Ch. 9

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As Maddox and I head back to the kitchen he takes my hand again. We go to the counter where everyone is still sitting and talking. There is only one stool open so I sit while Maddox gets another beer. He puts two beers in front of me and puts his hand under my thigh lifting me up and sitting himself down on the stool he sets me on his lap.

I look back at him but he's not looking at me. I follow his stare and see Logan glaring at Maddox. Great. I look away from Logan and notice J.J. smirking at me. So, I do the mature thing and stick my tongue out at him and take a sip of beer. I feel Maddox laughing and elbow him which only makes him laugh harder.

"Violent." He states, holding my elbow.

"You would be too if you felt like you were sitting in the middle of a pissing contest." I say, flatly.

Luke who was taking a drink, spits it out laughing, drenching Adam with his beer.

Maddox starts chuckles, "Thank God. I'm not the one being pissed on."

I roll my eyes. "Count yourself lucky." I grumble.

"You're on my lap, I know I'm lucky." Maddox sates, while looking at Logan.

"Fuck you, Maddox." Logan replies.

"Well I really hate to break up this pissing contest, but I don't want my cousin to drown. We should be getting home soon." J.J. says to me.

Logan stands up and so does J.J. so I get off Maddox's lap and stand. Maddox takes my hand and says, "I'll walk out with you. Freshman Boyle. Freshman Desmond."

"Yeah." They answer.

"Boyle, drive me home in my car. Desmond, follow in your car and bring him back."

We start walking to Logan's car, my hand still firmly in Maddox's larger, rougher hand.

We get to Logan's car and J.J. climbs in back. This should be interesting, sitting by Logan isn't going to be uncomfortable or anything, thanks J.J.

Maddox stops and looks at me and gives me a quick kiss on the lips and opens the car door. "I'll see you tomorrow night, well, tonight I should say. Is seven okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you tonight." I reply, as I get in the car. As soon as the door closes Logan leaves the curb. I quickly put my seatbelt on.

Both boys yell, "He asked you out!" At the same time making me jump.

"Yeah, we're going out to dinner." I tell them, alarmed at their reaction.

"Oh, my God, Maddox asked a girl out. This is crazy, sorry for your loss, Logan." J.J. says, laughing.

"Why would you want to date a guy with a temper that hasn't ever treated a girl as more than a one night stand, ever? I mean, he doesn't even take them to his place. They say he doesn't kiss or talk to them, just picks them, fucks them and is out the door. That's the guy you want as a boyfriend?" Logan's voice raises clearly irritated.

"Dude, settle down, he obviously likes her. He hasn't treated her badly. I think it's great. Hadley, he needs a good girl in his life and I can tell you I've never seen him smile as much as he did tonight."

"Thanks, J.J. He makes me smile, too." I respond.

Logan says nothing the rest of the way and I'm glad. I don't want to hear about all the other girls Maddox has had before me and how badly he treated them. It doesn't sit well with me that he could treat someone like that.

When we get to the house I thank Logan and hop out of the car. J.J. and I walk into the house and go to our rooms quietly. I get in bed with my clothes still on and fall right to sleep.

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