Chapter 16:

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Takemichi had woken up still thinking about the offer when he remembers 'shit I've got school' he did the daily morning stuff and rushed there. He met with the Mizo Crew and started chatting, at first it was a bit awkward because his friends where still in Toman but it slowly disappeared and now they were chatting in lunch break while eating sandwiches. Takemichi was still thinking of what to do, he was spacing out when Yamagishi said "Snap snap earth to Takemichi, snap snap"
"Oh yea, wassup?" The raven head replied
"We were talking of how awesome you where in Toman vs Tenjiku fight! Like you bested the shit out of the second division by yourself and you did it have a scratch, and you also beaten the Tomsn commanders, you're so damn strong *sigh*"
"Well I go to the gym on weekends and I go to the dojo to practice, sometimes the guys (Tenjiku) come with me"
"Ne Takemichi~ why don't you show us some of your abs~?" Yamagishi asked and Makoto nodded. Since they were all boys Takemichi thought it was okey. He lifted his pe shirt a bit so the guys could see his body. The four had an intense nose bleed, after the recovery the one with glasses complained "Not faiiir..! Why does Takemichi have such a nice builded body..." he fake cried
"Because he works out and doseent stay all day reading porn mangas in his room like someone I know" Akkun replied
"Sorry Yamagishi, I can't defend you in this one..." Makoto said
They spent the rest of school teasing him and when Takemichi was in the front gate Kakucho and Izana where waiting for him
"Hey Michy! Let's go hang out at Shibuya mall!" The lilac eyed said happily
"The Haitanis are coming too" the one with a scar said
"Sure let's go" the blue eyed raven replied but stopped when he noticed something "There are only two bikes though..."
"Don't worry! You can come with me!" Izana said as his future husband *cough cough* I mean friend sat behind him, hugging his waist, the white haired boy turned his head towards where his other friend was and smiled in victory
'Damn you Izana...I also want Michy to hug my lucky bastard' the red eyed one thought with jealously as they arrived. Once there they saw the Haitani Brothers waiting for them "Y'all  finally arrived! You sure took your time" Ran said
What happens was that Izana wanted to have Take behind him a little more so he went slow even thought both his friends told him to hurry up.
"We had some problems in our way" The lilac eyed said
"No, you were going slo-" Takemichi couldn't finish because Izana had covered his mouth with one of his hands "Now! Let's go in!" Their leader added.

Shoibuya mall was a popular place for teens to hang out, it had multiple shops, restaurants, cafes, arcades, pet shops, CD shops, library, it even had a cinema and much more.

They went to McDonald's to buy a Mc Flurry since they were kinda hungry, they went to the arcade and surprisingly Hanagaki was so fucking bad at this while the others laughed at him, after that they went to a VR place and Takemichi had chosen a car driving simulator and he killed all the NPC.
"I'm telling you! The game had something wrong!" The raven head complained when they were already out of the place
"Or maybe it's that you suck at all types of video games" Ran said
"I hope you where one of the NPC I killed" The blue eyed added
As they were chatting they met some people they didn't want to meet
"Well well well, if it isn't Toman babysitting system" Ran said
"Shut up Ranabelle" Draken replied
"At least he is not a bald like you" Rin replied
"At least he doesn't cosplay as a doll from a horror movie" Baji replied
"You little-" Ran was about to continue but Izana made a sign for him to shut up.
"Takemichy-San? Why do you look so different? And why are you with this meanie guys? Come hang out with us instead of them!" Luna asked
Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya and his two little sisters where at the mall there.
"Fuck off kid, don't get into other's problems" Izana replied coldly
"You know want to know why? Because they are very silly and dumb dumb people"
"Takemichi, she's just a kid" Mitsuya replied (a/n: I don't have idea of how old they are)
"Wow Mikey, I didn't know you worked at a day care, you finally found a job that suits you but a child shouldn't take care of other kids?" Izana said and this only pissed the blonde more
"Let's go, I'm allergic to bullshit" The raven head said as he walked away with his friends when someone grabbed his wrist 'what the fuck is with people and grabbing my wrist?' He turned to see Mana grabbing him "Takemichy-San...why are you being so mean? Why can't you be kind and nice like before? Why did you leave us?" She little girl asked almost about to cry.
The blue eyed boy crouched down to be at her height and looked at her with cold and dead eyes
"Listen here Mana, touch me again and I'll rip your hands off, and I won't go back, never, I was weak before and useless, why? Because of my stupid wanting to save everyone, but now, I will just save myself because when I needed it, your stupid brother and friends weren't there, but when they needed t I was, and now I found better people that are really have a punchable face you know?"
Mitsuya got scared and grabbed his little sister back to him
"Oh, and next time you call me Takemichy, I'll kill you" he said as he looked with hatred at the Toman guys and then he walked away with the other Tenjiku members who where smiling victoriously.
"Big brother *sob sob* why was Takemichy- no I mean Hanagaki-San so mean? *sob sob * I want the old Ta-Hanagaki back *sob sob*..." Luna said as she cried and Mana was crying too
"I know, we all want the old Takemichi back" Mitsuya said "We all do"

Meanwhile with the Tenjiku guys they went again to Mc Donald to get some burgers because why not and went to burn some cars, bully some delinquents wannabe, burn some more cars, beat up some random people, burn more cars, went to the bar and got drunk, they were drunk talking, almost fucked Takemichi on an alleyway but the raven passed out because of the alcohol, after some hours the only Takemichi was still a bit drunk so they decided because it was late to being him to his house. When they arrived Shoyo welcomed them and thanked them for bringing him. After that they went to their houses while Takemichi slept in the couch.

What happens after Takemichi left with Toman
After calming down the two little girls they went to Mitsuya house to leave the two girls there with their mom and went to walk, they went to their usual arcade that they believed was better than the one at the Shibuya Mall. After Baji won basically all the prizes in the fucking place, they went crashed into Mikey's because it was getting late. Everyone wanted to talk about what happens but they weren't brave enough to start that conversation, but luckily Draken said "So...what ya think?"
"He hates us, did you see the way he looked at us? He looked like he wanted to kill us damn it" Chifuyu said
"Yes but he was so got when he said "Next time you call me Takemichy...I'll kill you"  Baji said blushing mad "I even got a bit hard in there"
"HE WAS GIVING MY SISTERS A DEATH THREAT" Mitsuya said looked at Baji with an 'are you serious?!' Face.
"Sometimes I forget that you're stupid" Draken said
Baji started to fight Draken who just replied as the calm and mature person he was, thank god they had someone to put order in this place.
Everyone stopped talking when they heard a sob, they turned to see surprised a sobbing Mikey, clear tears fell from his eyes as he said "I don't-I don't know what to do- I just want to be with him again, I know we did something awful but I tried my best so he would forgive me but-but I don't seem to succeed, if I could only go back in time, I would have never let  Kisaki into the gang and never believed him- I miss him so much, i want him back, it hurts to see him so happy with other people but when he sees us he only looks at us with hate and I-"
Suddenly Draken hugged him and said "Don't worry, we'll get him back, we promise"
"Actually I know someone who might help us" Chifuyu said
"Who" Asked Baji
"This person is..."

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