Arc 2: Chapter 3:ITS ALL YOUR FAULT, WHY ME?!

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Omg live action Mikey giving flowers to Takemichi 😍, I can't find a better one cause earlier I saw one that like way better but forgot to save it, also look at this pin, so cute
"Izana" he said with anger, he, he was the reason his brother died, it was all Izana's fault, Izana killed his older brother, if he told him about him been sick he could have payed the surgery, he could have, he knew his brother was lying, after he died he researched about the surgery and there was 80% succeed chance, but it costed a lot, way too much, and the two were running out of money.
He looked at the white haired man with anger and pure hate, his eyes shaking without any light left in it.
"Awwwww you remember me Michy~ I'm so gla-" the lilac eyed was not able to finish due to been interrupted by the chained one "I only remember you because you killed my brother, and it's your fault he is dead, so I only remember you because of my objective to kill and beat the living shit out of you"
Izana stayed silent, looking at the red haired with a mix of sadness and guilt, it was true though, if he told Takemichi maybe he could have payed the therapy, he later discovered Shoyo didn't want to do the surgery because it was too much money, not because it didn't have many chances.
"Listen Takemichy I-" he was interrupted once again
"Don't talk to me Izana, whatever leaves your mouth will just make me want to kill you even more" he said wirh a voice full of void.
The other just sighed sadly and left the room silently but before leaving he stopped and said "I loved Shoyo-San as an older brother, and I'm really sorry Takemichi, I never meant for this to happen" and then he left, and a certain duo entered the room.
Takemichi looked silently at the two, still with anger.
"I finally caught you Michy-" Mikey said but got cut of by the other one laughing
"HAHAHAHHA" he pants of how he is laughing while Mikey just looks at him confused "What are you talking about?"
"About the fact that you think you can call me Michy after all this time"
"Well, you're going to spend the remaining of your life here so better get comfy"
"Says who?" The red haired said before standing up, surprising the blonde, to then rush and kick Mikey, still with his hands tied up. Mikey somehow managed to block it with his but probably broke it. Without previous advice Takemichi got on his hands and kicked him hard on the jaw, leaving the invincible Mikey on the floor, he didn't pass out, but he was dizzy and couldn't see straight. With a snap of his finger the chains broke and fell down. He shook them and sighed, then stretched his arms. He grabbed one of his shoulder and with that arm started doing circles with it "Now! Let's play!" He said smiling childishly.
"WHAT?!" Daichi yelled, standing up from his seat of his desk "What do you mean Alma got captured by the TBBT?!" The sat back in the chair with a frustrated sigh and started to massage his frown
"Uhh I can explain-" Haru tried to say but was interrupted by his boss "He is going to blow up the entire building"
"Eh?" The brown haired one said confused
"You know damn well how Alma is, he is going to escape sooner or later, they must keep him entertained though"
"Boss, I suggest we go to look for him..." Aiko said as she revised some papers "I have the maps of the building, we can-" but the woman was interrupted by her boss "Nah nah nah, I ain't wasting money on that child, he will escape, didn't you hear me Aiko? Are you doubting me? You very smart and intelligent boss? I feel so offended"
The woman sighed, she wasn't paid enough to babysit all of them. She closed the papers and left it on the desk "Then I guess that instead of planning the rescue you'd rather sit and do the paper work, hmm?"
The man sweat dropped as he looked at all the paper work "Well I guess we could do some plan to help him escape-" but was interrupted by Aiko "Oh no no no, now you're going to stick your ass here and do all that, Haru and Tao-Chan are going to rescue him, right?"
"..." the two looked at each other without saying nothing
"Right?" She asked again, but more scary this time
"Yes ma'am!" Haru exclaimed sweat dropping and Tao sighed 'more work, just great, wait till you come back Alma, I'm going to fucking kill you brat' she thought
"My~ my~ seems like little Michy got in trouble again?" a sassy voice was heard, they turned to see Hanma walking towards them with his usual smug face of his.
"Well well, if it isn't Hanma, my good man" Daichi said
"Yeah, it's me boss, I came to give you some paper, the ultrasonic bullets for the new weapons are not exactly what we call cheap" he said as he gave him some paper "Also, Sanzu's drugs are quite costly too, tell that drug addict to control himself, we're going to end broke because of that obsessed"
"I'll have it in mind, thanks Hanma" Daichi replied
"Yeah, oh and you better get Alma back or I'm leaving, Sanzu will too, remember we are only in this gang thanks to him so you better thank Alma, you would be broke and full of traitor if it wasn't or us"
"Don't think too much of yourself Hanma" Aiko warned him "We were great before you three joined, if you were not here we would still be the same as good so don't get your ego everywhere, it stinks if cigarettes and alcohol"
"My~ don't tell me~ did I get lady Akio angry?"
Akio scuffed before doing a 'go away' sign with her hand "Fuck off Hanma, and make sure those two get him out"
Hanma chuckled before looking at Tao and Haru "Now, you two are coming with me"
"Where?" Haru asked
"To fix the damn problem you two did"
"He did, not you two, it's a he he was the one closer and the only who could have helped him, I was in a car and the kid was his responsibility" Tao said, making it clear it wasn't her who lost the child to the authorities, and with the child we mean Alma.
"I don't give a damn fuck who was it but you're coming with me" Hanma replied coldly, but still with that sassy smile of his.
"Tch, whatever" Tal said as he followed the zombie to the car gallery
Takemichi- COUGH COUGH I mean Alma broke the door with a kick and was shot by many TBBT members, but lucky him he always had his 1,000,000 dollars bullet proof shit that Haru gave him, just for him to throw it at the guards, and damn it was heavy as fuck, it added 10 kilos to his original weight, not that it was a big thing for Alma though. He smiled manically, showing his sharp fangs and crazy eyes. He laughed as he fought the guards. He kicked one in the head to then block the second one by grabbing another guard and making him receive the punch, then throw him away and punch it, he then kneeled down kicking a fourth one legs making him fall so he could stand up quickly and steal his guns, and shoot everyone on the room. Soon there was only one survivor alive, Alma, who was sitting in the pile of dead bodies with the two revolvers and his clothing all red, well they were already red but they were now bloody and sticky red. He threw the revolvers and grabbed new ones, then walked off the room, forgetting he left a survivor in the interrogation room. Mikey stood up slowly, whipping the blood for his nose and walked pass the pile of dead ones. He stared at it with sadness, so many people died, only to satisfy himself, to have the satisfaction of capturing his beloved one, the one he longed so long for. He continue walking until he heard more guns, so he ran, only to find more dead people, and Takemichi with the two revolvers, looking expressionless at a tall body on the floor... "KEN-CHIN!" Mikey yelled as he ran to his childhood friend, who was shot in the chest. Takemichi dropped the guns as he looked at what he had done...he didn't want to- he didn't want to kill him, or did he? Did he want to kill Draken? He did? Or he didn't? He had this mixed feelings of guilt and satisfaction inside of him, battling against each other. His past self with the new one, he didn't know what to do, he could only mutter "I-I didn't want to kill him- I DIDNT!"
"What have you done Takemichi?!" Mikey yelled with tears threatening to come out
"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DIDNT CAPTURE ME THEN DRAKEN WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! ITS ALL YOUR AND IZANA'S FAULT, ITS ALWAYS YOU's always you two who ruin my life...just stop fucking chasing me, or I'll kill you two for real this time" he said the last part coldly as he turned around, scared to look back, fearing that he might regret it, to just jump and kick the large window, and start falling. He took his big and hard long knife and stuck the knife on the wall, reducing the speed he fell from, but leaving a crack as he fell. When he was close to the ground he unstuck it, jumped down and ran as fast he could, as far as he could, from that cursed place, from that cursed people who managed to ruin his life in many different ways. He felt desperate to cry, yet no tears seemed to come out his eyes, he was right, people didn't change, he must always assume the worst of someone, if you expect to be betrayed you can't be betrayed, he must have followed it, now he was stuck with all those leftovers of the emotions he once had for the two brothers, stocked on his frozen heart, who burned and burned until it turned into ice. Why after twelve years, after twelve fucking years those emotions didn't disappear, why didn't he stop loving Manjiro like crazy, why didn't they go? He just wanted to disappear, to simply stop existing, why must the world be so cruel? Why must my life be a living hell? Why can't he have one normal night? Without overthinking about his Toman times, about his Tenjiku times, now, now it was the Tengoku times, and hopefully the last one, he didn't want to change, he wanted to stay happy, he wanted to forget everything, and just live without those memory chasing after him year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day, hour after our, minute after minute, second after second, he wished, he wished so badly to travel back in time when he was a kid, before everything happened, why? Why must life take his curse when he most needs it? And have it when he just simply wants to die?

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