Chapter 18.

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After about 10 minutes, Kion was rounding a corner, while looking behind him, but then quickly jumped back at feeling somebody bump into him, growling he got into a fighting position, before sighing when seeing it was only Kopa.

"Kopa, you don't sneak up on a lion!" Kion hissed.

"Sorry. But, it's not my problem you're so jumpy." Kion glared at his older brother, before looking behind him.

"Do you hear them?" Nala asked, knowing her Son had amazing hearing.

"There about a mile that way." Kion said, "We need to get bak to the border, they don't go anywhere near that place!"

Kion, Kovu, Vitani, Kopa, Nala, and Kiara all started walking.

"How long have you two known Kopa was still alive?" Kion looked at his Mother, as she spoke.

"Uh, well... maybe a few weeks? Roughly around 3?" Kiara asked, as Nala slowly nodded and looked at Kion who was limping, while still panting up front.

"Kion." Nala spoke up, jogging to catch up with her Son, "Maybe you should rest a little."

Kion only shook his head and carried on walking, still limping though of course.

"Kion." Nala said, more sternly as Kion sighed and turned to look at her, "You need to rest. You are still injured!"

Kion huffed.

Nala nudged her Son underneath some shade area, as Kion turned to face her.

"Rest. You need it. You have hardly slept in the past 2 weeks." Nala said, as Kion sighed and sat down, at knowing his Mother would not give up, then he lied down, while his family and friends started sitting down, talking and stuff.

"So~ You are the young Lion, who has caught my Sons eye, huh?" Nala asked, smirking while raising an eyebrow towards Kovu, who smirked as Kopa snarled.

"No, he isn't." Kopa snarled, as Kovu just backed away slightly, Nala chuckleing.

"Kopa! You're brother, is more than capable at dating who he wants to." Nala said, as Kopa rolled his eyes, "You're brother has had a tough life, he deservs to love somebody and for somebody to love him."

"Kion!" Kion brought his head up, while standing up and walking round the corner.

"Hey, where Kion go?" Kiara spoke up, as they all turned to where he was lying, but he was gone.

"Kion!" Kopa shouted, while starting to walk round the corner, them all following, as they sniffed the air.

They heard a roar, as they all quickly followed it, but stopped at seeing Kion laughing with Jasiri, them both sat on the floor.

"Kion!" Jasiri said, still laughing, while jumping up and walking around him, as Kion also stood up and followed her with his eyes, "Good to see you again. But, why are you here by yourself? You know, it's dangerous round these parts!"

"Yeah, but I can take care of myself. I'm not a little cub no more." Kion said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah. Cause you act like it. Now, come on!" Jasiri said, while walking away, Kion smiling before following, Jasiri smirking, before humming. Jasiri smiled, as Kion looked at his reflection in the lake.

"Shall we?" Jasiri asked, as Kion laughed.

Kion sighed, before looking up and standing up, looking up to Jasiri who had jumped up on a rock.

(Kion singing will be intalics and bold, while Jasiri just italics!)

'You think that life is one big game
You joke, you laugh, you take no blame.
I'm telling you, there's just no way that we're the same.'

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