Ch. 37

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I stood in the bathroom putting on my strapless black bra and black thong. Then slide on my black mini dress that hugged every curve of my body. Next, the moment I've been waiting for, my black Christian Louboutin heels that Alex got me for my birthday. Stepping into the black heels added inches to my legs. I scan the mirror. My hair is curled in waves, mascara making my dark eyelashes even longer and I press my cherry red lips together. Maddox is going to die when he sees me. I check my phone it's 8:40 p.m. Perfect. Now Maddox can't talk me into staying because the party starts at nine and I want to be on time.

I leave the bedroom and walk into the living room, Maddox is on his phone. He's wearing a dark grey v neck and dark jeans, black beanie and his glasses. I don't know how long he napped because when the alarm went off he wasn't home. I heard him come home thirty minutes ago but I refused to open the bathroom door, I wanted to surprise him. He still hasn't noticed me so I walk closer and he looks up hearing my heels click on the hardwood floor. His face is priceless, his eyes are as big as saucers and his mouth is hanging open as he scans by body.

"Just text me when it's done. Thanks, bye." Maddox says, not breaking eye contact. "You can't wear that!" He yells, snapping out if it.

"What? You picked this out. All but the shoes." I reply. He looks at my shoes and his eyes seem rooted to them. Finally, he looks up.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He states, lustfully.

"Thank you, but we have to go now, it's almost nine."

"We're not going anywhere." He argues, coming towards me.

"Maddox, it's my party, I have to go." I reply, running to the elevators.

"You can't go like that. I'm serious, Hadley, I'll get in a fight." Maddox pleads looking at me.

"No, you won't. If you do, you don't get to see what I have on underneath this. Or use the door or have these heels wrapped around your waist." I warn, stepping into the elevator and he reluctantly follows.

Maddox sulking does things to me. I look at him and smile. "I love you."

"Love you, too. Happy birthday, kitten." He says, his hands grabbing my waist bringing me closer to him. The elevator stops and two women get on, they are around twenty-five years old, both are pretty. They eye Maddox but he is busy kissing my neck, I feel him start sucking and nibbling. The girls give me a disgusted look and the elevators stop again. Well, I guess I shouldn't be shocked it's Saturday night at nine. Three guys get on and Maddox pulls me further into the corner of the elevator. The guys say hello and one of the guys keeps glancing back getting the attention of the other two. I feel Maddox tense up, he must know them I think to myself.

At the ground floor, the girls are the first out then the guys. Maddox grabs my hand and we start walking. One of the guys is checking his mail box and the other two are waiting. The security guard calls Maddox over. I stand a little away letting Maddox take care of whatever he needs to do. I know the guys are looking at me, but I ignore them. That doesn't work for long because they walk up to me.

"Hello, beautiful." One says.

I smile, "Hello"

"You're not really with him are you?" The guy with black hair that was checking his mail asked.

"Yes, we're together." I answer, hoping they'd leave before Maddox turns.

"That's a shame." He replies, looking at me. "You look like a nice girl, be careful with him. We saw you at the fight a few nights ago. Everyone is talking about you. No one has ever seen Maddox with a girl before. I guess he just had high standards." He states, raking his eyes over me.

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