Special Christmas chapter

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This happened on Christmas before classes started
Takemichi had invited his Tenjiku friends and his brother some close friends too, they were preparing some food and they had the presents ready. Everyone a day before had given them the presents for them to put them under the tree.
"TAKEMICHYYYYYY" Shoyo called him
"What happened?!" He asked
"We need decorations! They are all broken! Quick quick go to the store and buy them all! Here my credit card!" The ginger said and the other one ran to his bike. He got in and rushed to the decoration store parlaying for it not to be closed. For his luck it wasn't closed so he entered and started putting Christmas Decorations when he bumped into someone.
"Well, seems that we both were missing some decorations" Mikey said
"Yea, now bye" Takemichi said and walked away but the blonde grabbed his arm
'Gosh! What is with Toman and grabbing my arm before I go?!'
"Wait, you know, this Christmas feels really lonely without you, I won't ask you to come but Toman, me, still cares about you, here, the guys and me made you a present, I know it's not much but we put a lot of effort on it" the black eyed said
"Thank you, I probably won't open it anyways" the blue eyed said and walked away. He finished buying all the stuff he needed and rushed to his house. He hided Mikey's present in his room and went downstairs to help decorate. Some minutes later when they finished someone knocked the door
"I'll go open!" The younger said and when he opens there were (Shoyo's friends) Hiako, Kairu, Mikato and Hikaru.
"Hey Takemichy! You grew so much since the last time we saw you! You are a big sexi man now" Hikaru said
"Calm down grandma" Kairu said chuckling and Hikaru almost punched him.
The four entered and soon Izana. The haitani brothers and Kakucho arrived too.
They were playing to tell things from their childhood Christmas.
"Me! Me! I have one!" Shoyo said exited "One year, when Takemichi was 7 or 8 he had asked like two super expensive gifts and mom and dad could only get him one so the day after Christmas he wrote a letter, I think I have them saved *goes to his room and grabs a brown box and goes back downstairs* here it says:

Deer Santa:
I'm writing this letter a day after Christmas because i am very angry, I asked for 2 gifts and I only received 1. Since you are all the cookies me and my brother made for you I guess this was a mistake. You have 1 week to fix this mistake.


Shoyo: "Then here my parents wrote this letter in response"

Dear Takemichi,
I am so sorry that you couldn't receive the two gifts you wanted, they were very expensive and Santa can only bring one. You should be grateful with what you have not angry with what you don't. If you continue to complain I'll have to other choice than to add you to the naughty list.

Deer fat old hairy ugly man,
You think you can threat me? Well guess what, your threats don't scare me, I have played your game and you CHEATED and this is not okey, and again I'll give you 1 week to deliver the missing gift. And I don't care if they are expensive since you have elf slaves to make things for you, I think you're being a big bad man for having slaves and breking others rights

Dear Takemichi,
You are being a bad boy, I should take the present I gave you so I have talked to your parents and they agreed to take the Nintendo, now you have NOTHING. Once you learn to be a good kid maybe I'll add you to the good list but at the very bottom.

Deer soon dead person,
I DO NOT LIKE THE STUNT YOU DID WITH MY PARENTS. You know what Santa? You are on MY naughty list. Don't be surprised if one day you don't wake up from your long ass nap because you look easy to kill since you eat millions of cookies each year and you're like a million years old. I'll go to the North Pole with my parents debit card and kill you, I'll chain you up and kill you slowly or maybe I'll kill you while you sleep, who knows? And I hope you enjoy next year cookies because they won't have poison so you die.
I hope you DIE

Everyone started to laugh their ass off but the blue eyed just sat there serious.
"HAHAHAHAHHAVAHAHDKZNDNSIS, I don't know how your parents didn't send you to a psychiatric yet" Ran said
"Because they died" Takemichi says
Everyone stood silent when Kakucho asks "You killed them?"
"No they died of car accident" the black haired responded and everyone sighted
"Anyway lets eat!" Shoyo says as he starts putting the food in the table and everyone starts eating. When they finished they are dessert and started watching Christmas movies. Then it was present time. Two weeks before they had played the secret Santa game and it went like this
Shoyo had to give Kairu a present.
Hikaru had to get Shoyo a present
Kairu had to get Mikato a present
Mikato had to get Hikaru a present
Ran had to get Takemichi a present
Takemichi had to get Izana a present
Izana had to get Kakucho a present
Kakucho had to get Rin a present
Rin had to get Ran a present

"Okey okey! I start!" Shoyo said and grabbed a present that said his name, when he opened he saw a grey and orange scarf "AHHH I LOVE IT"
"Told ya he was going to like it" Hikaru said
Everyone opened their present and then it was Takemichi's turn, when he opened he saw a nail bat and Hanagaki's eyes sparkled "I love it, thank you Ran"
"Of course you did" Ran said proudly
"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Mikato asked
"Yep, it is perfect for beating up bothersome Toman commanders" The black haired responded
"Ohhhhh, can you lend it to me sometime?" Shoyo asked
"Nope it's mine" the blue eyed said sticking out his tongue
"Wahhhh, Takemichi doesn't want to shareeeee" he says hugging Hikaru
After some fun hours the guests had to go so they waved goodbye. When Takemichi was in his bed he took the Biden Toman present and opened it. It was an framed photo of when they were all together at Mikey's birthday that everyone was there, Baji, Kazutora, the Kawata twins, Draken, Mikey, Hakkai, Mitsuya, Pah and Peh, Sanzu, Chifuyu, and all his Toman friends included him. The feeling to wan to go back to that time made him more furious so he just put it in the box with the rest of his Toman memories. He locked the box and hide it in his closet.

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