Why do ghouls fall in love? (Part 3)

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3rd person POV

"Caller number 5, you're on with Cupid, Goddess of Love. Tell me, what matters to your heart?" Everyone heard Cupid ask the caller.

Abby and Frankie were sitting on the staircase, listening to her on the radio.

"We were all huge fans of Cupid's show. And we listened to it everyday."

"She's a love genius, an expert on romance. Got a problem with love? She can fix it. And between you and me, Abby, she needs to set Calws and y/n up." Frankie told Abby, whispering the last part.

She turned up the volume on the stereo and listened intensely. "Uhm, yeah, so like, I really like this boy, right? Total crusherama, but he doesn't even know I'm, like, there." The caller complained.

"I hear you caller. This is something we can all relate to. There's a monster we like, somebody we just know we'd be perfect for. If they would just notice us. Let me ask you caller, are you invisible?" Cupid asked.

"Yeah, that's what I'm, like, saying. It's like he can't even see me." The caller sighed.

Cupid giggled at her answer. "No sweetie, are you actually invisible?" Cupid clarified.

The caller giggled, realizing what she meant. "Oh, doi, uh, hang on." She said, making herself visible, just as her crush turned around and saw her.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." She smiled then turned back to her phone with excitement. "Oh, my ghoul. Like, thanks, Cupid."


"See? She's da ghoul." Frankie smiled.

"Do not understand why play these games." Abby confessed. "In mountains, village elders choose a date for you, spit in hand-." Abby spit in her hand making Frankie recoil. "Shake, end of story. Is no muss, is no fuss." She informed, she then noticed Frankie's disgusted face. "Okay, is little muss."


Ghoulius sighed as he looked at the two zombies that invited him to the dance.

Lagoona and Gil suddenly popped out of the water from the fountain Ghoulius was sitting on.

"So, which blake are you gonna take to the party?" Lagoona asked Ghoulius. He groaned in disappointment making Lagoona frown, sad for her friend. "That is a problem." She said.

"What's caught in his net?" Gil asked, not really understanding what's wrong with Ghoulius.

"He can't decide between Slowmo and Dawn of the dead." Lagoona responded, pointing at Slowmo who's a male, and Dawn who's female. "He's a... monster of science, not romance." Lagoona explained.

"Too bad science can't decide for him." Gil said making an idea pop in Ghoulius's mind.

He hugged Gil tightly, making the underwater monster smile. Ghoulius suddenly walked off with a grin.

"Good luck." Gil and Lagoona said, waving at Ghoulius.


"Caller 15, what matters to your heart?" Cupid asked.

"Yeah, uhm, I have this-." The caller started but quickly corrected himself.


Clawd was currently talking with Cupid with an awkward face. He was taking y/n's advise, but he needed a plan B.

"I mean, "my friend" has this problem. What do you buy the ghoul that has everything?" He asked, slumping his shoulders.

"Oh, I hear you caller. My advise is not to buy her anything. Find her something personal, something that says you listen." Cupid answered.

Clawd started having a flashback.


Draculaura jumped, trying to reach her books, but to no avail. Clawd suddenly came towards her and reached for the book, handing it to her with a smile.

"I don't have all my powers yet." She groaned in frustration. "Can't reach anything." She complained.


Clawd smiled at the idea forming in his head, then he turned back to the call. "I got it. Thanks, Cupid. You the man- uh, the ghoul." He corrected himself, then he began to howl in excitement.


Clawd was by Draculaura's locker, building something out of wood when, suddenly, the ghouls walked towards him.

"Clawd." Draculaura said, he turned around and noticed that they were all standing behind him.

"Now you can get up to your locker no prob. See? I wanted to prove that I've been-." He started saying but Draculaura cut him off.

"That's what you think of me? You- you- you think I'm short?" She whimpered then started crying as she walked away, Frankie walking with her, trying to comfort her.

Y/n looked at both of them sadly, she knew that Clawd only had Draculaura's best interest at heart.

Cleo and Claws looked at Clawd with a glare.

"Clawd found out the hard way that expectations, can be a real bop on the nose."

Claws hit his brother on the nose with a magazine, making him rub the spot in pain.

Cleo, Claws and y/n all walked away from him and trailed behind Draculaura and Frankie.

Clawd whimpered as he watched them leave.

"Claws, you didn't have to hit him." Y/n told him with a tiny glare.

"He deserved it. Why did he make that stupid thing. I swear, he was trying to make her sad on purpose." Claws snarled while crossing his arms.

Y/n nodded at Cleo, asking if she would kindly leave. Cleo nodded back and walked more quickly to catch up to the other ghouls.

Y/n sighed and stopped, making Claws stop as well. "Your brother only wants Draculaura to be happy. I bet he didn't mean for her to cry, he actually told me about his plan. He remembered that Draculaura complained about not having her powers yet so he decided to make her the stool." Y/n explained to Claws.

He bit his lip in guilt for whacking his brother on the nose. Y/n smiled gently at him and took his hand in her own making him tense up.

"Come on. The ghouls are waiting." She smiled and dragged him towards their friends.

"How am I going to ask her to the dance if I always freeze up like this?" Claws thought while blushing massively at you guys holding hands.

A/n: I wonder how Claws is gonna ask you guys to the dance. 🤭

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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