Haunted (Part 8)

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We quickly phased through one last wall, leading us towards the outside pool. The boat was right on our tail, quickly gaining on us.

"They're too fast! We can't outrun them." Twyla pointed out with a distressed tone of voice.

I looked back and bit my lip with worry, noticing how closer they were to us. "We have to keep going!" River said as we made a turn so the Moanitors could slow down.

"No. No more running." Kiyomi suddenly spoke, making us stop and turn to look at her.

"Kiyomi, what are you doing?" Draculaura asked her, looking at her with worry.

"I started all of this by opening windows between worlds. Now, I'm going to do the same to end it." Kiyomi said in determination, soon creating a window so the boat could pass through.

"We have to help her!" Draculaura stated with a determined face.

"But we've never even opened a window before." I said, looking at her with furrowed brows.

"We have to try! Group ghost power!" Draculaura exclaimed as we all flew towards Kiyomi. We all held out our hands, really trying to imagine the ghost world.

I widened my eyes when I saw the window widening, the boat passing through it successfully.

I smiled in disbelief, not believing that it actually worked.

... 3rd person POV

"You are going to be in detention for a very long time." Revenant smirked down at Porter and Spectra, them looking at her with worry.

The chains moved towards the two, almost reaching them before River's boat suddenly intervened.

The chains wrapped around the boat and the three Moanitors, making them groan as the boat went down.

... Y/n POV

All of us went through the portal, smiling at Spectra while she smiled back at us.

"Ha! That'll teach you to mess with another reaper's confetti cannons." River laughed at the Moanitors, making me chuckle a bit.

"Ha! Not really what I was going for, but I'm free!" Revenant yelled with a joyful smile. I looked up and frowned when I saw that she was, in fact, the Red Lady. "I'm finally free! Well, it's been fun, boys and ghouls. It really has. But if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of haunting to catch up on." She smirked down at us, but we just looked at her with hardened expressions.

'It seems like she doesn't know about the chains rules.' I thought while looking up at Revenant blankly.

Revenant soon opened a window to the Monster World, flying towards it while cackling evilly. Once she flew towards the window, she suddenly yelped in pain, not being able to pass through.

She frowned, repeatedly hitting the window, but to no avail. "No! No! Why can't I leave? I don't have anymore...." Revenant trailed off, gasping when she saw more chains appear around her torso. "Chains? What's happening?
Who's doing this? Is it you? Is it your little ghoul friends?" She blamed us, looking at us with a hard glare. We looked at her with confused looks, obviously not doing anything. "Who is doing this to me?" She asked angrily.

I put a hand on Spectra's shoulder, giving her a knowing look. She widened her eyes in realization and looked at Revenant.

"You're doing it to yourself." Spectra said, floating near the perplexed Revenant.

"No." Revenant denied it, not wanting to believe it was true.

"Yes. The chains are coming from you. It all makes sense." Spectra said as we looked at Revenant's face of shock. "Look around at your students. All those chains you've given out, and yet you weren't getting any closer to freedom." She said, gesturing towards all the chained up students. "Because with every haunting, every unjustified detention, every lie, rumor and bit of gossip you spread, you were creating more chains for yourself." She informed the woman, looking at her with sad eyes.

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