Chapter 8:

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It has been a week already after that accident, and Takemichi felt...guilty? NO he should feel that way, but he couldn't stop remembering those black sad eyes and made his heart struggle. He was really angry with Toman, but a part of him wanted to go back, back when he was full of hope. He had always a deep secret, that now he thought that disappeared but he confirmed that it didn't. Since he met Mikey he had fallen for him, he just loved him cheerful smile and his childishness. He was always so nice to him, at first he didn't want to believe it, but he now saw Mikey the same way he once saw Hina. He wanted to tell, himself that he was straight, he liked girls but each time he thought of Mikey he would feel butterflies in his stomach. When he went on dates with Hina he just felt...fake. One day after a fight and he was badly hurt when Hina went to visit him...

Flashback in the hospital
Takemichi was in the hospital bed, with most of his body covered in bandages. Hina, entered the room room with a sad look in her face. He looked at her and chuckled
"Seems that some finally decided to visit me, hehe. What's with the sad look on your face? Cheer up! I'm getting in 2 or 3 days discharged" he said smiling and took the Trevor necklace that she gave him "And look I made sure that it didn't break"
"Takemichi-kun...i think we should get some time..." she said looking at the floor with teary eyes.
"Wha-what do you mean Hina-Chan?" He asked
"It is her right?" She said
'Who the fuck is she talking about?' He thought
"Who?" His voice was full of sadness. He may not love anymore Hina but he still cared a lot for her, he didn't want to see her cry.
"The white haired girl...Senju right? You've been hanging a lot with her lately..."
"No no no Hina, you're getting everything wrong, i need to befriend her so I can save Mik-Toman"he quickly finished
"I knew it, your desire to save Toman...Mikey is bigger than any feeling you have towards me, I'm sorry that i kept you like this...i didn't want to let you go" she sobbed
"No! Hina! I really love you Hina, please...please don't leave me, i beg you, what will I do without you?" He didn't like lying but he wanted to still love Hina.
"Being with me is not what makes you happy Takemichi-kun, you-you don't need to worry, i won't be a burden for you anymore so goodbye..."she runned out of the room but Takemichi swiftly grabbed her wirst.
"No! Hina! Don't go! I-i love you" he said, he wanted to cry but tears won't come out.
"Then kiss me, then say that you love me and that you really mean it, not just an empty I love you with no love in it. Tell me that you have feelings for me. That you'll do anything for me, because that is what real love is about, if you really love me show it. Like you did in the festival when the accident with Emma happened. That you tried so hard to prove that you didn't mean it, and wanted to continue our relationship. Tell me the truth Hanagaki Takemichi!" She said crying.
He just looked at her, petrified. He didn't knew what to do, he didn't want to lie but he didn't want to end with Hina.
When the girl saw that his supposed boyfriend just looked at her with empty eyes, not with the same shine of love they used to more tears came out and said. "Good bye Takemichi... i-i hope that we can still be friends after this" she said and left the room sobbing, while he just stood there, with no tears, his eyes dry, he felt kind of...relieved? Yea, that was what he felt, he felt happy that it was finally over...but why? Didn't he love her? That's when he reality hit him. He didn't feel anything towards Hina anymore, his heart belonged to someone else...a certain blonde with black obsidian eyes.

Back to present
Now Hina was dating Emma, and she loved her...but deep inside she still had feelings for the boy, her first ever boyfriend. When she announced to him that they were a couple she didn't see sadness in his eyes, he looked...relieved? He didn't seem sad at all, he seemed happy, well as a good friend ofc he should be happy for them but she hoped to see a tint of sadness in his eyes, a bit of repentance. Nothing, no sad emotion at all. She wanted to cry so badly, she wanted him to tell her sorry so they would be able to date again but she knew he did t loved her, that his heart no longer belonged to her.

Takemichi felt kind of confused, his heart told him to go back ti Toman but his mind to stay with Tenjiku, that they would betray him again.
He wanted to love Izana, but he couldn't, he tried to force himself to but no success. He shook his head, what was he thinking? He didn't force himself to love Izana, he fell for him naturally, right?
Takemichi needed some air, 'I'll go for a walk, I need to clear my head' he thought and headed outside. He had some black shorts that reached his knees and a white t shirt like always. He looked himself in the mirror. He had very black eye bags and his skin had turned paler. His neck and arms were full of bandages because of the multiple times he self-harmed and tried suicide and ofc his friends stopped him, his once shiny blue eyes were now emotionless and with no light in it. His down black hair was not as puffy as it once was, to be honest he looked like a depressed shit but, who cares?
He grabbed his wallet and phone and headed outside. He unlocked the door and lock it before leaving saving the keys in the pocket. He walked and walked looking at the sky lost in his thoughts. Without noticing his feet drove him to his, Draken and Mikey's special place. Where Mikey told him that he wanted to create a new era of delinquents, just like in his brother's. He sat in there and stared at the clouds, he remembered that he, Draken and Mikey would hangout there. He sighted and thought 'good times, I wish they lasted a bit longer...but sooner or later they would betray me anyways, sorry everyone I couldn't save you, instead I became your enemy, but it's their fault too right? They betrayed me, they treated me awfully, after everything I did for them...They never asked though, I just sacrificed myself willingly so it is not like they owe me something, still I wished they would have thought more before kicking me'.
He didn't knew how long sat there, staring the clouds placing out. It felt nice, it felt relaxing. There were no gangs there, no one asking him to re join. He didn't have to worry about being punched or kicked. He just laid there, existing.
"Brings memories, huh?" A voice suddenly said. Takemichi sat and looked where the voice came from. His heart skipped a beat, Mikey was standing there looking at him. He felt butterflies in his stomach but acted indifferent at the presence of the invincible teen. He looked at the horizon again and said "I guess so".
"Takemichi, I know what we did was awful, and we should have believed you. I know you must hate us but give us a second chance, give me a second chance. Lets start over"
"I'm afraid that it's too late for me even if I wanted to re-join"he responded
"No! There is always time Takemichi!"
"You don't understand Manjiro, I'm way to broken to get repaired"
The blonde blushed madly because of the nickname. He shook his head "Then I'll wait, I'll do anything, I'll do everything for you to come back"
"Thank you but there is nothing that even you can do. Im tired, I want to sleep, I want to sleep and never wake up. But I'll just re appear in the past again"
"Don't say those things!" The blonde exclaimed and hugged Takemichi "Don't say you wanna die...don't you dare say those things again and" he looked up at the lost eyes of Takemichi "What do you mean you'll re appear in the past?"
"I'm a time traveler Manjiro, just like Shonchiro, I met him once, I know why you idolize him so much. He was such a nice person. I don't know why you say that he and I are so much alike"
Mikey couldn't process what he just heard, Takemichi is a time traveler? A-and his big brother too? He stood up and followed Takemichi's gaze
"Thank you, thank you for trusting your secret with me. I won't tell anyone, don't worry. I'll wait for you, if you ever want to come back you are free to come. Toman will always receive you as our first division commander.  Until then, I'll make sure to bring you back at any cost" he said looking at Takemichi with an closed eye smile. Takemichi looked at him, and after some time he smiled genuinely.
"I'll wait then" he said and thought 'My hero'.
Bro I used up all my neurons to write this chapter. I'm crying 😭

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