Chapter 17:

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"This person is Tachibana Naoto" Chifuyu said
Everyone looked at him confused, what did Hinata's little brother had to do with all of this..?
"You mean Hinata Tachibans's luttle brother?" Baji asked and the blonde nodded
"He is actually quite close to him, when we used to be friends Takemichi and me he told me he saw Naoto as his own little brother" (a/n: Poor Naoto)
"But how did they became so close? Only because he was Hinata's boy friend?" Mitsuya asked
"No, he saved him once a long time ago from some delinquents, and the fact that he was his sister boyfriend made the two even more close" the undercut boy said
"So, do you think he can make Takemichi go back as the way he was?" Draken asked
"Yes, I believe that he will make of great help" Chifuyu said
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Baji said but as soon as they got out of the department they remembered they didn't know where did the Tachibanas lived, of course Draken was the only one who remembered because of the responsable mothe- I mean friend he is.
They got on their bikes and arrived there quickly, when they where there they knocked and black haired boy opened the door, he seemed to be an year younger than them or maybe an year and a half? (In here Naoto is 14 and Takemichi 15, I aged them up everyone one year) suddenly the  younger said "Um, hello?"
"You're Tachibana Naoto right? You know Hanagaki-" Mikey couldn't finish because the younger interrupted "Takemichi?! Do you know if he is okey?! Have you seen him?!" He asked worried
"So he didn't tell you?" Mitsuya asked
"Tell me what?" Naoto asked
" *sigh* long sorry or short?" The lilac haired asked
"Long, I want all details as possible" the raven head said "Come in, you can tell me in my room, my parents are with my sister somewhere so I'm alone"
They went to the boy's room and sat down. They explained everything, on how Kisaki manipulated them and made Mickey believe he was a traitor, on how Takemichi joined Tenjiku and became a killer, about the blue eyed hate for Toman. Naoto looked serious and then looked at them angry "You really believed that ugly for eyes with fluo hair?! You're more stupid than I thought"
"Who are you calling stupid?!" Baji said furiously but was interrupted by Mikey "How do you know how Kisaki looks?"
"Takemichi tells me everything, most of the things you said about Kisaki plans I already knew them, Takemichi knew from the start that Kisaki wasn't good news and tried to tell you but you never cared you where never interested in listening him, you know how much it hurt for him that was trying to help you and you didn't care? I really can't judge him from becoming how he is now. But there is something else you must know..."
Everyone stayed silent and Naoot continued "I won't tell you all but, only a small part, when he is ready he will el you, it's his decision. Takemichi has passed through a lot of stuff he saw multiple of people he cared for die, and many of them tried to kill him multiple times... since this accident started he told me he had this "voices" that would drive him crazy, that they wouldn't go, that told him to do awful things, and when he listened to them he felt how darkness started controlling him and he would do things I don't want to describe... it's like an impulse he told me, to do awful things, I don't really understood it but from what you described me it seems like those "impulses" of his got control over him, so now he probably has his mind really messed up, and he isn't thinking straight, he is just following them probably,we have to make those impulses or darkness disappear to get him back"
Mikey and Chifuyu understood perfectly two different things; Mikey that Takemichi had also dark impulses and Chifuyu that Naoto knew about Takemichi's time traveling but how? Only he and his partner knew about this, why did he tell Naoto? They thanked the boy but when they were about to leave Chifuyu said he would stay for a sec, he needed to talk about this immediately.
"How do you know about Takemichi being a time leader?" The blonde went straight to the point
"Because I'm his trigger" Naoto said "He can time travel thanks to me, when we shake hands is when we time travels both in the past that is our present and future that is where he comes from"
"Takemichi told me that he needed a trigger to time travel but I thought it would be by emotion or if he said some special word, not that a person was the trigger"
"Well duh, we aren't ina manga or a movie, he can't just think 'I want to time travel back to the future' and poom he is there"
"Anyways, when you said he saw many people he cared die and some of them even tried to kill him you mean Toman and Mikey right?"
"Yes, he told me he had to save: Draken, Baji, Kazutora, Izana, Kakucho, Hinata is his main reason to time travel, or was at least, Akkun, Mitsuya, Emma and Mikey, Mikey was the one who caused most of the deaths so mainly Mikey from bai "Dark impulses" but it seems that Takemichi was so focused on saving them that he forgot about his own dark impulses"
"That's a lot of people...he must carry a lot on his shoulders...I can't believe we never asked him if he was okey or ever noticed that he was carrying that that I knew about bai ability should have known that he wasn't alright..."
"Hey, I don't really know you but from what he told me you were a great friend and partner Chifuyu, he really appreciated you and was so happy, now is our time to save him...being so small and can't do nothing... I feel so useless..."
"Hey Naoto, it's not your fault nor no one's, we need to free him from his impulses, what you could do is brain storm about the futures and see if you could remember how he freed in a time line Mikey form his impulses, maybe we could try something similar with, this is my number *writes his number in a paper* if you remember something to have an idea text me, I'll text you if I find out something okey?"
"Yes, thank you Chifuyu"
"No prob..! I should get going anyways they must be wondering why am I taking so long, cya Naoto, say hi to your sister for us"
"Cya, I will"
And like that the delinquents went to Mikey's house again and started playing some video games and watched a movie to shrug off the bad/sad vibes. They where checking their old chats with Takemichi because they where bored and they found this on Mikey's

Mikey: If I said your so sexi would you say it back~?
Michy: Of course
Mikey: Your so sexi~
Michy: It back

Everyone started laughing their ass off while Mikey just fake cried and as they scrolled up they found another one

Michy: Wanna play a game
Mikey: Sure
Michy: What cat walks on two legs?
Mikey: The cat walk
Michy: Wrong Garfield
Michy: What mouse walks on two legs
Mikey: Jerry
Michy: Worng Mickey Mouse
Michy: What duck walks on two legs
Mikey: Donald
Michy: All ducks idiot
Mikey: You're so mean Michy 😭
Michy: I outsmarted you did I

"You're really stupid Mikey" Baji said while laughing and Mikey replied "The why don't we check YOUR messages"
"Sure I don't mind" the long haired smirked and opens his cellphone. They started scrolling until they found:

Baji: Hey Hana, why aren't you answering?
Hana: Sorry I dropped my phone and I can't find it, I'll text you when I find it.
Baji: Okey
Five minutes later
Baji: Did you find it?
Hana: Nope, I searched everywhere I think it went to the back rooms 😱😭
Baji: 😱

"I'm surrounded by two idiots" Draken said mentally crying because of the missing neurons of his two friends
"I-I can explain!" Baji said

Hana: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Baji: Idk, why?
Hana: To get to the idiot's house
Hana: Knock Knock
Baji: Who is there?
Hana: The chicken
Baji: Listen up you mother fucker-"

"HOW DARE YOU CALL MICHY MOTHERFUCKER?! NO WONDER WHY HE LEFT US NOW" Mikey said angry while Draken hold him so he wouldn't beat the shit out of Baji.
Then it was Mitsuya's turn
*random date*
"Oh I remember this one! This was when we drank at-" Mikey said but Draken shut him up.

Takemichy: Sorrh I left early, I couldn't stay longer
Mitsuya: Wtf, where are you going?
Takemichy: I'm going home
Mitsuya: Are you kidding me come back
Mitsuya: You're drunk
Takemichy: Don't worry I called an Uber
Mitsuya: We drank at your place
Takemichy: Oh
Takemichy: Then where am i going?
Mitsuya: Idk

"Oh I remember!! We had gotten drunk even thought we were minor and were still but we had gotten drunk and Takemichi thought he was at my house and left" Mikey said while whipping his fake tears
"I remember we had to look for him until 2/3 am" Baji added
"I really miss the old times, I wish I could just travel back in time..." Mikey says while jumping into his bed which Chifuyu sweat dropped thinking 'only if they knew...'
They spent the rest of the day at the blonde's house and then each one went to their own thinking 'We will get you back, even if you don't like it Takemichi because you're our dear friend and *cough* future *cough* husband *cough* and we will save you no matter what, anything or anyone that gets in our way will end up pretty badly'
They swore they would save him, they would kill for him, they would free him from the hands that kept him in darkness, they will bring the old Takemichi back even if they died, they would do anything for the once blonde, ANYTHING.

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