Arc 2: Chapter 5: So ive still got a long way to go huh

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Takemichi's pov:
It was all black. It was as if I was floating in an endless void. I didn't move, I didn't want to, I just wanted to see my brother. My eyelids felt heavy, I don't want to open my eyes if it means I won't be with my loved ones anymore, I was betrayed...for the third time, how much more can my heart last? I'm not some sort of super human, when I break too, when I fall down I bleed, was I too soft? Or destiny too hard? Did I do something wrong in life to deserve all this? I have a memory...deep buried inside my mind, of certain persons I do not remember say "Golden child, lion boy; What it's like to conquer? Back when I felt like I had it all, all those seconds I felt like the world was at my feet, when I never felt better and happier Fearless child, broken boy; tell me what's like to burn" When everything he worked so hard to build got destroyed in a second, when he felt that he was way less than a human. I felt how tears went down my shut down eyes 'I'm just a human, I have weakness, I make mistakes, i experience sadness and I break down no matter how strong I may look, im still human, and I want to be loved, why do I get betrayed? Haven't I given enough? Why am I always the fool who opens up? I guess Toman just saw me as something they could discard and when I wasn't there they noticed they needed me, Tenjiku thought that because I let Izana manipulate me they could do anything they wanted with me but I have feelings too, Tengoku just saw me as a weapon' I opened my eyes only to be met with endless black void. I felt different for some reason; I looked at myself and notice there was nothing there, kk just a simple presence. Suddenly a kid appeared running, it was me; my short black hair styled in a hawk style with my red cape, my eyes full of hope as I ran past me "I'll save everyone! That's what hero's do right?" I could hear my childish chuckle; and like that I disappeared in the black void, then from where my child version disappeared my version before meeting Toman, I had my blonde hair still styled in a hawk style and was grinning while talking to Hina who was simply a blurry spot; both of us were on the balcony "Here Takemichi-Kun" I heard her soft voice say, as she handed me the clover necklace "I know it's a bit girly but I have the same one, so I thought we could have matching necklaces, also so for you to look at it and it will give you hole when you feel alone"
Why did I leave Hina..? I think she was the only one who I felt truly loved by, why am I so stupid? I should have bought her flowers for each time I saw her, I should have held her hand with pride when I walked with her, I should have given her all my hours, and make her know how special she was too me, why was I so much of a fool to realize all those things? I watched as the scene disappeared into the void, the I saw my older self, falling into the train tracks, and suddenly re appearing in the past, ohhh how I would kill to go back when I started time traveling, I got really stressed but it felt so good, no dark impulses, then it quickly faded and then I appeared again, but in the floor, I was pretty beaten up and I saw how Mikey appeared and kneeled down, grabbing me from the back of my head "Hey, what's your name?" I heard his voice say
"H-hanagaki Takemichi" I saw and heard myself reply, so a second later Mikey would smile saying "Well Takemichy, now you're my bitch~" the scene slowly faded away and once again I saw myself, pretty beaten up, with one arm extended to the sky and the other one in my chest "As long as I'm here...Toman will never loose!" Now I know why they called me hero, I was amazing, that's when I acted as a true hero. The scene slowly faded away and I saw another reversion of myself, this time i was crying under a tree while it was the first time I got betrayed by Toman, then Izana appeared with a umbrella "What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold", I saw how I looked up at him with fear yet anger, also sad, now I know why Izana approached at me, I looked so ducking broken, and I truly was, anyone would have felt pity for me. As the scene faded another one appeared, it was me, with black curly hair, dead blue ocean eyes, and a pair of earrings that were identical to Izana's, I stood besides Tenjiku members coldly, just how much I changed... the scene disappeared and I saw something that freezes me up, it was Shoyo, on the hospital bed with me besides him crying "Don't blame yourself little brother..." those were his last words he said to me, yet that happened, why would I blame myself if it was all Izana's fault?! But deep down I wasn't his fault, I just needed someone to blame....
Another scene appeared replacing the other one it was when I joined Tengoku, when I changed my identity to Alma, i saw Haru, I never understood him well, one second he was my best pal and the next he ignored me, I really thank Hanma, Sanzu and Gak for been with me, oh Tao...she was like the older sister I never had, she meant a lot to me, or means, I don't know how you say it when you're dead, oh true...I died, I guess I'm seeing the most important moments of my life. Suddenly j felt like an electrical shock, then again. Where I was started to shake, like an earthquake and some black liquid with red reflects started to swallow me, I tried to escape but it was too much. Hands came out from the Red Sea and dragged me down, staining my soul with it, I tried to fight yet I didn't do anything, I was too tired, was hell finally claiming me? Then I guess I won't meet up with my brother, I knew I wouldn't go were he went, how could I? A murderer like me? In heaven? But then I realized 'I'm not a villain, they shouldn't have treated me as one. I'm not a murderer neither an assassin, I'm just a kid (even though youre 26 🌚) "
I started to fall down the dark and endless void, and when I finally stopped falling suddenly eyes opened  everywhere, big, bloody, red and veiny (like with many veins) eyes, and started to look at me, judging me, with unspoken words, killing me, yet with no physical touch. I started to panic and it became worse when a mouth with pointy fangs emerged and started saying "You wanted to save everyone right..? HAHAHA" he laughed "But who is going to save you?!"
I fell down on my knees with my hands on my ears, trying to protect them from those evil and sharp words that cut through my body to my heart and mind "Nobody is coming to save you, accept it, now that you've killed Draken? Oh hoho, who's going to want you? You're a murderer! A killer! You're the villain of the story who finally got killed and now everyone can live happily! Don't you get it?! You're the one that was supposed to die so everyone could have a happy ending! You always thought it was Shinchiro, or Mikey or Kisaki but NO! It was always you! It's your fault everyone suffered! All you ever wanted was a hug, oh poor baby~ but as a kid instead of affection all you got was a box of matches and a knife~ maybe all those I'm okey, oh don't worry I'm fine, yeah don't worry I'm good maybe they were all lies~ you wanted someone to tell you no you're not okey, tell me what happened but no one did~ gues why~? Because no one ever cared for you! You're all alone! Because no matter who you stick with they always end up hurt! You always act so heartless yet you're so full of feelings that are eating you alive~! Whatever you love that's your weakness~ and unlucky for you you love way too much. They turned you into a weapon and told you to find peace~ they told you you're a weapon; and weapons don't weep" I was crying desperately, he was panting, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted it to go away 'GO AWAY GO AWAY GI AWAY' I thought until I heard "But kid...don't give up, you've still got a couple of mother fuckers to beat up" I looked up to see Kuro, he walked to me and kneeled down "People treated you like shit your whole life, but you know? Your mind is like a diamond; cold, hard and brilliant. And as you evolve from a mere mortal to this you go realizing that you weren't meant to save the world, you were meant to destroy it"
"Eh?" I was confused, what did he mean? Why was I supposed to destroy it?! "B-but I don't want to be the villain of the story-! I-I wanted to be the hero who saved everyone and makes everyone smile! I don't want to be the villain Kuro" I cried as I looked into his deep red eyes
"Sadly I cannot control such things as destiny kiddo, but you know what I can control?" Kuro asked and I shook my head "Now you're dead, but if you make a pact with me then I'll revive you"
"It's okey" I replied softly "I don't really wanna live, I think been dead is much better"
"Kid, listen to me, you've still got a long way to go, and you've got to be there" Kuro said as he grabbed my shoulders and looked at me seriously "I'm going to give you a second chance, but with one condition"
"Okey, okey. Whats the condition?" I asked
"I want to make you half demon, or half identity, however you want to calm it. This means you're pretty much kinds immortal"
"Sure why not, whats in for you anyways? It's only a win thing, not a win win" I replied
"Don't worry, it's a win win thing, you'll see" he replied to me stretching out his hand, which I shook and I felt the same electric feeling I had when I shook hands with Naoto.
Everything went black until I saw a bright white light blinding my eyes "Mgh" I tried to move my body yet I couldn't. It felt all numb- oh right I was shot. I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of cyan eyes staring at me with happy eyes full of surprise too.
"M-my king!" I realized it was Sanzu as he hugged me, I could feel his face on my neck, I feel as if he was smelling it cause I feel like this air sucking feeling where his face was but I shrugged it off by replying "H-hey Sanzu-Kun"

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