Arc 2: Chapter 6: A quite pleasant wokening

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• Arc 2: Chapter 6: •
-"Not one scar on my heart came from an enemy. They all came from people who "love" me"
By unknown

•Takemichi's pov•
"H-hey Sanzu" I said as I slowly woke up. Sanzu letter go of me hesitantly, then locked his turquoise eyes on mine and grabbed my arms "I was so worried...that you would never wake up..."
"I'm not gonna die yet" I replied "I'm way too cool to die" The pink haired guy chuckled and then I realized something "What happened in the headquarters?"
He looked at me without replying for a second before saying "Me and Hanma killed them all...except Tao, we let her escape since she was in our side"
"Did you...did you kill Haru?" I asked
"..." he hesitated to reply "No...we wanted though, but he escaped"
I don't know if to be happy or sad, he helped me out in lots of times but then he betrayed me...should I stop trusting others and shut myself from other people? Then the door opened showing Hanma with a big smile "Boss~! You woke up~ I was starting to think you would stay as a vegetal for ever~!"
I chuckled "Ha ha how funny" I replied sarcastically
"Seems like someone woke up moody" he replied "Welcome back"
That's it, I'm tired; I'm fucking tired on letting others take advantage of me, I'm gonna take my revenge on alm of them. I'll make sure to make them ducking understand to stay away from me for once and for all but first I've got to do something more important... "Hanma, Sanzu, what I'm gonna tell you is of crucial importance and I don't trust please don't make me regret trusting you two"
"I would kill myself if you asked me king, I would kill my own family, I would stab myself and open me in two of you asked. I will do anything you say" Haruchiyo said
with determination
"Same here Michy~" Hanma added "We are yours and we will do anything you say, even if it would mean to take my own life"
I looked at them with admiration and trust, I'll trust them my life, my soul, cause I know they are willing to sacrifice their all for me; and I would do the same for them. From all the people who I followed and the people who followed me they were the only ones who didn't betray me. So I'm giving human kind one last chance, one last chance to make my faith in humanity come back.
"I'm gonna start a new gang- no, a new Mafia, I'm gonna Fucking make them understand for once and for all that they should stay away from me but first...we've got some members to recruit"
"Oh! Oh! I've got some names for the Mafia~" Hanma said "WhT about The Hanmas or maybe Hanagaki's ?"
"What about me? Why didn't you include a name with my name in it?" Sanzu complained
"Because you suck" the taller replied "Like Sanzus; so lame or the mafia with badass scars like it's even worse"
"ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF MY SCARS YOU MOTHER FUCKER?!" The pink haired man yelled angry "IM GONNA FUCKING RIP YOU OPEN YOU LITTLE SHIT-" he took his katana and pointed at the taller one who smiled amused "My my~ calm damn Sanzu~ Michy just woke up~ you don't wanna make him get in a coma again don't you~? If you tell that much he will defiantly kill ginseng~"
Sanzu immediately turned towards me and rushed to my side where he kneeled down, dropping his katana on the floor and grabbing my hand with both his hands "Please! Don't kill yourself because of me my king! I promise I won't make you suicidal ever again!"
I chuckled and smiled softly looking at the tattooed one "You're so mean Hanma, look how you made him react" and then looked back at Sanzu who was raging angrily. He grabbed his katana and swung it trying to rip Hanma in two- who barely avoided it "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!"
"Please calm down sir!" A nurse said as she opened the door, she looked quite annoyed and angry "We are in a hospital! On the floor below it's the nursery and you won't stop yelling! If you continue with this rude attitude I will have to ask you to leave- oh seems like patient B150 woke up, I'll tell the-" but Sanzu cut swiftly her throat. Making her lifeless body fall to the ground; slowly making s small pool of blood
"Why..? Why are we in a public hospital?" I asked panicking. I quickly took all the little cables connected to my body "This could be poisoned...there could be special agents of the TBBT in here...are you two out of your minds?!"
"We had to call emergencies quick..." Hanma explained "We couldn't contact a private hospital nor doctor since you were dying...I don't know if you know this but you are supposed to be dead, you were short right in the middle of your throat. It's a miracle that you're alive"
I sighed "It's okey...I'm gonna just-" by as soon as I tried to stand up my legs dialed to support me and I almost fell to the floor, if it wasn't for Sanzu that catches me in time I would have some bad bruise "Thank you.."
"You've been in coma for nine's normal that your legs have lost muscle and strength, while making the gang- sorry the mafia you'll have to go through rehabilitation process and training to gain back all your strength" Hanma explained.
Nine months..? I've been in that freaking bed for nine months and I fell like a single second has passed since I blacked out...time is so weird, one second in my mind could be a day in the real world, I wish I could understand time...wait, if nine months have passed then my hair must be black again. I touched it and noticed it was well cut and I had to mustache or whatsoever, the hospital staff must have taken care of it.
"What do we do with the corpse?" Hanma asked
"We can throw it out the window" I said and Sanzu put me back in the bed and grabbed the body, threw it out the window, breaking it. Soon many yells of horror were heard "AHHHHH! There's a body!!!"
With Sanzu's help I started to walk but since I fell way too many times he grabbed me in bridal style and carried me with a smug smile in his face, which I don't know the reason of smiling that way; I felt some tension between Sanzu and Hanma while he carried me but decided to ignore it. We tried to walk as fast as we could, but I noticed the people who ran past us would stare at us weirdly, we were way too suspicious. When we passed by some wheel chairs I said "Hey stop!" When we stopped I pointed at them "Let's use the wheel chairs, it will be less suspicious"
Sanzu delicately put me in the chair and grabbed the handles; we stopped running and walked normally. We were about to leave through the door when a nurse stopped us by grabbing Sanzu's shoulder "Sorry mister but-" this time to one to cut off her head was me. I took Sanzu's katana and effortlessly cut her head off; which rolled leaving the floor stained red while her body fell lifeless on the floor. Horror tells we're heard across the room as we exited the building and we got on the black limousine. I was on the backseat next to Sanzu while Hanma drove away from there. Once things chilled down a bit Hanma asked "So boss~? How do you plan to make this new organization and which members are you thinking of recruiting?"
"I wanna recruit some of the past Tenjiku members; The Haitani brothers, Kokonui, Kakucho, and South Terano (A/N: in the original manga Mochi is in Bonten instead of South but ima change him so sorry Mochi). Also I want to recruit Takeomi Akashi, and maybe some other from the first gen of black dragon like Wakasa Imaushi or Benkei. Maybe I'll recruit Taiju and Mochi too but the ones I'm gonna recruit yes or yes are the first four: Haitani brothers, Kakucho, Kokonui and South" I explained
"Why them though?" Sanzu asked "You sound as if you knew this beforehand, like how are you so sure they're gonna follow you?"
"Oh believe me" I replied "I know exactly how to make them join me"
"Hmmm" the pink haired one doubted before saying with a smile that had second intentions "Okey king~ whatever you'd ay it's perfect~ just like you" I think Sanzu didn't want me to hear the last part because he whispered it, well too bad I heard it.
"Also what about those names I gave you? Do you like them?" Hanma asked "The names for the organization, I believe that The Hanmas is really good"
"Thanks Hanma but I've already got a name for it" I replied "It's gonna be called...Bonten"
WOHOOOO BONTEN'S REBORN IS HERE BABY also sorry for the late chapter lol I'm in vacations

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