Chapter 21:

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Blood was splattered everywhereyells of agony could be heard, punching sounds echoed in the room.
"I think that's enough" Izana said and Takemichi obedient as a dog immediately stopped beating the person and walked next to his boss "So, now tell us, who sent you here? Who where you spying for?"
The guy tied to the chair had his eyes cut as a waterfall do blood fell from them, he had many missing fingers and in the remaining ones the nails where missing, scattered in the floor. They had also cut him an ear and sent him bald, insterting glass fragments in his crane. He could barely breath with the knife half into his body and his broken nose. He looked at Ozana and Takemichi, with horror but stood firmly "No, I'm a loyal member, I won't tell you anything"
"Well it's such a shame that little Niki has to die~" Izana said with a playful smile, grabbing his phone, showing a photo of a little girl with two little pony tails, tied to a chair, crying with a tape covering her mouth. The man's eyes glowed with terror "No wait! I'll tell you who I'm working for! Please don't kill my sister! She has nothing to do with this!"
Izana grinned widely and replied "Come on, I'm all ears"
"I-I'm working for Toman, Mikey sent me at first to get information to get Hanagaki back but then to know your weakness, he didn't tell me his plan too well, I only know that he might be planning on fighting again with you, please let my sister go!"
"Hm~ I would but I'm sad to say that she is already dead~" he showed a video of the girl getting shot, right in the head and pieces of her brain, dying the walls of red blood. The man cried and sobbed as he watched, he looked down and said "It's my fault...I shouldn't have joined gangs, I'd I didn't you wouldn't be dead...I'm sorry Niki"
"If you feel so sorry let my pet do the favor of reunite you with her and before the guy could react a shooting noise was heard. His brain bits fluids everywhere, as the raven left many holes in the guys head as he smiled like a maniac, a psychopath.
"So good Michy~" Izana praised him, making the other one sit on a chair and he sat on his lap, kissing the other one lustfully. Takemichi got used to this, Izana this last weeks had been kissing him a lot, but never more far than that, they never fucked or anything, but to be honest Take didn't mind, he had also feel more dull and emotionless this weeks since his hangout with Riko.
When Izana finally decided to separate from Takemichi he got up smiling and said "Come on Michy~ we have an important meeting today"
The two walked out of the building towards a public bathroom, who was empty due to the fact that it was 12 pm. They got inside and changed their bloody clothes into their clean tenjiku uniform and headed with their bikes, but they arrived but it didn't look like the meeting place, it was actually Izana's apartment.
"Uhhh Izana, this is your house" the raven said
"Yep, let go!" The othering replied happily
The second they got in they saw Kakucho, and the Haitani brothers, with what probably was a game night. The table was full of snacks and the tv had already Takemichi's favorite map of Mario Kart.
"Surprise!" The four yelled "You have been working non stop Michy" Kakucho said
"So we thought of a little break" Ran continued
"It will be fun, we'll have a game night" his brother added
"And maybe we'll watch some po-" Kakucho covered ranabelle's mouth. Izana just sighed but then turned to the boy "Come on Michy~ let's have some fun~!"
Everyone was asleep, well everyone minus a certain raven, he couldn't stop thinking about the Mafia, should he join? No! He must be loyal to Izana! He saved him, he gave him a life purpose, the white haired teen gave him everything, but he couldn't stop thinking of what Riko said in the mall, did Izana really save him or he actually did it on his own?
'Gosh my head hurts of so much thinking' he stood up from the couch and went towards the balcony for some fresh air.
He looked up at the stars wondering if what Riko said was true, it was not...right? He wasn't strong enough to save himself, Izana was and saved him...right? So if it was true, that Izana didn't save him, then he didn't own Izana anything. He continued overthinking until he remembered
Finally, he finally found him, the person he searched non stop for. Takemichi looked at Mikey's dead eyes, fuck. Again, again he failed to give his best friend, the person he loved, a happy future; why? Because of fucking Kisaki of course.
They looked at each other for some seconds before Mikey asked "Takemichy...what are you doing here?"
"I've come to save you Mikey-kun, you're going to have a happy future like the rest"
"Like the rest? And what about Baji, did he even have a future? What about Emma? What about Ken-chin? Did they have a good future too? Because I don't see them"
The raven felt how his eyes started to tear up as he looked at his feet, he bites his lower lip trying to prevent the oncoming sobbing but it's all useless "I-I'm sorry Mikey- I'm sorry o couldn't save them!"
"It's all your fault Takemichi"
Again, again those words, those words that haunted him in every fucking timeline "It's all your fault"
"You're the only person with a power, that can tiwm travel, why won't you try harder huh?! Why didn't you prevent Baji from suiciding?! Why didn't you didn't you save Izana from getting shot if you knew?! Why didn't you save Emma from the bat?! Why didn't you save Ken-chin?!"
"I-I'm sorry"
"Is apologizing all you can do?! Your fucking apologize won't bring them back!"
Everyone was silent for a moment until Mikey spoke again "This is not like you at all"
Take raised his gaze back towards the white haired man surprised "W-what do you mean?"
"The Takemichy I used to know didn't apologize for everything, he did something about it even thought they where way stronger than would face them, you would never give up...that's something I admire about you"
Takemichi looked at him atonished, the used to be angry look on Mikey's face was now one of calmness and nostalgic.
"And I know that, I may be strong physically, but I'm really easy to manipulate...I'm not strong minded as you Takemitchy, that's why you are way stronger than me. My dark impulses took control over me quickly too as soon as they died, you know Takemitchy...I'm really weak compared to you"
"Then Mikey, let me protect you! If I am stronger then let me save you! You will have a happy future too! That is what everyone wants, and what they wanted for you!" Takemichi says as tears fall down his face, but Mikey closes his eyes as he shakes his head "I'm sorry Michy...but it's way too late for me, I've already gone to far, I can't be normal again...they won't accept me"
"But I will! I will always accept you and forgive you...just please, leave all this and come with me, I'm sure they will forgive you eventually, you're their ex commander and best friend after all"
"I already told you, it's too late for me, authorities will discover me eventually, but that's not what I mean, I can't forgive myself for what I've done, I've done terrible way further than terrible, I don't think I will never be able to forgive myself for hurting the ones who I love, so I'll put an end to my and your suffering"
Suddenly Takemichi heard a gun and an immense pain on the stomach, he looked down to see three bloody holes on his body...Mikey had shoot him, again...
He started to hear a high pitched sound as his consciousness left him and his head hit the hard floor, he before closing his eyes heard "I'm going to end this Michy...for both of us, so we can finally rest in peace, we'll be with Draken and Baji won't we?"
Mikey walked up the stairs to the last floor of the abandoned building and looked at the sky "Baji, Ken chin, Emma, Izana...Shinchiro, wait for me, I'll finally join you..." he said as he put on feet in the air, and soon the other one was too. He smiled as he felt how he started to fall until he felt like he stopped. He opened his eyes and looked up. His eyes where opened wide by the scene, Takemichi with blood coming out of his nose and mouth, grabbing his hand perv eating him to join his loved ones.
"Takemichi...let me go, let me join them!"
"Damn it Mikey! Just ask for my help once! Once in your fucking lifetime!"
"Huh..?" Mikey was confused but at the same time he knew what Takemichi was talking about... "You're always carrying everyone on you! I wasn't the one to save them was you all the time! You're the hero Mikey! You never asked for help! You always looked tough and cool in front of everyone so they could rely on you, but you always thought you had no one to rely on! Rely on me Mikey! I can save you! You just have to fucking ask for it! And I'll do it! Just say it!" Takemichi's eyes where full of tears as he smiled, to then cough blood "Come on Mikey! I don't have many time left!"
Mikey felt something he didn't felt in a long time, the wanting to live, suddenly he didn't want to die, but he felt them, he felt how Baji grabbed him trying to drag him down, with Shinchiro, Emma, Draken and Izana with him, but no, maybe it was not his time to join them yet.
"Takemitchy, save me please..."
Take smiled widely before saying "Of course I'll save you Mikey-kun!"
But as soon as he said this he felt how the consciousness left him body again, how the dark spots appeared in his view 'no no no NO, I can't die yet! I-I must save Mikey- I' he thought as he died. His body was dragged down by Mikey's weight and both started falling down, screams where heard from below and Mikey heard how Sanzu called his name, but everything was second. Second to him and Takemichi. He brought the raven's body coses to his and hugged him tightly, smelling him, seeing him, feeling him for the last time "Thank you Takemichy...I love you" he said as both bodies crushed with the dark ground.

Back to present
Take always remembered when he died, that was the timeline he was in before this one. In the ine he had lost everyone, he lost them, he lost Naoto, Hina, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, he couldn't save them, he lost Akkun too.
He clicked his tongue, maybe if he didn't die...if he wasn't so weak, maybe...maybe what? Mikey was better off dead! Yea! He turned when he heard someone coming, it was just Izana.
"Seems like you caught me, can't sleep?" The lilac eyed boy said
"Yeah, I need a cigarette"
"I don't want you to die young Michy, so no cigarettes"
The raven sighed, it was worth a try. Suddenly Izana was awkwardly close to him 'watch out kid, if you two do something I won't be able to help you, and it becomes all wobbly and hot inside so try not to-'
'Yeah yeah, relax, I won't let him touch me, him nor anyone else'
Izana stared at his ocean dead eyes and said "You know? I kind of miss that shine in your eyes"
"You do?"
"Yeah, but I love you this way too"
"Yes Takemichy, I loved you since the day I saw you for the first time. When you swore that you belong to me it made it even worse, you make me feel things I never thought I would feel for someone"
Takemichi was atonished, yeah he's kind of stupid so he didn't notice the immense crush he d on him.
"I-izana I-"
"You don't need to answer now, but I was just tired of hiding it, when u saw you some seconds ago, looking at the stars, I just-" he sighed "Just answer me when you're ready, I'd rather if you say yes though~"
Takemichi was blushing hard at the boy but then said "No, I will answer you now, because if I really love you I wouldn't have to think"
Izana looked at him surprised but amused by his red face
'Do I love him? Or loving him is what I feel like I should do? What am I even thinking about! He saved me! So if this makes him happy then yes, if loving him makes him happy then I love him'
"I love you too Izana..."
Izana smiled and got close to the raven's face, connecting their lips, kissing him with love, Al live no lust this time.

With Mikey
Mikey was in a late walk with Draken, taking about Toman when he suddenly felt a little voice in his head and a soft breeze ruffle his hair. He stopped and looked backwards
"Hm? What's wrong Mikey?" Draken asked
"Ken-chin, I think I heard
Takemichi asking me to save him..."

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