Friday night frights (Part 3)

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We were sitting in the cafeteria while everyone else laughed and pointed at us. Torelai soon came towards us with a smirk.

"Hey, great game, girl. I must've watched it on frighttube 100 times. Huh? I can't tell if it's funny, sad or both!" She snickered while taking a drink of her juice.

Abby, fed up with her, froze her drink on her lips. Torelai gasped and glared at her before running away.

"I don't get it. Why does it feel like the whole school's against us?" Frankie asked us with sorrow.

"Nobody likes it when you mess with tradition." Claws explained to her.

"Face it. We stink like chin hair of unwashed goat." Abby confessed.

"If we lose 2 more times, we'll miss the playoffs and our season will officially be over!" Cleo informed us with panic.

"And our school will be the one to suffer." I sighed out in sadness. Claws rubbed my back while bringing me in for a side hug.

"And it's not getting any easier. Our next game is against the Vampire Academy. They're really good." Lagoona panicked.

"Not to be Gloomy Gustav, but we going to get crushed." Abby confessed straightforwardly. "Avalanche style."

We soon heard creaking behind us. We looked back to see a table falling in a deep hole.

"We have to try." I persuaded them.

"Hey." Clawd greeted us. We laughed sheepishly while greeting him back.

"Also customary greeting." Abby greeted making me smile a bit at her.

"There's the smile I love." Claws whispered to me. I blushed when he said that while he chuckled a bit.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Clawd asked Draculaura. She smiled up at him and nodded.

"Oh, totes!" She giggled in response. She got up and they both left the cafeteria.

"I'll be right back." Claws said, gently getting out of my hold and going towards the lunch line.

He soon came back with a tray full of ice cream and set it on the table for everyone to share. "Aww! You're the best boyfriend ever!" I exclaimed with a smile. I stood up and gave him a kiss to which he kissed back. We pulled apart and sat back down to enjoy the ice cream he brought us. "You are definitely getting some belly rubs later on." I whispered to him. (Credits to little kaachan)

I saw how he blushed and how his tail started to wag uncontrollably. "Now, now, don't be impatient." I whispered closely in his ear. He gulped hard and nodded discreetly.

I started to eat my ice cream, as if nothing happened. Soon we started to get up and walk out when we finished our lunch.

As soon as we walked out, we saw Draculaura running towards us with tears. We glared at Clawd a bit, but we were quickly cut off when Heath and Manny walked up to us.

"Save your tears for the track. You're gonna need 'em after you lose the next game!" Manny laughed at us.

"Can you girls reenact your epic fail from Friday? My frighttube subscribers are begging for more crashing and burning!" Heath mocked us.

'It's like they don't care about the school at all. They care more about mocking us then they do that.' I thought while glaring at the two boys.

Operetta soon came in and kicked their ice cream cones away from their hands. They yelped in surprise while looking at the country girl with fear.

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