Why do ghouls fall in love? (Part 2)

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3rd person POV

Everyone was in class, bored out of their minds as Mr. Rotter taught.

"Fantasies. Everybody has them."

The camera pointed at Ghoulius, who had a smile while daydreaming about curing mummyngitis, and receiving an award.

"Fantasies are great. Reality can be a bolt in the neck sometimes. It's nice to take a break."

Lagoona smiled, closing her eyes and fantasizing about her and Gil having a cute date.


Draculaura walked down the halls with a grin on her face, excited about her party.

"But sometimes, fantasies can become expectations."


Clawd walked past a jewelry store but backed up and smiled at the 1600 necklace that was on display.

"And when that happens, it can put a lot of pressure on the monsters in your life."

He quickly frowned once a hand put a tag on the necklace, meaning that it was very expensive.

He took out his wallet and opened it, bats flew out making him whimper and enter the store sadly.

Everything paused and Frankie showed up.

"It was Draculaura's sweet 16 hundred, and valentines day." She informed. "And to top it off, the whole holiday was created just for her, 400 years ago." She sighed. "I'll tell you about that later." She said, pulling down another scene.

"As official party planners, Cleo, Claws and y/n realized that they had 1,599 birthdays to live up to."

Y/n, Cleo and Claws were currently looking at the picture Draculaura drew for them, wanting the party to look like that.

"So, what do you think?" Claws asked the two ghouls.

"I think it stinks." Cleo answered, ripping the paper in half.

"She did that for her 1,521st birthday." Y/n sighed.

"We gotta step up our game." Claws groaned in frustration.

They suddenly heard a meow and looked at Toralei and her squad with annoyed faces.

"A little birdie told me you guys were throwing a purr-fectly epic party." She said. She then coughed up a feather, meaning that the bird did tell her but she ate it. Y/n rolled her eyes at the bully. "We're here for our invites." She said making y/n scoff.

"Please, Toralei. You're. Not. Coming." Cleo stated. Toralei widened her eyes in shock but then glared at them.

"Give me one good reason why not." Toralei asked.

"Uh, how about three." Y/n glared. She took out her phone and showed Toralei a bunch of photos where she pulled harmful pranks on Draculaura.

"Fine. Just remember, every kitty has her day." Toralei warned them, leaving with her posse. "So better watch your backs."

Y/n growled lowly at her. "Oh, we're so scared." Cleo teased while Claws growled at the cat in anger.

"Come on, guys. Let's go find Draculaura." Y/n suggested, taking Claws's hand in her own to go search for their friend.

Cleo smirked, seeing Claws's red face when she grabbed his hand. She soon followed them inside the school.

They went towards Draculaura's locker, thankfully she was there with Frankie and Abby.

"Hey, ghouls." She greeted them with a giggle. "How goes the party planning?" She asked.

The three of them tensed up. "Great. Right, guys?" Claws said, looking at Cleo and y/n for confirmation.

"Oh, totes magoes." Cleo answered. They all smiled nervously at the excited vamp.

"We're gonna throw you the party of the millennium." Y/n commented making Draculaura smile eagerly.

"Hey, Clawd." Claws waved to his brother who was coming towards them. "What 'cha got there, big bro?" He asked, noticing he was hiding something behind his back.

Clawd smiled sweetly and looked down at Draculaura. "A little something, something for Draculaura." He answered.

Draculaura smiled up at him sweetly after hearing he had a gift for her. "Aww, you shouldn't have." She smiled.

"I bet it's way romantic." Frankie sighed with a gentle smile.

"Black roses?" Y/n gushed while Claws made a mental note to get her those one day.

"Candy skulls?" Cleo guessed.

"Bowl of yak meat?" Abby asked, everyone turned to look at her with disgusted faces. "What? Yak meat is delicacy." She defended.

"It's a study guide for her driver's E.D test." Clawd revealed, handing the heavy book to Draculaura. "You can only take that test twice, or you have to wait another six months to get your license." He informed.

Draculaura smiled awkwardly at him, trying not to be rude. "Oh, you shouldn't have." She sighed.

"Really." Everyone, except y/n, said. Clawd dropped his jaw in shock.

"I guess I better go study right now." Draculaura sadly said as she turned around and walked off.

Clawd pouted at her sad form while Claws went up to him with a judging look. "You got a ghoul like Draculaura a practical gift? Bad, Wolfie." He scolded his brother, hitting him on the head with a rolled up magazine.

"Ow! What?" Clawd asked.

"Her hopes for her sweet 16 hundred are higher than the pyramids. Now those would make a great gift." Cleo smiled, liking the idea.

"Cleo, no. Draculaura can't be in the sun for too long, remember?" Y/n reminded her. Cleo frowned, knowing she was right.

"Na. I got her something that will make her howl at the moon." Clawd said, pulling out a goblin necklace. It winked at them making them look at Clawd with a disturbed face. He noticed this and made a sad look. "You don't like it?" He asked a bit hurt. "No way."

"We had to tell Clawd that the necklace was nice, but he was going to have to think of something that would knock her bolts off."

Everyone told Clawd different ideas making him be put under pressure.

"The pressure was way intense."

"Just get her something sentimental, Clawd. If I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't ask for much, only tiny gifts that hold sentimental value." Y/n suggested to the wolf.

He widened his eyes, an idea forming in his head. "Thanks for the advise, y/n." He quickly said and ran off.

"You're welcome!" She yelled back with a smile.

'Sentimental, huh?' Claws thought while looking at you with a gentle look, slowly smiling at the plan he had in mind.

A/n: A little bit more of y/n and Claws's relationship here, but not too much, sorry. 😔

And Claws's plan will not be revealed until 'Ghouls rule!', so I better hurry up and write these chapters. 👏😁

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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