Chapter 18:

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"Takemichi" Izana called him and Takemichi snapped out of his thoughts
"Yes?" He asked
"You've been on the clouds these days Takemichy" Ran said
"Is something or someone bothering you?" Rin asked
"Not really but thanks for asking" the raven said with his usually poker face, since he joined Tenjiku it was really rare to see him make other faces and more rare to see him smile.
"If you say so" Kakucho said and they continued walking. They just finished a gang meeting and where hanging out, buying some sodas from the vending machine while chatting when a guy who was walking by stopped and started looking at them kind of nervous, like if he wanted to say something but he was too scared or shy to ask. Ran got a bit annoyed by the younger and walked towards him, with the rest behind him "Yo kid, you know staring isn't good right? Maybe we should teach you-"
"Wait a sec Ran" Takemichi interrupted him and walked towards the boy "As I suspected, what are you doing here...Naoto?"
"You know him Michy?" Izana asked walking besides  him, looking at the younger kid.
"He is Tachibana's younger brother" the blue eyed replied
"Wasn't she some ex of yours?" Rin asked and Ran couldn't hold a laugh when he said "Don't tell me she still wants you and sent her little brother because she is a scared chick~"
"My sister is no chick! And she would never want to be with an awful hateful person like Hanagaki! He was much better when he was Toman's! You ruined hi-" Naoto was interrupted when Izana punched him in the face and crouched, grabbing the bloody boy's by the collar of the shirt "You can insult us, you can insult the stupid of Ran, but never EVER my Michy, and don't you dare say that name again if front of us, my Michy is much better in Tenjiku and he belongs to me like that gang, understood?" The other ones where looking at the younger bloodthirsty, they where probably making scenes where they tortured him and killed him on their mind, minus Takemichi who just had his usual neutral expression,
Izana stood up, throwing the black haired boy again to the floor, Takemichi walked towards the younger boy and couched down to see him directly at his eyes while saying "Naoto, I'm much better in Tenjiku, Toman is a nasty part of my life I already forgot, I belong to Tenjiku and my loyalty will always be to Tenjiku and Izana, why can't you see I'm better here? Im a better person, im not anymore the useless punching bag I used to be"
"That is what you don't understand Takemichi, they liked the fact that even thought you couldn't lay a punch you would always stand up and continue, now you're just a monster, just a killing machine being manipulated by more monsters" Naoto said and he was punched again,  it this time by Takemichi "They are NOT manipulating me, why can't no one understand that I became like this because I wanted to? This is the real me, the one I decided not to show in fear of rejection, but I showed this side to them and they liked it so I'm going to stick with the people who appreciate me who I am, the fact that they want me back as I was is because they dint like the new me" the blue eyed stood up and they left but what they didn't know was that Naoto had filmed them, one of the things Chifuyu told him to do (forgot to add in previous chapter) was too see how he would react if one of his past friends, not in Toman like him where hurt by Izana. He immediately sent it to the teen with undercut who was currently in a Toman meeting. The emerald eyed heard a ting from his phone and saw
WhatsApp notification
Naoto Tachibana sent a video.
'Good job Naoto!' He thought while grinning and looking back at his commander who was finishing.
Later he called his friends and showed him the video, seems like Naoto wasn't an exception either, they where hoping that maybe, Takemichi would listen to Naoto that wasn't in Toman and that stuff but it seems that his loyalty was still to Izana and only Izana.
They where running out of ideas, they didn't know what to do anymore, they had tried battling Tenjiku, they even kidnapped him damnit! They tried everything that crossed their minds but nothing, nothing came out. That was when an idea came to Mikey's mind, BD, or better known as Black Dragons, Taiju was still leader but they all knew he had a deep respect for Takemichi after their battle at the church. Maybe they could form an alliance with BD, maybe they could fight Tenjiku again, and this time if they win, Tenjiku should form part of Toman and BD, so they will have Takemichi inside their gang. He told his idea to Draken and the others "If we make an alliance with Black Dragons, maybe we could defeat Tenjiku, and make them part of Toman, so we will have Takemichi inside our gang"
"Wouldn't that be 2 vs 1? It's kind of unfair to me to be honest"  Mitsuya said
"But they won't know! BD will be a surprise at the end! So they won't be able to complain about anything!" Mikey added
"I don't know always talked about being fair and stuff right?" Chifuyu says while scratching his cheek
"Maybe we should let go..." Draken says, he knows, he knows how much it hurts to let their savior, old times let go, it's so ticking hard but he looked happy, he looked better with Izana than they ever saw him with them, Draken diesent want to do this, he just wants to go to Takemichi and steal him from Izana but he knows he won't be happy...
"NO" Mikey says "He saved us multiple times, when my dark impulses came in I threw him away, I almost made a new gang that potentially would become a mafia! But he stopped it, I told him to go away multiple times but he continued trying! He is being manipulated by Izana! And I will save him! I will never give up! Not until he has a happy future too!"
Chifuyu felt like a deja vu, he remembered clearly when Takemichi said those same words when he came back from the future

"Partner I get you're trying to save us but you should worry about yourself too! You aren't just a tool to be used to make everyone have a happy future! Sometimes people can't be saved..." Chifuyu said looking worriedly at his blonde friend. The time traveler just came back to the past after going to the future, which of course everything went wrong, Bonten was still there, Mikey was still manipulated by Kisaki and his dark impulses, most of his friends and people he knew had joined the mafia Bonten, or had been killed by them.
"No Chifuyu! I'm the only one who can time travel! Each time they die...each time everyone dies in the future I know it's my fault! My fault for not trying hard enough! So I'll save everyone! I'll lead them all to a happy future! Including you, Chifuyu! I'll make sure everyone is happy! I'll make sure Mikey is happy! I'll make sure to kill Kisaki and make Mikey's impulses disappear! I promise!" The ocean eyed said, and Chifuyu coudnt hrlp but admire him. Chifuyu had fallen for the blonde after the Toman vs Valhalla fight, he admired how he stood up even thought he was a bloody mess, even thought he was all beaten up he stood up. When Takemichi told him about his time traveling at first it was quite hard to believe but with the time he noticed that it was like two different persons where in Takemichi's body, the Take he knew and another one, completely different, not that he hated it wasn't his partner. Each time he was back from his travels he told him how the future was like and what they had to do in order from stop the bad things from happening, but it was never enough, always the future ended up in bloodshed, all because of Mikey.

He looked at Mikey and felt like the roles where mixed, instead of Takemichy saving Mikey like always now it was Mikey's turn to save him. Chifuyu sighed and said "We can't give up, not yet, you see, Takemichi..." he wasn't so sure to reveal his partner's secret but maybe it was time, it was time for them to know who Hanagaki Takemichi really is or was idk "Takemichi always said that he would lead you all to happy futures, he wanted to save you all from what awaited you, he knew you where going to get stabbed by Kazutora Baji, so he took the knife quickly, he knew Kiyomasa was going to try and kill Draken so he looked for you before you died, he knew everything, he knew what was going to happen and at what time everything, he knows, he knows everything that happened and what is going to happen"
"But how the hell does he know?" Draken asked
"Yea, he should have like some crazy super power or something" Baji added
"Takemichy was always smart so maybe he saw it coming" Mitsuya added
"Chifuyu...who is Takemichi? How did he knew what was going to happens in the future?" Mikey asked, even thought deep down everyone (minus Chifuyu that he already knows) knew the answer, deep down they knew but they just needed to hear it, because they didn't want to accept the truth.
"He knew because Takemichi...Hanagaki Takemichi....
                                                                                            ... is a time traveler"

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