Arc 2: Chapter 4: This is not a goodbye, its a new begging. Not an end.

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"Huff huff" Alma ran and ran until he couldn't feel his feet anymore, he ran to a certain place. He jumped over the black and pointy fence and reduced his speed, now walking he passed by many graves but his mind only wanted one. He sat down in front of one that said Shoyo Hanagaki.
"Brother....I-I killed Draken, I know I should feel anything but pleasure about it but yet I can't stop this guilt feeling bubbling inside of me, why? Why do I hate myself for that? I should be happy right? Then why...why do I still have fucking emotions?! I drank every single drug Sanzu gave me to don't feel, I did every ritual I could, DAMN IT, I even had sex with my vi workers, Sanzu, Hanma, Noah to forget and they're still there! Why..? Why is it so hard to forget memories but so easy to gain them..? Or is it the universe just punishing me for leaving Toman? I should have returned to them right? This is all my fault, if I didn't go, if I waited a bit more maybe they would have apologized and kicked out that bastard of Kisaki, if would have been more patient..." he sat there, looking at the grave almost as if waiting for it to reply. He sighed and stood up "Well, goodbye brother, I got to go back to reprint to Mister D, he's gonna be furious at me" he walked off, not knowing what awaited for him...

With Mikey and the others
They were in the hospital, and with they I mean Mikey, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Baji and Chifuyu, the others were busy taking care of other things but still worried about their dying friend. Mikey was looking at the floor, with worry bubbling inside of him but another feeling came in...deja vu? Oh yeah, that time when Draken was stabbed by Kiyomasa and Takemichi carried him to the hospital.
"I can't believe Takemichi wanted to kill intentionally..." Baji said "Draken was one of the first person if he met, along with you Mikey"
"Yeah" Hakkai added "It felt like pure victory for a second, when we captured him, I actually felt hope after a long time....but then, it dissolved away"
"But hope is the last thing that should be lost" Mitsuya said "I- I still have hope that he'll eventually come back"
"Ugh! I had enough of this none sense!" Chifuyu yelled as he stood up "Can't you see?! I've spent twelve fucking years doing this! I can't believe it took me so long to realize that we should stop! We have to let go!"
"What are you saying Chifuyu?!" Baji asked "We've got to save him-!"
"This is not about saving him anymore! We all know it!" The guy with emerald eye replied "Saving him it's all a lie we tell ourselves to not feel guilt, the guilt of knowing that we couldn't do it at time, and that it was us! We have to let go and accept he won't come back!"
Everyone was silent, deep down they knew Matsuno's words were true, it wasn't about saving Takemichi anymore, this all was about to hide the guilt of been so useless and not have been able to do anything at time, to hide the fact that Takemichi saved them multiple times but yet they didn't do anything in return "It hurts me too...but I think the best way to save him is to let him go"

(A/N: But I love you sooooo, please let me goooo, I love you soooo, please let me goooo, but I love you soooo)

"Wait!" Mikey yelled "Remember the agreement?! If TBBT killed a CEO from Tengoku then we must kill the one who killed them! Remember?! Tengoku must think that Draken is dead so...
                          they will kill Takemichi!"

Back with Takemichi
As he walked he saw a man get on a bike, quickly he killed him with his knife and steal his bike. He skipped a few red lights but meh, who cares? He finally arrived at the alleyway. He jumped off the bike and walked inside the dark alleyway, leading him to a dead end. He pressed a pattern of bricks which resulted to be buttons, up up down right down right up left, then two doors opened, showing an elevator which he got in. Once inside he pressed the button to floor 12. It took the elevators a few seconds to open and he walked forwards, to see Aiko along Tao next to him in his right and in the left Haru.
"Alma" Mr. D said coldly, which sent shivers down Takemichi's spine "Is it true?"
"Depends on what you say, if you mean is it true that you got captured and did an super awesome escape then yeah! It's fucking true" Alma replied proudly
"That you killed one of the CEO of the TBBT? Ryuguji Ken?" His boss asked once again and he froze, how did he know? And why did he care? Oh right, he forgot...
"Y-yes boss" he replied looking at the floor but then quickly at him "But I can't explain-!" He got interrupted by the angry man "What did I say?! No killing of the important members of TBBT! The war between us should not turn into a serious matter! We made an agreement! we've got to kill you"
When Tao heard this she turned towards her boss "But boss! We still don't know if Ryuguji is dead! He might be in surgery!"
"Yeah of course, no one survives been shot in the chest, two times!" Mr. D replied angrily
"Hey hey, what are you doing boss?" Hanma said as he appeared from behind Takemichi "You know what happens if you kill him right?"
"I bowed loyalty to my king not to you Mr. D" Sanzu added as he swung his katana and rest it on his shoulder "sos if any of you try to kill him or cause any harm to him" a maniac smile appeared on his face as he pointed at Daichi "I won't hesitate to torture you all to death!"
"Same with me~ I'm only here because if Michy~" Hanma added, ti then continue with a more cold and dark voice "Touch him and I'll make sure none of you leave this room ever again, at least not alive"
Both of them were behind Takemichi, one of each side.
"Hanma...Sanzu..." Alma muttered surprised but yet glad he had them by his side, Sanzu grinned at him "Anything for you my king~"
"Well your king will be now gone" Mr. D said as he pulled out of kk where a gun and shot Takemichi in the neck so fast the red haired guy couldn't dodge .
"KING!/ MICHY!/ ALMA!/" Sanzu, Hanma and Tao yelled. While Hanma held Takemichi that fell on his arms as blood started to come out his mouth, breathing became hard and painful.
Takemichi pov:
I couldn't breath, everything was becoming blurry and the voices became muffled, they mixed with that intense ring in my ear, was this it? Was j finally going to die? Would I be free for once and for all? Slowly I started to feel how my legs went dumb, then my middle body, my arms until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I coughed blood and continued to hear how Hanma and Tao called me while I watched a pink and purple blurry spot move, and red came out, it just be Sanzu killing boss...
I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me, finally, finally I would be free 'will I go to the same place as you brother?' I thought.
"King! King don't go!" I could hear Sanzu yell, I kinda felt bad...leaving them like this, but what can I do? I felt how they grabbed my numb body and took me outside. That thought didn't leave my mind 'and I going to heaven with you big brother? I've committed way too many sins in my life...we won't go to the same place? Will I be alone again?' Suddenly an image of Mikey appeared, it was from Toman times, the good ones. Then Draken appeared and my consciousness was filled with guilt, how could I have done such a thing? Then Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Baji, the Kawata twins Souya and Nahoya or rather known as Angry and Smiley, Pah-chin and Peh-yan, Izana, the Haitani brothers Ran and Rindou, Kaku-Chan, Shion, Inui, Koko, Senju, Wakasa, Benkei, Sanzu, Hanma, Tao-san, Hina the girl I used to love and the reason I started to time travel, Naoto who helped me in my time travels, Emma, Yuzuha and everyone I held dear, i guess that was my weakness, that I loved way too much, way too much people and even if I wanted I could never forgive them, because they all had a part in my heart, but how do I say goodbye when my heart still wants to hold on?.

The goodbyes weren't said.
The I'll miss you hugs
Weren't given.
Because things stopped
Without my permission.
So here I am,
Saying it in a whisper
From afar,
But it's screaming
In my head.
I love you.
I'll miss you.
This isn't goodbye though.
It's a new begging.
Not and end.
-Jeane Cecelia-

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