Chapter 5:

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"Takemichi..." the blonde said.

Since Chifuyu told them that Takemichi had joined Tenjiku nothing was the same. They knew they couldn't tell Mikey because it would only worsen the situation. They knew that Izana was Mikey's adopted brother, and they hated each other. Once Mikey told him that he felt like if Izana took everything that was dear to him, and he hated him for that. He couldn't let him see that his brother also stole his ex-best friend. Even thought he was a "traitor" they still missed him. Some tried to go to his house but it was usually crowded by Tenjiku members. They won't give up thought, they will know why he betray them, why did he go that far just to get their trust, his plans and the most important reason was they wanted to hear his voice. They wanted to see him, they could only see him in the pictures and hear him from the voice audios they had in WhatsApp. They needed him to come back to give them his comfortable smile that would give you butterflies in the stomach. They would go to his house next weekend, hoping he would be alone and talk to him, even if his leader had forbidden it.
After a meeting Draken saw Kisaki acting weird, like he would always be weird but he was being weirder than usual, he would smirk times to times. Draken decided to follow him when he saw Kisaki entering a alleyway, and there he was, Takemichi who was no longer blonde, now he had blonde hair that seemed more natural. Instead of using his usual Midoriya cut (I searched google and it appears that Takemichi used that hairstyle idk) he had straight down hair. But the thing that most changed was his look, his eyes were no longer blue, they seemed empty, instead of the once full of light and hope now dead, emotionless. He knew, from the second he saw those eyes, the old Takemichi they used to know was dead, and he was not coming back. He watched the hole scene hidden, how he beat up Kisaki to gulp.  Takemichi back then, couldn't even land a punch on someone. Now he was beating Toman's 3rd division captain like he was nothing. But the worst of all was that he mentioned that he would die for a "Him". Those were the same extract words that Takemichi said when he swore ti be loyal to Toman and save Mikey from something. When his ex-friend was about to leave he left his hiding spot and called him.
The black haired boy turned to see him, when he laced his dull blue eyes on his they shined with hatred towards him.
"Draken" Takemichi said with venom while he runned towards him jumping putting his feet in his head, kicking him making the tall teen fall backwards. That's when the fight started. They both started fighting. Draken was barely able to protect himself from Takemichi's attacks and attacking himself. It was like if he was fighting a beast. After sometime he was finally able to punch him with all his force on his stomach, he could almost hear the crack of his ribs. 'Was I too rough?' He immediately panicked. He just send the boy flying over the wall but... (I'm going to put a video here because idk how to make a fighting scene so i took a scene form Demon Slayer, Takemichi is Inouske and Draken is Tanjiro but ya know a bit taller haha)
Takemichi continued punching him no stopping, his head was bleeding and he felt a bit dizzy. He wasn't able to defend himself at all. Suddenly a voice was heard.
"Heyyy Takemchy~ don't beat him all up, we want to have some fun too, you're so mean~" A guy with two braids say
"Don't worry Ran, I think he still has some strength, he is Toman's vice commander after all" another guy with blonde hair and some tips of blue with glasses.
"But he is fighting Michy so I doubt he has something left" the other said
"True true" the blonde replied.
Draken looked at the brothers with hate, he knew that the Haitanis knew Takemichi, they were in the same gang and division.
"Hey Michy~ we've got to go, REMEBER? Izana is waiting for us" Ran said
"Sure" Take said "but first I've got to change clothes, they are full of blood"
"Ofc, and out on your uniform, we are going to have a small fight" Rin added.
"More? I just finish, but if Izana-kun says so..."
"Sure sure let's get going now" The braided guy say.
The trio left Draken all bleeding alone. Some minutes passed and when Draken was able to catch his breath a bit he grabbed his phone going to call someone. He marked Mitsuya's number but fir his bad luck Mikey answered. Fuck he remembered he asked Mitsuya to take care of his man child captain. He just told them to come to his location he was going to send. After some minutes Mitsuya and Mikey appeared and took him to the hospital. Both were surprised when they saw Draken all beaten up.
But they would leave the questions for later, first they ha to tell everyone that Draken was in the Hospital.
(A.N: You must be wondering what happened to Kisaki. Well he just passed out and stayed in the alleyway. Like they just didn't pick him up and take him to the hospital, he just stayed there unconscious because nobody likes him and he is an asshole so I left him in there, fuck you Kisaki 🖕)

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