Arc 2:Chapter 2: I finally caught you

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A/N: HEY, read the story in the photo aboveeeeee ☝️
It belongs to someonesbackyard , it's really great , like  read it, I recommend it a hundred percent, bd I don't care I put it on the chap before, pleaseeeeeee
"You're not escaping this time Takemichy" Mikey said with a smirk as he pressed the accelerator and the car accelerated. The red haired (Take) looked at the outside mirror of the car and saw the black car been driven by the man child "Fuck you Mikey" he muttered under his breath before turning around with a gun, once again he started shootings them but once again the bullets didn't work "Seems like I'm going to have fun today!" He said with a childish smile as he jumped from the open window the the roof of the car, then run and jumped off it falling in the police's car, breaking its mirror "Got ya!" He said smiling and punching it so hard it broke, though his hand was bleeding he took it out and finished to break it with his leg. Mikey accidentally moved the handlebar, making the car move to one side to the other, making the cars behind and next to it to crash with one another, luckily the blonde dodged before he could crash. He took out his gun and started shooting at Takemichi, but of course they weren't killing bullets, they were bullet looking sleeping darts, he didn't want to kill his friend, just capture him...
Due to the moving he was unable to shoot at Takemichi who jumped to the car's roof and with a a knife looking tool I'll dhow in the end of the chaiter that he had hidden in his clothing, started cutting the car's roof and made a hole. The extra part went flying, crashing and making explode the car behind that belonged to the TBBT too. He entered the car making the two men turn their heads "Look fowards Mikey! I'll take care of-" Draken said but was interrupted by the shrimp "No! You drive!" He said before going to the back seats to fight Takemichi who had already left, only leaving behind a bomb who started to beep "Ken-chin jump off the car! There is a bomb!" And like that the two of them jumped off the car just a couple of seconds before it explode.
They saw a huge truck pass by them and explode a second later. Takemichi and another guy with brown hair and some weird clothing came walking off the now on fire truck. Take with a childish grin and the other one with his usual sassy one.
"How it feels to be defeated again Mikey? Let me take my notebook to note my victory" Take said as he stopped in front of the two bleeding men who were sitting on the floor "Oh right! This is my 1357 victory! And you won, hmmm 0 times, I think you might need way more than twelve years to catch me Mikey-Kun"
"Don't worry Takemichy" The blonde replied panting "No matter how many times I have to try I'll save you..."
"Would you just shut up" the playful aura that Take once had was now replaced with one full of anger and void "I don't need your saving nor anyone's, so shut up" he said crouching down and grabbing Mikey by him hair and then hitting his head with the floor, leaving the blonde's head bleeding.
"MIKEY!" Draken exclaimed running towards his commander "Mikey! Mikey are you okey?!"
"Yes Ken-chin, and fell right into our trap"
Take's heart stopped for a minute when he stopped feeling his body and felt sharp pain on his neck. He went to the area were he felt it and grabbed something that seemed to be embedded into his skin. He took it out and looked at it, it was a dart looking bullet 'shit' he thought before he fell to the floor and little dark spots consumed his gaze.
Mikey looked at unconscious Takemichi, finally, after twelve, twelve fucking years he managed to catch him. He turned and looked at Draken who looked as amazed and happy as himself. He couldn't believe it, what would Izana and the others think? Will they be happy? Probably, but what will they do with him, maybe they could erase his criminal record and he continue as a normal citizen? No...what was he thinking? The most probable thing is that he would try to escape and kill them, he wasn't the same Takemichi they knew, he would never forget that kiss though...even if it was just to escape the room he will never forget how Takemichi's soft lips felt with his, how he believed it was real, they were real for a second, how time stopped. How it felt so real for a second, that Takemichi deep inside light have loved him, or even love him, he would never forget those happy moments when he was still in Toman, he just wanted to hug him and never let him go, he wanted to cry next to him. He believed that he was just under his dark impulses, that maybe deep inside, very very very very very deep he would still the same Takemichi he knew, waiting to be saved.
He saw how his subordinates took Takemichi's hands and put them together on his back, putting the handcuffs (extra thick ones) and covering his eyes with a black blindfold around his eyes, covering his ears with special headphones so he won't wake up, and quickly put him in the black van, chainibg him to the seat. 'I finally caught you...' Mikey thought as hope flowed from the top of his toes up to the last hair in his head.
In the shadows a mysterious looking guy watched how his friend got introduced into the van and how it left quickly. As soon as he noticed the shooter he escaped but Alma didn't, how unlucky him, but it was Alma after all, he would escape in the end, he always did. He turned and walked alway with his arms crossed when suddenly a gun appeared pointing at his forehead, he looked up to see Tao pointing at him "There is no need to worry Tao-San~ I'm not a traitor~ Alma will escape eventually, it's not the first time the police catches him"
"But it's the first time the TBBT does" the woman replied
"My my Tao-San, are you calling Alma weak? If he was here he would get angry~"
"But he isn't, and it's your fault"
"I'm not his babysitter, it's not my fault that a kid is a monster, but again a kid"
Tao sighed and lowered the gun and put it back to her secret pocket "You're going to explain why did Alma get captured ti Daichi, and don't you dare blame me or you're not going to wake up next morning"
"Don't worry Tao-San~ have some faith in the kid would ya?"
"He is an year younger than you"
"Mentally he is 5, as maximum"
"Whatever, let's just go, I ran out of cigarettes and my mind is starting to burn"
"You're such a smoke addict Tao-San, you know-"
"Shut the fuck yo Haru, you smoke too"
"Awww~ cold as ever~ when will you start to treat me Ku fly like you treat Alma~?"
"So mean~"
A pair of intense blue/cyan (like Gojo's) eyes opened slowly, but they were covered by a thick black blind fold. He tried to move but his hands and legs were chained by heavy and thick chains/handcuffs. He stopped mixing once he realized he couldn't move, he tried to make a sound but there was a piece of clothing in his mouth, damn it felt so dry. He couldn't hear anything either, all his senses were blocked, he probably was in a white interrogation room, it was a place were they blocked all his senses and was in a white room when there was nothing but walls, but there were million cameras hidden everywhere and a camouflaged door that only opened if an authorized member of TBBT opened it, that's the level of security of Toman's organization.
He felt how the headphones were removed and how they took the cloth from his mouth. He closed it, feeling how he extra large fangs touched each other. He had some weird deseas that made his fangs be larger than normal fangs. He heard a familiar voice "Hey Michy, shall you add to your note book a win to TBBT?" It was him, it was him...the person he despised the most, even more than Mikey, not more than Kisaki, Kisaki was the one he hated the most but this certain person was one who he held a lot of hate...

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