Chapter 20:

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Shoyo's pov:

I walked through the streets, towards the hospital. This last days I haven't been feeling very well to be honest, and I'm worried. Im no hungry at all but I struggle to even swallow a simple nugget, and I'm noticing how skinny I'm getting, don't get me wrong not that type of skinny, like sick skinny. I'm having terrible headaches and been passing out, and memory loss. I finally arrived and a nurse received me "Hello Mister! How can I help you with?" She asked nicely
"I had an appointment at 14:40 with Doctor Omori" i replied and she nodded "Please, follow me this way"
I followed her through the corridors until she opened a door, I entered and thank her again. When she left I turned to see a 30 year old man, with the palest skin I've ever seen. He had black hypotonic eyes and same with his hair. I looked at him, he looked more sick than me honestly. He smiled at me and said "Hello, you must be Hanagaki Shoyo right?"
"Well I see you haven't been feeling good long?"
"Two months ago"
"Okey, then you said that you had terrible migraines, trouble eating, abundant weight loss, feeling weak, passing out and not too big memory loss right?" He asked and I nodded "Well, follow me, where going to do some medical exams to se what you've got" he added. He seemed to know something, like if he knew all the test results, but I had done some research too and I wasn't ready to accept that. I couldn't leave Takemichi, he would be lost, he would drown in darkness again...
He leaded me to a room with a scanner, like the circle this with a hole inside that looks like a donut that was for x-rays I think, they gave me a weird paper dress or something similar to put instead of my clothes. After I changed they told me what they where doing, they did some tomography scans, bone scan, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography scans, ultrasound, X-ray and finally of what seemed hours the last one was taking some blood samples. I felt really dizzy after all those test and scans and more shit. Finally I changed back to my normal clothes and thanked the doctors, specially doctor Omori who was really nice to me.
"Anytime kiddo, be sure to rest well and next week, let me check a sec" he grabbed what seemed to be his notebook, which was weird I always saw doctors have their schedule online like and the nurses told them and stuff, well he could be different. Omori was different from the other doctors because of multiple things, not only because of his appearance,the way he looked at others, the way he talked, how he seemed dead "You could pass by on Wednesday of next week? We will have the results ready"
"Yes doc! Cya later and thank you for all!" I replied as I left the room, heading to the exit, knowing probably what I was going to be told in a pair of days
'Yea...I'm probably going to die...'

Back to Takemichi
Takemichi was in the mall with Riko, who had bought literally the hole candy store, not that he complained thought, he looovveeedddd sweets. He looked at his violet eyed friend who was eating, he wondered what his real name was, maybe joining wouldn't be so bad...but no! He couldn't join! If he did he would betray Izana! He swore to be by his side until their hair grew white...well white in Take's because Izana already had white hair. But the point is he wouldn't leave Izana! Even if they offered him a thousand yen, right? Since Riko came to his house as a police man, the idea of joining didn't left his mind for one seconds. He didn't knew why but it was actually quite tempting...but that would mean betray Izana which h wouldn't do. Riko seemed to notice the boy was spacing out so he said "Helllooooooo, earth to Michy?" He snapped his finger in front of the raven's face who blinked a few times before replying "Yes?"
"Dude! Stop spacing out! I was talking on where we could go on our date~"
"I told you, I'm not joining" the blue eyed replied quite annoyed, since they left the Shiba family behind he wouldn't stop talking about how he was going to love the Mafia and shit.
"You never know, anyways is that eye color natural or you're wearing contacts?" The red haired asked
"It is natural"
"Really~? Would you mind if I check?"
"Yes, I do mind"
"You're such a boring person Michiiiiiiiiiiii" Riko complained but suddenly Takemichi put his hand on the red haired boy who looked at him confused but then when the raven pointed towards the other shop he understood. Izana and Kakuxho where walking out of a weapon store with what seemed...guns? Without any noise Take grabbed Reko's hand and ran quickly towards a alleyway? It was like a spot between two shops.
So now Reko was against the wall, been pinned by Take with a mouth on his hand, if that wasn't heaven then tell him what it is. Takemichi was looking outside and then he sighed, letting Reko go.
"Sorry, but I didn't want them to see me right now" the raven apologized, oblivious at what Reko had imagined the raven wanted to do, the red haired internally cried when he replied "It's Okey, but why didn't you want them to see you?"
"I don't want Izana to think I'm betraying him, if he sees me with a person he doesn't know he might think you're from Toman ir any other gang"
"Ohhhhhhhh...." Rhe violet eyed said. There was an awkward silence between the two until Reko added "So, he's the reason why you don't want to join us?"
"Yes, I swore my loyalty to Izana, he saved me after all"
"You know that's not true right?"
Takemichi stopped looking outside when he turned his head swiftly with angry eyes "It is true, he saved me when Toman betrayed me, I won't betray him no matter what"
The purple eyed sighed before responding "That's what you want to believe, but the truth is he didn't save you, you saved yourself. He only found you when you where broken, and what he did was to lend you a hand to heal again. You where in such a broken state that your mind immediately saw him as a savior, your mind needed someone to trust, want and need to save again so you chose him who was the first kind person after the accident, Izana knows that but he is kind and knows if he tells you isn't this, you'll break into pieces. So many in Toman tell you Izana is manipulating you, but you're only manipulating yourself get to believe a fake reality-" he couldn't continue because Takemichi interrupted him "Shut up! I don't want to hear any of that bullshit anymore! That's not true! I'm not a strong person! I didn't save myself! I'm useless! Izana did all that for me so now I have to help him back! And don't act like if you knew how it feels!" He crouched down, looking at the floor covering his ears while tears fell from his face 'you know, he might be right think to low of yourself to believe that you are strong' Kuro said 'Shut up! That's not true! He actually saved me! Why no one believes me?!' He though back
Suddenly he felt a pat on his head looked up and saw Riko looking at him with a soft smile and sad looking eyes "I'm saying this stuff because I suffered the same as you, I was just like you once you know, thought that a person saved me and loved me after been broken but in the end he just used me for their own good, you're lucky that he is kind and doesn't tell you this so I'm doing him a favor" they looked at each other for some seconds until Reko hugged him and the raven hugged back with crying more tears "I didn't lie when I said you are just like me, but I already stopped believing those fake voices in my head, the person you see and hear in your head isn't real either, it's just your conscience creation to help you still believe that, let that copy of you go, he isn't real, and you're more than you think Takemichi, you're one of the greatest person I ever be friended, and I think everyone who is or was your friend would agree with me"
' aren't real Kuro?' No response 'Kuro? Kuro?!' 'I'm here for gods sake! I was just thinking, because I am real, but in mental I'll person like him it was his conscience creation but lucky you I'm real' Takemichi sighed in relief, he couldn't imagine Kuro being fake after they went through together.
The two hugged each other in silent, while Reko patted his back and Takemichi sobbed a bit more.
"Let's go get some French fries at Mc Donald's! I'm starving in here!" The red haired one said and both walked towards the restaurant, without knowing that will be one of their last happy times, at least for Take.

Time skip to next Wednesday
Shoyo's pov
I was waiting at the waiting room in the hospital waiting for my results, but I knew the answer, but I didn't want to believe it at all, I couldn't leave that early right?
I felt like I was about to fall asleep when a nurse called my name, I followed her through corridors and was greeted by Dc. Omori, no wait, it wasn't him, it was another person, weird. I looked at the nurse and said "Sorry, I think you got the wrong Hanagaki, the doctor attending me was Dr. Omori"
"Dc. Omori? We don't have a doctor who is called like that sir, are you sure it was Omori? We have Omorigi, Oniri, even Onigiri damn, sorry! I shouldn't curse! I-I will be leaving bye!" She replied and left quickly as I got worried, what did she mean that there was no Dc. Omori? The who the fuck attended me last week.
"Sorry, but you must be Hanagaki Shoyo right? Then I've got your results and I'm very very sorry sir, it's such a sad thing for a guy your age to-" the doctor was interrupted by the ginger saying "Spit it out Doc"
The older man sighed and replied "I'm sorry to announce sir but
           you've been diagnosed with cerebral cancer"
A moment of silence for Shoyo, the tumor and the cliffhanger.

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