tub for a hour eating chocolate.

I enter the class and take a seat next to a girl with really curly black hair and beautiful mocha skin. "Hi, I'm Vicky." She introduces herself.

"Hi, Hadley." I say smiling at her.

"You look so familiar. Where have I seen you?" She asks looking at me intently.

"I'm not sure." I say. Hoping we haven't met because I don't remember her.

It must click in her head because her face lights up. "Your Maddox Kahn's girlfriend, right?"

"Uh, fiancee actually." I say quietly.

"What!" She yells grabbing my hand. "Holy shit, girl look at this ring!" She says to her friend next to her. Her friends looks at my ring and her eyes get big.

I pull my hand from hers blushing from all the attention that's now focused on me. "So the rumors must be true then." She says, not maliciously just like she's stating a fact.

I shrug, "Depends on the rumor, not all of them are true."

"The one a certain fiancee shouted, when you were about to leave the frat house with another guy." I cringe. I lean over to her and whisper.

"It's still early and there's already been complications I'm not supposed to talk about it until we know the baby will be okay. please don't say anything." I beg.

"I won't." She complies looking at me sympathetically.

"Thank you." I say sincerely grateful.

Our class starts and we dive right into the first three chapters by the end of class my hand is sore from writing so much. This class has a lab as well, so I have another hour and a half of lab work. Which is not happening today, it's cancelled until next week after we get through a couple more chapters.

I start walking to my car it's really hot out and I'm sweating slightly. I feel wetness in my underwear suddenly. I go the the library bathroom because it's closest. In the bathroom I check myself and I see a drop of blood in my underwear. I start shaking and call Maddox.

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