13 wishes (Part 3)

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3rd person POV

"Did it work?" Howleen asked Gigi, noticing that not much was different.

"Go on, find out." Gigi sighed solemnly, gesturing her to go outside and check.

Howleen smiled as she passed by the genie. Once she was gone, Gigi turned to glare at a chuckling Whisp.

"This one is weak and easy to prompt." Whisp mocked with an evil smirk. Showing her face for a split second before turning back into a regular shadow.

"No. Howleen has a good heart. You won't corrupt her like the others because she has friends!" Gigi stated proudly.

Whisp scoffed at Gigi's boldness. "Her friends can't help her if her friends aren't around." She glared at Gigi, disappearing from the bathroom and leaving a very worried genie behind.

Outside the bathroom, Howleen was just standing there until Deuce and a vampire guy walked past her.

"Hey, Howleen." Deuce greeted her with a smirk.

"You look really pretty today." The vampire guy complemented her as he and Deuce walked away from her.

Howleen sighed dreamily, smiling at the two boys. "Hey, ghoul." Operetta greeted the werewolf with a smile. Howleen turned to look at her, a little bit spooked but settled down once she saw who it was. "I was wondering if you'd come to my party this weekend." She told her, handing her a flyer. "You're so cool, if you come, I just know everybody else will show up." She explained, looking at Howleen with a hopeful smile.

"Wow, really?" Howleen asked as she held the flyer close to her chest with excitement. "Um, sure! Thanks!" She exclaimed in delight.

Robecca was passing by Howleen, smiling at her as she skated. "Smashing outfit! A winner!" She complemented the werewolf as she left.

Howleen smiled at this, happy that her wish had worked.


"I'm telling you, Twyla, anything you want, just ask me, and bam, it's yours!" Howleen grinned while slamming her locker shut. She had told Twyla what had happened to her, and was trying to get her best friend to ask her for anything so she can grant that wish. "You gotta want something."

Twyla looked up for a bit but shook her head with a gentle smile. "Hmm, nope, I'm good." She said as Howleen looked at her dumbfounded.

"Really?" Howleen asked, hoping she would change her mind.

"Howleen, you're as fresh as spring!" Venus complemented the ghoul with a smile. "Such an organic look!" She smiled while walking away, sniffing a rose she had pulled out.

Gory suddenly walked up to Twyla and Howleen, stopping right in front of the two.

"Going to the Coffin Bean after school, if you wanna fang out." She suggested with a tiny smirk.

"Sure, sounds great!" Howleen agreed making the ghoul nod at her answer and leave.

"Gory? Really?" Twyla asked Howleen, a look of worry crossed her features.

"I know, crazy, right? Even she's nice to me now." Howleen exclaimed with an ecstatic smile. "Come on, Twyla! I can make you popular, too!" She told her, trying to get her to be like her.

"No, no, thanks." Twyla said, denying the offer. "You know me. I'm comfortable being in the shadows." She explained while hugging her book tighter.

"Fine, whatevs." Howleen shrugged at her, walking away while grumbling a bit.

... Y/n POV

Cleo and I were waiting for Claws to put his books back in his locker, when suddenly Howleen came walking our way.

Freaky Flaws And All (Male Clawdeen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now