Haunted (Part 1)

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3rd person POV

Under the pool, Siren swam towards the surface, landing back on the diving board.

"Go Siren!" A girl shouted with enthusiasm.

"Unbelievable! Siren Von Boo just pulled off a double somersault in reverse!" The announcer exclaimed as everyone cheered for the ghost merman.

Mistress Bloodgood held up her score that showed that she gave a perfect ten. Mr. Where, Mr. Hack and the tentacle monster also gave out ten's.

"M-O-N-S-T-E-R! Monsters, monsters, yes, we are." The Fearleading squad cheered while doing their cheer routine. "M-O-N-S-T-E-R! Monsters, monsters, yes, we are."

"Once again, thanks to Monster High's aquatic superstar Siren Von Boo." The announcer said as Siren floated down the diving board with a huge smile on his face. "It looks like the
Plankton Prep diving team is all but sunk." He joked as an octopus held up a white flag as a sign of surrender.

Siren passed by Lagoona, who high fived him as she passed. "Cheers, mate!" She congratulated him as she climbed up the diving board.

Gil, who was watching from the audience, blew a kiss to Lagoona.

Lagoona jumped off the diving board, doing a backflip in the air before plunging into the water.

Rochelle watched this with a sad frown on her face, not noticing Twyla sit beside her.

"Hey, Rochelle, rock, paper, scissors?" Twyla asked, already putting her hand out to play. Rochelle looked like she didn't listen, she was too busy looking at Lagoona swimming. "One, two, three. Paper beats rock." She continued, frowning a bit when Rochelle still had her sad frown. "Oh, I totally thought that would crack you up."

Rochelle snapped out of her trance and looked at Twyla with guilt. "Ooh, pardon! Sorry, Twyla." She quickly apologized. "I was just wondering what it is like to do that." She confessed as she gestured towards a swimming Lagoona.

"Oh." Twyla said, having a look of realization on her face. "I guess gargoyles can't swim, huh?" She guessed, feeling bad for Rochelle.

"No, I'd sink right to the bottom." Rochelle answered with a sad sigh. "But I bet it's amazing." She smiled blissfully, daydreaming about swimming herself.


"And up next, Cali Marie, diving for the first time for Plankton Prep." The announcer said while Cali shook with fear on the diving board.

With all the shaking, she suddenly fell off the board with a scream, falling straight into the water.

Three of the judges gave their scores below three, but the tentacle monster gave out a ten. Mr. Hack saw this and looked at him with a shocked expression.


From the stands, Spectra was floating everywhere for a new story to write about.

"Okay, story, I need a story." She kept mumbling as she looked at any student who may have some gossip. "Just one story." She said, looking at Bonita who looked at her confused.

Spectra sighed as she floated down towards the fearleading squad. "Ghouls, who's got a story?" She asked them making them turn to her. "I've got the need for leads. Give me the gossip, gossip, gossip! Ooh. Got a scoop?" She kept on rambling, smiling in anticipation as she moved closer towards Claws.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, Spectra. What's the matter?" Claws asked her calmly, wanting to know why she was so hell bent on having a new story.

"I'm trying to come up with something new to post to the Ghostly Gossip and l've got nothing!" Spectra answered, looking down with slight frustration. "It's been nearly two weeks since my last blog update and my readers are getting very impatient." She said with urgency in her tone.

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