Chapter 4:

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After Takemichi left Toman, the attacks stoped (ofc it was Kisaki Tetta's doing) and it was kind of better for the first days. But after some time everything went down. No one wanted to take Takemichi's place , no one wanted to take that place that the crybaby hero obtained after lots of efforts and lots of tears. Many of Toman members stoped coming to the meetings, and if they went they would leave quickly. But on this occasion everyone was here. They discussed some stuff and when it finished they were all looking at Chifuyu with interrogative eyes. "Chifuyu, you've been acting strange this last weeks"
Bajo said worried
"Everyone has been acting different this last weeks Baji" he responded
"Yea we know but we know you, what did you do?"
Mitsuya asked
"I-i" he sighted knowing that he couldn't win "Not here, not where Mikey can hear us"
They all nodded and went to Chifuyu's house in their bikes. When they arrived they went to Chifuyu's room. "Now, tell us" Draken said
"We-well some weeks ago, a day or two after Takemichi was kicked out I saw him with Tenjiku leader, Kurokawa Izana, at first I thought they were just friends. Some days after I went to Takemichi's house, I wanted to see him, I knew I was forbidden to but I- just, he is or was my partner, but when I was about to knock I heard them talking he-he joined Tenjiku, and he is on the first division. They were talking in getting revenge on Toman...on Mikey"
They couldn't believe it. They hero wanted to get revenge on the person he swore to protect. And mostly joined Tenjiku, who was one of the biggest Toman enemy. Izana was known to be really crazy.

Meanwhile from where we left in chapter 3:
(That situation with Toman members - Mikey happens some weeks after chap 3)

Takemichi entered to Izana's house. More than a house it was a big apartment but it was nice and comfy.
"You can go bath, I'll lend you some clothes" Izana said. He went with him to were the bathroom was. He gave him a clean towel and some clothes in the bed. Takemichi thanked him. He took of his bandages and clothes, he took a quick bath since he didn't want to bother his new friend. When he finished bathing he put the towel around his whip. Covering his lower parts  when he was in Izana's room about to grab the clothes the boy lended him when Izana opened the door saying "Hey Takemichi, you can put your wet clothes here..." he turned red when he saw the raven haired boy without shirt. Takemichi felt uncomfortable because Izana was staring at his "uncovered" part of the body. Izana was trying to have some auto control and not devour the kid. He took a deep breath and apologized and Take said it was alright since both of them were men.
When Izana went down stairs, he jumped into the couch and hide his blushes face between the pillows. He couldn't stop thinking about what he just saw. He took a deep breath and took out his phone. He ordered some Sushi from a place near his house. When the raven haired boy finished and the sushi arrived they both started eating and chatting about stupid stuff.
"It's kind of getting late, and the rain stopped, maybe I should get going, I don't want to continue bothering you" Takemichi said while looking at the clock in the wall.
"Don't worry, you're not a bothering anyone, but I have a important meeting in a while so I've got to get going" Izana replayed. The white haired boy wanted to spend more time with Takemichi, he didn't want to go to that stupid meeting, he wanted to spend more time with him but, what could he do?
"Hey Izana, can I have your number? So we can hang out again"
"Sure here Michi" he grabbed the now blushed red tomato face boy's phone and put his number on it. "There and all done, huh you ok? You are all re-" he couldn't finish because the other boy replied
"Yea, ofc I'm fine hehe, don't worry" Takemichi wasn't expecting that nickname, but he really liked it.
"Alright, then see you soon Michi"
"Cya Izana-kun"
Both waved goodbye and went where they had to go.
After that Izana and Takemichi would hang out often almost everyday. Izana also presented him his other friends: Kakucho (he already knew him), the Haitani brothers and Shion. Let's say that Shion was a bit crazy, and he was such an arrogant because he was so good at fighting but he liked him, the Haitanis were too a bit off too, but he also liked them.
The 3, (Take, Kakucho, Izana) would hang out often, they would go to Take's school and wait outside that the black haired boy walked out for them to hang out, it kind of reminded him to when he used to hang out with Mikey and Draken, and he hated it, he hated that he missed them, that even thought the day they kicked him out of Toman he was angry at them, he was also hurt, he hated with all his life Toman, but he still missed them, why? He would always question himself, why do i keep missing those nice moments even thought they kicked me out for no reason. But one day that changed, the day his eyes changed the blonde with black eyes, to a certain albino with the most beautiful lilac eyes he had ever seen. It was a day that Izana had invited Takemichi for dinner. He said he had to give him something important.
They were watching a movie eating some ice cream when Izana stood up and said "Wait a sec". The blue eyed boy put stop at the movie and waited for his friend to come back. When he did he had a little box "Here this is a present for you".
"Thank you! You didn't have too, you're so kind Izana"
"Hehe no problem, just open it!"
The boy opened the box and saw a pair of earrings like Izana's. He grabbed one with delicately and then put it back. He hugged Izana and said "I'm never going to take this off! They are so beautiful, like yours, thank you a lot Izana"
"No problem" he said a bit blushed for the sudden action.
The other boy out the earrings immediately, taking off the ones that Mitsuya gave him...but it didn't matter, a present from Izana is more important than a present of someone from Toman, anyways he put the new earrings on.
"And one last thing, would you like to join Tenjiku?"
Takemichi was surprised, was Izana really asking him to join?
"Sure, it will be nice to be in a gang again" he replied immediately.
"Okey, I'll inform you when the next meeting is so we can present you to the gang, also you'll be on the first division, you said you where the first division captain back in Toman, right?"
"Yea, but my division was kind of a joke for everyone, I bet no one wanted to take my place after I got kicked out hehe"
"Don't worry, I can see that you are strong, you are no joke, you are part of Tanjiku now"
Takemichi felt how the hole that Toman, specially a blonde with black orbs did, been filled up by the lilac eyed. He smiled happy to feel this feeling again, he felt as the feeling of emptiness fading away.

After that a some weeks passed, and he was already announced as an official member of Tenjiku, at first some of the members would not trust him but with the time he gained their trust and respect. Since he left Toman he felt stronger, Izana had been training him with Kakucho and Haitanis. He had become really good at it, he was able to defeat the brothers, Kakucho and Izana in fight where one was holding back. He was even able to defeat them in a 4 vs 1 battle. The said he has become a monster fighting. It was because of this that the "Accident" happened, when Takemichi's life became hell.

(This is how Tenjiku Takemichi looks like 👇 only that instead of blonde he has black hair and dark blue eyes like with no light because he is all depressed now hehe)

Kisaki's plan was to make Mikey kick Takemichi and that he would join his gang, Valhalla,  but it all went wrong, Hanma got information that Takemichi was hanging out a lot with Tenjiku members, especially Izana Kurokawa

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Kisaki's plan was to make Mikey kick Takemichi and that he would join his gang, Valhalla,  but it all went wrong, Hanma got information that Takemichi was hanging out a lot with Tenjiku members, especially Izana Kurokawa. This made him a bit mad, what got him even angrier was that later he findes out that Takemichi had joined Tenjiku. They stole him from him, again. He had to make Mikey retrieve him, it would be hard thought, everyone could see that he had an never ending hate for Toman now and that he would not came back. So he decided to check on him, to try to convince him to come back so he could continue with his plan. He found Takemichi on an alley after sending him a note from an anonymous person that was him ofc.
"Long time no seen" the blonde said
"You" the black haired boy said. To be honest the blonde expected a bit more of emotion, but his eyes were empty, just dull dark blue orbs, who had no longer the light and hope they once had, now they just seemed...emotionless, like if he was dead.
"Seems like you changed quite a lot Takemichi"
"What are you doing here? I was right, you were the one to send me the note, I thought that Mikey had forbidden Toman to interact with me, didn't you have enough with manipulating all into hating me and kick me out?"
"And he is still loyal to him, making what he asks for, Mikey is really stu-" he couldn't finish the sentence because Takemichi punched him in the stomach, sending him flying. He grabbed him by the neck of the shirt and said coldly with his eyes, if you watched closely like Kisaki, with a red light, the one of a crazy person had, a murderer.
"What. Did. You. Say? That I'm still loyal to who? I'm only loyal to one person, and I'm going to follow him and protect him even if it kills me, you understand you little piece of shit?" He letter go of the blonde only to then press his boots on his head, making it bleed more than it was bleeding before. When he saw that Kisaki had enough suffering he lifted his leg. "I better not see you around anymore, or next time I'll kill you for real, this is me being nice"
Suddenly a blonde man with the sides of his head shaved, a long braid in the middle and that recognizable dragon tatto on his left temple.

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