Chapter 23:

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'Kuro talking'
Everything was black, everything was darkness, Mikey was lost, he couldn't see anything until...until he appeared. He was facing the boy's back, with his arms extended protecting him from darkness. A ray of light appeared as he turned and smiled brightly at him. He felt how he darkness dissolved before so much light. But with the seconds the light in his eyes, the shine of his bright smile disappeared. His smile slowly turning into a neutral one, it wasn't even a smile. His hair stopped been blonde and fluffy just black and down, and his eyes where no longer ocean blue, it looked like dangerous waters in a storm.
Suddenly the boy started fading, the once shining boy disappeared slowly as he heard "The brightest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried most tears, and the kindest hearts are the ones who felt the most pain..."
Suddenly scenes, all of them dead, he punching Take, came flashing in front of him, so fast, yet he could see them all.
"You stabbed me by my back Mikey...and now you're asking me why am I bleeding" he heard again Take say
"I'm sorry..."
"Remember Mikey...revenge has no expiry date, I'll be back with my revenge once I'm ready" he said with cold dead and emotionless eyes, you could hear the venom in his voice as he faded away.
Suddenly Mikey felt how the darkness surrounded him again, how he suddenly fell down a black hole. He felt an intense pain when he felt a hard surface underneath, he felt how his view started to fill up with dark little dots until he heard "You can't die yet Mikey *sob* you didn't save me yet, you promised to save me! You can't leave me now!"
Mikey smiled as he looked to his side to see a broken crying Takemichi, he smiled softly at the boy as he wiped his tears "Don't hero, I'll save you this time, just have patience and wait for me, kay?"
"I'll wait for you Mikey, we have all the time of the world"
"You better, I'm going to be the hero now" Mikey said before dying.

Mikey woke up sweating, he touched his eye and noticed that tears where streaming down his face like waterfalls, huh, it was almost as if he and Takemichi had swapped roles, now he must save Takemichi from his dark impulses.
He smiled for himself as he muttered "I'll save you...just wait for me...My Michy"
Meanwhile with Michy
He was walking around the city, bored. While scrolling down his phone he passed by a certain house.
Akashi residence said on the mail.
'Senju' was his only thought. You see he dated the girl after Hina broke up with him, they where still dating actually, they never broke up but never saw each other again. 'I miss her...should I knock?' He thought 'but Sanzu...oh right he disappeared' some weeks ago, a month more or less Sanzu went  missing, no one knew and none seems to know his whereabouts.
"What are you doing here, my king?" A raspy but familiar voice was heard. The raven turned around quickly to see a guy, with pink mullet hair, a pair of turquoise eyes, and two diamond shaped scars on the corners of his mouth.
"Sanzu..? Is that you?" Our protagonist asked surprised, but that didn't show on his voice nor face, his poker face was always on "And what do you mean with My king?"
Sanzu chuckled, I disappeared to join you, but I couldn't find a way, after you joined Tenjiku all my admiration for Mikey disappeared, the fact that he actually believed Kisaki only showed his stupidity, so I decided to follow you, I came to say my last goodbyes but I guess now that I found you here I can simply go with you"
"So you're joining Tenjiku?"
"No, I'm joining you, if you ever leave Tenjiku I'll leave with you"
The blue eyed nodded and replied "Sure, I don't really care though but you have to ask Izana"
"Actually I already did, I'm an official Tenjiku member" he was wearing casual clothes and put on a black face mask "Now my king~ let's go spend some time together, let me buy you everything you want~"
His voice turned into a weird obsessed like freaky one, and that didn't go unnoticed by Takemichi, who just sighed and nodded, walking next to Sanzu heading towards the mall.
But destiny had other plans, they have the bad luck that today the Tokyo Manji are in Roppongi, oh did I mention? Takemichi loved to Roppongi.
The two walked, Sanzu admiring in silence the beauty of his king when suddenly someone in black uniform, appeared, actually they where many. They stood in front of the duo who looked at them, one with pocket face and the other with annoyance.
"Fuck off suckers, we are trying to walk if you didn't notice" Sanzu said coldly but was ignored when a tall blonde man appeared, he had a tattoo going through his left eye, Take knew immediately who it was "South..."
"Seems like you DIDNT forget about me Takemichi, good to hear that, you know, recently I heard rumors about you getting kicked out of Toman, and joining Tenjiku, that now you're pretty badass, join Roluhara Tandai, we are way better than Tenjiku"
"Sorry, but I can't I already swore my loyalty to Tenjiku" the raven apologized and walked past them like nothing, with Sanzu following behind. A tick mark appeared in the blonde who tried to punch him, key word: tried, while saying, well yelling "You think this is some kind of joke you bastard?! You're joining my gang even if you like it or not!"
But his punch was blocked with Take's arm, who grabbed the taller's wrist and pulled it closer to him, making Sourh fall forwards becaus fo the shrimp's amount of strength and punched him right in the face, breaking his nose. The blonde was cornered with a wall and Takemichi with his hands on the pocket put his leg next to South's head, making a little crafter on it.
"Listen here South, I will never join your gang unless Tenjiku gets destroyed" the ocean eyed said coldly and then left but managed to hear how the taller chuckled when he said "Then I'll make sure to destroy Tenjiku to the point not even the ashes remain"
The raven stopped and replied "Then I wish you luck with that"
A month passed by since Sanzu joined and he followed Takemichi like a dog everywhere he went, he from time to time managed to drug him so his kind would feel less pain, deep down he knew that his kind wanted to go back to Toman, that he wanted to go to his old life, that he missed Mikey, his fallen king. He knew how much his king suffers because of Toman so he tried to drug him so he wouldn't feel anything, which didn't go unities by Tenjiku executives who warned him about over dozing their crush, erm I mean their friend, well boyfriend for Izana.
Takemichi was walking with his friends (Tenjiku members) when suddenly his phone started to ring, he opened it and it marked the hospital number
T-"Hello? Who is this?"
H- "Hello, is this Hanagaki Takemichi?"
T- "Yes, why?"
H- "It's about your brother it's an emergency...
.......................he is going to die ....................."

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