Chapter 11:

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A month had passed, Toman and Tenjiku were getting ready to fight, they would do it at a abandoned car lot, and lots of different gangs would come to see. This kind of reminded Mikey of the fight between Toman and Valhalla, where Takemichi had been stabbed protecting Baji and was sent to the hospital...since they last talked (Mikey and Take) he had focused on many way to get him back to Toman. Mikey was with the gang on his way there, they were on their bikes, carrying the Toman flag. Mikey had it all planned, now he would steal Takemichi back 'don't worry Michy, I'll get you back to your past self' he thought.
Once the huge doors opened Toman walked forwards
"The Tokyo Manji Gang!"
Then the doors in the other side opened showing Tenjiku
"Hansen, thank you for overseen this today" Mikey thanked him
"If this fight sucks, I'll take down both if you" Hansen replied
"Representatives form both gangs step forward!" One of the fight managers yelled, and both did as they were asked.
Draken and Kakucho walked forwards and looked at each other.
A five in five with your best guys or an all out melee with everyone? What you guys wanna do?" Hansen asked
"Tenjiku brought this fight to us, so they decide" Draken said "We only have one condition, Hanagaki Takemichi's return, if Toman wins this battle, we'll be taking Hanagaki Takemichi back, that's all"
"Takemichi came to us in his own, there is nothing to return" Kakucho replied serious
"We'll be taking Takemichi back, that's all" The tall blonde said again
"There will be no conditions, we came here to beat the shit out of you all" Kakuchi says and kicks Hansen in the stomach, leaving him on the floor "There will be no conditions as such, and overseen? You came here to play or what?"
"Let's get this shit started, shall we Mikey?" Izana said.
Mikey frunces, getting angry and yells "Let's go Toman!"
"YEAAAHH!" They replied
"Let's go kill Tenjiku!" Izana yells and the two gangs starts fighting.
Mikey looks for Izana, when he is about to kick him he gets blocked
"If you wanna get to Izana, you shall go through me first" Takemichi says
"Takemichi, move, this is between me and that jackass" the blonde replied
"I said no" the black haired teen says and does a 540 spin kick, which Mikey could barely block.

(A/N: Imagine that Takemichi is fighting like Yor but he doesn't fall at the end and Mikey is Loid)
When Takemichi sees that Mikey's hands are not protecting him he tries to punch him in the face but he blocks it
"I really didn't want to fight you but you didn't leave me any choice" The blonde says as he starts attacking non stop, and finally does his usual killer kick. Takemichi's head hits the hard floor and starts bleeding, when everyone thought he was unconscious he stood in his hands and kicked Mikey in the face. Well that was what he would wanted but instead he kicked Chifuyu.
"Move out of the way Chifuyu" the black haired boy says
"Not happening" the teen with undercut responded
"Well then" The blue eyed teen kicks the blonde in the head, leaving him unconscious, but Mikey was already gone.
"Fuck" he curses looking for his ex-leader
"Hana!...erm e I mean, Takemichi! fight me!" Baji said when he appeared out of no where and tries to punch the other black haired boy, which he dodges and grab the long haired boy's arm and break it with his knee
"HAAAAAAAAAAA" Baji yells grabbing his now broken arm
"Stay out of the way Baji" Takemichi says as he disappears in the crowd. He starts beating any Toman member who gets in his way, when he spots Mikey and Izana fighting. He runs toward them but Draken interferes "Not so quick"
Takemichi was getting impatient so he just starts full on, with Draken barely being able to dodge or block. Finally he kicks the taller blonde in the stomach so hard that makes him knee and then punch him on the face. He makes his way towards the two leaders when Mitsuya and a Hakkai stop him, with the whole 2nd division behind them.
"Sorry Takemichi, but we can't let you pass" Mitsuya says as his division runs towards Takemichi who just stands still.
In a flash he epic-ly (not sure if this word exists) bested the shit out of them, included Hakkai and Mitsuya who where laying unconscious with the rest (too lazy to write scene just use your brains people). He ran towards Mikey and Izana who where fighting none stop, blocking him. When Mikey was about to kick Izana Takemichi interfered by blocking it saying with his hot as fuck pocket face "I told you if you wanted to get to Izana you had to get through me first"
"How? Did you already defeat Ken-chin, Baji, Chifuyu, and the whole second division?" The short man child asked surprised
"Yea, it was easy peasy lemon squeezy" the other one smirked
"You still use that child frase? And I'm the man child" The black eyed one says
"Shut the fuck up you fucking shrimp" the blue eyed teen responds angrily and punches the blonde straight up in the face
"Fuck, that hurt" Mikey curses as he cleans his bloody nose
"Heh, now look who is the punch bag now"
Then both start fighting meanwhile Izana is bored as fuck, he enjoyed Takemichi's loyalty but he was having fun frustrating Mikey. He was so focused on his own thoughts he didn't see a Toman member charging at him with a katana (not Sanzu), but the black haired notices and quickly pushes Izana and gets stabbed with the long katana going through his stomach.
"TAKEMICHI!" Izana yells and Mikey just stands there, watching with horror what just happened. The yell caught everyone's attention and looked at the scene.
The blue eyed boy looks at the katana in his stomach and takes it off without effort and with the weapons in his hand looks at the person who stabbed him. He quickly runs towards him and stab him in the heart with the katana.
"Karma bitch" he replied as the dead body plumps into the floor. He started to feel dizzy and looked down, there was blood dripping from his uniform "haha, it looks like if I was on a period's kinda funny, I feel dizzy, I think I'm going to sit for a sec" he says as he falls to the floor and Izana catches him "QUICK! RAN CALL AN AMBULANCE"
"Yes sir!" The braided teen says as he looks for his cellphone but doesn't find it "NOW WHO IS THE FUCKER WHO STOLE MY PHONE?!"
"Probably none, who would want to steal an Annabelle wannabe's phone?" Rin answers.
Takemichi suddenly gets up from Izana's shoulders, but something is wrong, he is giving a different aura...this was not Takemichi, this was another person.  "This battle ends now, and I recommend no one to discuss me, I'm in a real shitty mood right now" The blue eyed raven head says
"Not yet, not until-" Mikey couldn't finish because Takemichi did a  540 spin kick (google it) and leaves the "Invincible Mikey" unconscious on the floor.
"Anyone else?" He asks with venom.
Everyone is confused...did Toman leader just lost?
Suddenly police sirens are heard and everyone gathers their gang and runs away, with Tenjiku winning.
While Tenjiku leaders are in their bikes Ran suggests "Maybe we could go to celebrate our victory somewhere fancy~"
"Sure, but I'm not paying" Rin answers
"But you're the only one who is almost rich Rin Rin"
"We share bank account"
"Sure I wouldn't mind" Takemichi says
"Didn't you just get stabbed?" Kakucho asks
"True! I forgot, maybe we could pass by a hospital to get this shit closed and then we could go eat something somewhere" the blue eyed says
"I just can't believe you" Izana says
So the 5 go to the hospital, doctors looked surprised that he wasn't unconscious yet or that he could move normally, anyways they closed the wound and then they had to escape the hospital because they wouldn't let Takemichi leave. They where eating happily, drinking some beer, they started ordering the food
"We will have 40 pack sushi pieces to
share-" Kakucho started when he got cut off
"What about me?" Takemichi asked
"-and some dinosaur shaped nuggets  from the kid's menu" the guy with the scar said
"That will be all?" The girl asked and he nodded
"And some ketchup too" Take added and the girl nodded
"What's the magic word Takemichy?" The red eyed asked
"Sorry MOM, please, i want some ketchup too"
Kakucho just sighted as a tired mother he was.
"I still can't believe that Hanagaki Takemichi, the guy who defeated the great Invincible Mikey still eats Dino nuggets from the kids menu" Ran said holding a laugh
"Got any problem with that Annabelle wannabe?" The blue eyed asked
"Huh?! Who are you calling Annabelle wannabe you depressed emo boy"
"At least I don't cosplay as a doll from a movie"
And like that, soon the two started fighting until the food came. After eating they were all too full but the shrimp still wanted dessert so he ordered a pot of one kilo of cookies and cream, no one wanted it so he ended up by eating it all alone while taking a walk drunk with his also very drunk friends.
"Hey Michy~ why don't we crash over  your house~?" Izana asks
"Sure I don't mind, tonight my brother is out with some friends so I'm alone " the black haired boy says while eating his ice cream.
"I still don't get how can you eat all that and don't end like a ball" Rin questioned
"It's that all the food i eat goes out the hole in my tummy, so my tummy is never full" the shorter explains while the drunks do an O with with their mouth while nodding and like that went the rest of the night until they went to Takemichi's house and fell asleep watching a random movie.

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