Ghouls rule (Part 3)

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I was walking out of class while thinking of the plan Draculaura thought of. 'Why does the thought of Claws dating someone effect me so much?' I thought to myself.

I walked towards my locker and put my books inside before closing it. I suddenly yelped when I saw Claws standing beside my locker.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He sheepishly smiled while rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled back at him while gently shaking my head. "No problem. So, what's up?" I asked him, curious as to why he's here.

"Well, haven't you noticed Draculaura being suspicious?" He asked me.

"Uhm... not that I know of." I lied, smiling a bit. He couldn't know about the plan. I swore to secrecy.

"I just feel as if she's up to something. And you were with her when she started to act weird. So, I was hoping you knew something." He commented while crossing his arms.

"I haven't noticed anything. Absolutely nothing." I chuckled out nervously, making him raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Right. Well, on a totally unrelated note, I heard that Frankie, Manny, Lagoona, Abby, Clawd, Cleo, Deuce and Heath were put im detention for vandalizing the normie school." He informed me as we walked down the hall.

"Really? Well, serves the normies right. Never mess with a monster." I smiled in triumph.

"That's just it, they said they didn't do it. They're thinking it was Holt. Since he ran ahead of them." Claws explained.

"How do you know this?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Frankie texted me about it before she went to detention." He smirked while holding up his phone.

"Wait, where's Holt/Jackson?" I asked him, worried about the human/monster.

"The normie police caught him." Claws answered with a bit of sorrow. I gasped in horror and took out my phone. Quickly texting Holt or Jackson to see if they were okay.

Hopefully they answer soon. Claws and I suddenly heard his phone ring a bit. He picked it up and looked to see who was texting him.

"Hey, Draculaura just sent me a text. 'Meet me at my locker in 5 minutes'. We should go. Come on." He instructed me.

We started walking towards Draculaura's locker and I bit my lip out of nervousness.

"Hey, I got your text. What's going-." Claws suddenly stopped talking when he saw a bunch of guys and girls all lined up. "Speed dating? Draculaura!" He growled in anger as he glared at the vampire.

I stood next to Draculaura while she hide behind her clipboard. "Oh, please don't be fangry with me." She pleaded.

"Why'd you do this?!" He asked while gesturing to the people.

"Because, I knew you just needed a nudge." She explained while looking at me. I tilted my head a bit in confusion, but she quickly looked back at Claws. "Come on, I know it's different. But just give it a shot." She smiled hopefully at him. "What have you got to lose?"

"Hmm... let's see, my dignity, my patience, my temper!" He yelled out, glaring at her on the last part.

"Claws, we haven't started yet. Come on, give it a try." I smiled forcefully at him. He looked at me a bit, and I could see some guilt in his eyes.

He took a deep breath but continued to glare at Draculaura. "I am not doing this." He stated while crossing his arms.

Draculaura and I looked at each other, knowing very well he was going to do it.

We both pushed him in the room and made the guy with the eyeball head go in first.

1 minute passed and he came out with a dejected look in his eye. "Skeleton girl, your up." I exclaimed. She hurriedly went in.

A few minutes passed and she came out with the same face the eyeball guy had. I shook my head a bit while Draculura marked her off.

Next was the little goblin dude that had tentacles in his locker.

Then it was Slow-mo.

A vampire girl that looked like she had way too many fang ups.

Next was a Tiki. I blinked a bit out of confusion when I saw it go inside.

Big foot was next to go in.

A few seconds go by and Claws opened the doors in anger. "We're done here." He growled while storming away.

"Wait! Why are you so stubborn?" Draculaura asked, looking at him and then at me.

I ignored it for now and looked at Claws who stormed back to us. "Stop! I don't want to talk to you, right now. Or anyone." He frowned while looking at me. He turned around and left Draculaura and I standing with sad looks.

"I told you that he would hate it." I mumbled in sadness while looking at Draculaura.

"I know. But I just had to do it. And soon you'll know why." She smiled at me making me very confused.


Draculaura and I were standing by the stairs. We were both on our phones looking at the video of the normies school being vandalized.

"I can't believe it happened again!" Draculaura exclaimed in disbelief.

"It says in the ghostly gossip, that the normies think Holt is behind this one too." Operetta told us.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Claws told me the exact same thing." I said.

"Holt is so hardcore!" Gil exclaimed with amazement.

We smiled and nodded, totally agreeing with him. "Surely exciting." Robecca gushed out.

"He's a total monster hero." Venus smiled dreamily. "He's treating normies like... they treat the Ozzo Mayor."

"I simply can't wait for the next post." Robecca smiled while scrolling on her phone.

'I'm guessing Holt made a jail break.' I thought with a smile.

"Attention, everyone! I just received an email from Holt!" Cleo announced, making me confused. I checked my phone to see if he had answered my texts, but he hasn't. "He wants us all to know that he is behind all these pranks on the normies." She explained making everyone murmur in excitement. "And that he's got even bigger and better ones planned. And that he will be communicating through me, his Spokes Princess. His words, not mine." She gloated. "Because I was his inspiration for standing up to the normies."

Everyone cheered for her, but I just crossed my arms in suspicion. Holt or Jackson would have at least answered my texts before emailing Cleo. Plus, they don't even get along that well.

"Something is definitely going on." I mumbled to myself.

A/n: So, so, so sorry for not posting! I was going to post yesterday but my mom made me help her paint her room. Both of us were very tired afterwards, and I actually debated on wether I should post this chapter or to keep writing it. And I decided to post it, cuz I haven't posted in a while and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting.

I've just been busy since the holidays and I just couldn't find the time to write, not even the equestria guys book, very sorry. 😭

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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