From fear to eternity (Short)

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"Where do you think you're going? Don't you wanna see how we got home?"


Scaris was a monster blast! And like all good things, our trip had to, sadly, come to an end. Our flight from Charles de Ghoul Scareport didn't leave until later, so we had plenty of time.

I sipped my drink with a smile as Claws looked through my bag for something. And before you all say that he's checking because he's 'toxic', you couldn't be more wrong. I actually share my bag with him, so he has some of his stuff in there along with my stuff.

"I just love this city." Skelita sighed with a smile after she was done looking at her phone.

"Yeah, it's the most exotic and amazing city I've ever seen." Frankie agreed as she leaned back in her chair.

Claws nodded and put my bag down by my feet, I looked down a bit and noticed that the book peeked out a bit making me smile.

"Of course, I'm so new, I haven't been very many places." Frankie chuckled awkwardly making me giggle at her a bit.

"Nor I. Always so focused on studies and fashion, I never took the time to see what is out there." Jinefire solemnly said while looking down in sadness.

"Yeah, it's a shame we have to go back so soon. There's still so much to see." Lagoona agreed with the male.

"Oh, no, no, no, no." I shook my head as I grabbed the book that was trying to hop away. I handed it to Claws who gently took it from my hands.

"No more sightseeing. We have a plane to catch." Claws reprimanded the book with a shake of his finger. To be honest, I thought that the book coming to life was a bit weird, but it's not like I haven't seen weirder things in my life. "You're a good book, aren't you?" He asked while tickling the book who giggled. "Now you go into this bag...." He slowly said while lowering his book in the bag. The book shook his head while whimpering sadly, not wanting to go back in the bag.

"We will take you out again when we're in the air, okay?" I compromised with the object. "No more tricks outta you now." I smiled.

"Uh, your design book sure has a lot of, uh...." Frankie trailed off, not exactly knowing what to say.

"Personality." Abby finished for her.

"Tell me about it." Claws smiled as he looked at his book. "It seems like the more drawings that I filled it with, the more it came to life, like, literally." He explained in fascination.

"It doesn't seem to want to obey you." Toralei commented with a smirk.

At that comment, the book suddenly closed and growled at Toralei. The cat hissed back at it but Skelita held her down.

"Well, that's creativity for you." Claws said as he put the book back in the bag.

"It's got a mind of its own." I smiled while Claws nodded at me.

"Oh, y/n, I love your bag! Great taste, luggage twin." Frankie giggled as she showed me a her bag that looked exactly like mine.

I giggled at the coincidence. "You too." I said with a smile. "I'm really gonna miss shopping here in Scaris." I sighed as I laid my head on Claws's shoulder.

"Speaking of which, Cleo and Draculaura shoulda been back by now." Lagoona noted as she checked the time. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner.

"Yeah, where are they?" Toralei wondered while looking around.

"Do you really think that those two ghouls are gonna leave the fashion capital of the world empty handed?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh, right. Of course." Toralei smiled awkwardly.

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