Chapter 6

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Most of Toman (Draken friends) where there. They were all waiting for the doctor to come and tell him how he was. But a thought was on everyone's mind, who the heck did that to him?! Draken not only was huge and had an anormal strength, he was also really good at fighting, he was Toman's vice captain the second in command. For someone to beat him up like that needed to be ridiculously strong and good at fighting. Some minutes later a nurse came and said that luckily he wasn't too hurt, he only had a broken rib but nothing too bad, he just had to stay overnight and tomorrow he would be able to leave. Soon everyone entered to the room, who as soon as everyone was there it got filled by tension. Mikey was the first to talk
"WHO did this to you? Who left you like this? What the fuck is happening?! I'm not stupid you know! I know you all are hiding something from me! Are you betraying me too?! Answer me damn it!" He said full of frustration.
"We-were sorry Mikey we didn't thought that if you knew this it would help you. We thought you would be devastated... we-we didn't want you to succumb into your dark impulses again" Draken said with the most sincere words he could say. "And in respect in who and how did this to me, I don't even know where to start"
"You can start by telling me this so "Secret" that you had been hiding from me" the man child protested.
They all looked at each other nodding to then look at Chifuyu who looked at Mikey with sad eyes. The blonde noticed that and panicked, had something happened?! Did-did the blonde guy with blue ocean eyes died?! Wait wait wait, why was he thinking of that? Traitors where better off dead. But deep inside he didn't want to Takemichi to die, he missed him, every single day. He cried to his pillow regretting finding out that Takemichi was a traitor, maybe if he discovere that some time later he would been able to spend some more time with him...that wasn't important now! He had to focus on this "secret" everyone hid from him.
"I-it's Takemichi..." Chifuyu said and Mikey panicked, no no no, what happened to him? To his blonde? He decided to remain calm until Chifuyu finished "He-he after leaving Toman, he met your step brother Izana, they would see each other very often. And in the end he ended joining Tenjiku...he became a monster, rumors started spreading that the "Crybaby hero" from Toman had become a cold monster..." the teen with undercut finished.
Mikey stayed silent for a moment. No no no, not again, Izana took something he loved, again. Wasn't it enough for his step brother that he already blamed him from killing Shinchiro, he hated him. Now he took his beloved person, his beloved Takemichi.
"Who made you this Draken? We've got to take revenge on he or her" Baji said snapping his buckles
"It was him, Takemichi...after the meeting I followed Kisaki that was acting strange,  like wired era than usual, and he ended up in a dark alleyway, and there he was, with black hair, flat black hair and his blue eyes...they disappeared, the shine they once had, he was completed consumed by darkness, they were like dead. He beat the crap out of Kisaki almost killing him and then he fighted me. He fights like a beast, I could barely dodge or stop his attacks. After that the Haitanis came and took him to a Tenjiku meeting or something"
Everyone was surprised, mostly Mikey who had to process all the information at once.
He wanted to scream and shout, and let it all out, to cry so Takemichi's smile would save him like always from that never ending darkness that follows him everywhere he went.
Now Takemichi was consumed by darkness of reality too, who would save him now?
"We need Takemichi back...or else he's going to get consumed too" the short teen suddenly said.
Everyone was shocked but he was right, their old friend was going to the wrong path. They were going to save him. This time it was their time to be the Heroes. "We will be the heroes to save him this time".
They didn't care if he was a traitor or not. They will soon discover that it was all part of Kisaki's plan.
"He's not the same thought. If you saw him you would think he is another person, he is no longer the person we used to know" Draken advised them.
'We will save you Takemichi/partner/Hana/Takemichy' they all thought. They were devoted to it, and they won't stop until Takemichi re-joined Toman and became the ángel he once was. They will resucite the fallen angel who once shined with light and hope, who now shined with blood thirst and insanity, with emptiness and darkness filling his eyes.
This is how Takemichi's hell started and Toman's mission started.

Time skip to next day after Draken got out of the hospital:
They were at Mikey's house, planning how they were going to "save" Takemichi. Suddenly Shinchiro entered "I'm homeee" he said.
"Welcome home Shinchiro" he heard Mikey and his friends say. They sounded like a lot so he went upstairs and entered to his brother's room. They all had glasses and had made a pony tail, looking like little/big nerds.
"Why are you wearing that?" He asked
"We are thinking on a plan, and Baji say that if we need to do an intelligent plan we need to look intelligent. He said it works for him" Mikey said pointing at Baji.
Shinchiro just sighted, it seems that everyone in that room was stupid. "Well the day after tomorrow Izana is going for a family dinner" and left the room.
Everyone frozen in that second, Izana the new leader of Takemichi, the new "best friend" of Takemichi would come to have dinner at Mikey's house? Just with hearing that name made their blood boil, it was his fault that Takemichi turned into a monster.
After a few more hours of intense thinking they finally made a plan:
Step 1: Go to Takemichi's house and try to convince him to re join Toman, by talking and saying sorry.

Step 2: If step 1 didn't work, if he didn't want to listen to them they would have kind of kidnap him and take him by force to talk to them.

Step 3: If step 2 didn't work they would do a fight vs Tenjiku and said that if they win Takemichi would re-join Toman, and if they loose, which was not going to happened, they would just do whatever Tenjiku asked.

Step 4: They would go to his house everyday and ask for him to re-join. Saying they'll do anything he wanted.

Step 5 (the most unprovable): They would do a party with Toman's gang allies, and Tenjiku because it's quite new and it would seem like something Mikey did because they were "brothers". Very few people knew that Mikey hated Izana and likewise.

So they decided to start its step 1. Here they gooooooooo.

A.N: Helloo! Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^ see you next chapter, bye bye!

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