Arc 2: Chapter 1: We meet once friend

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'Kuro talking'
Takemichi disappeared, he had been missing for over a month now. Since his fight with Izana, and his brother's death he was never seen again. Only Tenjiku knew about this, but other gangs where getting curios too in why they weren't seen Tenjiku psycho killer in a lot of time, and Mikey couldn't wait any longer.
He was on his bike with Draken (on his bike of course bahahah) arriving to the Kurokawa residence, when they did they ringed the bell and waited for a few seconds until they were surprised to see Izana with big eye bags and eyes red as if he cried for a long time; he looked like those boy/girl friends  who just broke u and were depressed and suicidal.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" The white haired boy had broken and raspy voice
"Izana? Who's at the door, just kill them-" a second voice which they recognized, it was Kakucho's.
"We came to know why we haven't seen Take- I mean Hanagaki in fights? Or in daily life, where is he?" Mikey asked
"We haven't seen Hanagaki a lot, that's why we're here, believe us, we don't want to see you as much as you don't want to see us" Draken added
The lilac eyed sighed and said "He has been missing over a month now..."
"What?!" The shorter blonde yelled "What the fuck did you do to him Izana?!"
"I- it's all my fault" Izana said as he cried, falling in his knees "I should've told him, I shouldn't- I shouldn't have lied to him"
"Izana!" Kakucho yelled and ran towards him "Look what you've done! I just managed to make him stop crying and blame himself!"
"W-what happened?! What's o you mean it's all your fault?!" Mikey asked furiously
"Just shut up! I'll tell you everything, just shut up..." Kakucho said as he helped his kind walk towards his room and fell asleep then went downstairs again where the two impatient blondes were waiting, he sat in the chair in front of them and started to explain "Michy has- had a brother, an older brother called Hanagaki Shoyo, the tall ginger with blue eyes. Well he got sick, like really sick, he had brain cancer. Izana found out and was asked by Shoyo to not tell Takemichi since he didn't want his little brother to be sad, he only told us. With us I mean me, Ran and Rindiou, after he died he discovered we knew and didn't told him...he got really mad and left Tenjiku, since that day we haven't seen him or Sanzu, and Izana won't stop blaming himself, he had been crying for days and refusing to eat or drink..."
"What do you mean with or Sanzu? Have you seen him?!" Draken asked
"He joined us a week before the two disappeared" Kakucho explained
"Do you know where did they go? Or do you have any ideas?" Mikey said serious
"I don't know if it's true but...I may have an idea of where they went..."
Kakucho was visiting Shoyo in the hospital. The older boy body had collapsed and couldn't leave the bed anymore, they knew that soon he would go...
"Hey Kaku, how are ya doing?" Shoyo greeted him, unbelievable, he was dying but he was still happy and cheerful looking.
"Good, and you? Feeling any better?"
"Well, the headaches are disappearing, I guess that's because of this big ass tumor breaking my nerves haha"
"You shouldn't joke with those things..."
"Hehe, sorry...hey baldy, can I trust you a secret?"
"Sure...what is it?"
"Some time ago, some Tengoku members came into our house..."
"You mean Tengoku as Tengoku no Tenshi Mafia?!"
"Shhhhh! Yeah, I don't think they know but I eavesdropped their private conversation and they want Takemichi between their men...I don't mind him killing some people in your gang, like that is what delinquents do, but I don't want to him to be una Mafia, I never liked those please, once I'm one, keep him away from them, specially from a person called Riko something, don't let them bear my brother, okey? You must promise me Kakucho that he won't join any Mafia and you will stop him, please"
"I promise Shoyo-San...Takemichi will never set a foot on a Mafia unless if it is to beat the living shit out of them"
"That's what I like to hear! Now! What kinds of tasty food did you bring your poor older brother!"
"Yeah...older brother..." Kakucho muttered, it was true, the ginger turned into an older brother for them, (Izana, Haitanis & Kakucho)
Back in present
"Tengoku, Tengoku no Tenshi Mafia wanted or wants to recruit him, I think he might have joined them and knowing Sanzu obsessed ass he might have followed him" The guy with a scar said
"What do you mean with Sanzu's obsessed ass? I thought he was Mikey's dog, no offense" Draken asked
"Well it turns out he isn't, not anymore, he became a drug addict and is all obsessed over Takemichi, I even found him once in his room smelling his pillow and clothing..." Kakucho said
"Then let's make a deal, we want to combine Tenjiku, Black Dragons,
Brahman and Toman. Brahman already agreed, we will find Takemichi and save him from his dark impulses" Mikey said
"Huh?" The Tenjiku second said confused
"We want to combine Tenjiku, Toman and Brahman to create an police, detective however you'd like to call it organization, so-"
"I accept" a voice was heard.
Everyone turned their head to the stairs where Izana was standing "Izana-" Kakucho was interrupted by his king "I said I accept, that I am joining, are you fucking deaf or what? I'm going to save Takemichy...we are going to save him from the Dark Impulsed we have created"
Mikey stood up and walked towards his half brother and both shook hands "Im glad to have you" the blonde said and both hugged each other "Let's start from zero, okey?"
And like that was how the TBBT (Toman, Tenjiku, Black Dragons & Brahman) was created, twelve years passed, twelve years since their Crybaby Hero disappeared, twelve years since Tenjiku Psycho Killer went missing, twelve years since Brahman prince left, twelve years since BD leader and the one who took down the tyrant (Taiju) twelve years of hard non stopping work of tracking down Tengoku no Tenshi, but also twelve years of change...
Now the TTBB became a multimillionaire company, similar to the CIA or FBI, but in Japan. Meet the four Kings as they call them

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