Chapter 26.

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Kion laughed, as him and Kiara walked upto Pride rock. They had said goodbye to Vitani about an hour ago, and just started running around, playing. Just being kids.

Kion and Kiara ran up the rock stairs, as Kiara laughed and bolted past her brother, as they both ran into the den, where Kion tripped and went into Kiara. Kion lay on Kiara, before crawling off of his sister, them both bursting out laughing.

"You guys seem happy." Kion and Kiara looked up to see Nala there, no Simba in sight.

"Mom!" Kion and Kiara shouted.

"Where have you guys been? I haven't see you for hours?" Nala said, while licking Kiara's cheek, then Kion's head, as he chuckled.

"Kion took me to flat ridge rock! We watched the sun set, and then Vitani joined us." Kiara said, while nudging Kion and moving to sit beside him, as Nala sat down and smiled at the two cubs.

She had missed the two lions hanging out, and just being kids.

"Well, come on you two. You can play more tommorow after your lessons and training!" Nala said, smiling at the two who smiled and then Kion moved over to his corner and plopped down, while Kiara moved to sit a few inches away from Kion.

They both yawned, before rested there heads down.

Kion squinted his eyes open, yawning as the sun floaded into the den.

"Kion!" Kion then jumped up, wide away while looking up, sighing when seeing Simba sat infront of him, "Get outside, the leopards are waiting for you."

Kion sighed, before standing up, shaking the sleepyness out of his head, before walking out of the den, seeing Kiara sat there, with Tiffu and Zuri, she sent him a smile, Kion sending one back before running down the rock stairs and stopping infront of Mackucha.

"You're late." Fahari snarled.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late." Kion apoligized.

"It's fine. Now, Chulluun! You're up." Mackucha said, while sitting beside Fahari of to the side, while Chuluun and Kion both moved to stand infront of each other, Kion could feel his SIster and her friends watching him.

Kion growled, and bent down, just jumping of to the side when Chuluun dived at him, digging his claws into the gravel, then he leapt forward and pounced at Chuluun.

Chuluun flipped them, before pinning Kion down, growling. Kion snarled, before Chuluun put a paw on Kion's face, pushing it backwards, as Kion was trying to get out, panting as Chuluun kept on putting more and more preasure on him, he breathed out before he slowly opened his eyes, seeing his sister and her friends at the top of pride rock, watching him.

Kion growled, before jumping up, knocking Chuluun to the ground, banging her head onto a rock, as Kion growled, lowering his head he slowly approuched her, barring his teeth, roaring he went to dive at her until Mackucha jumped between them.

"I think that's enough." Mackucha said, "Our times up anyway."

Mackucha turned to Fahari and Chuluun who was already stood up, as he then started walking towards his friend and mate.

Kion sighed, before looking around, then starting to walk towards the lion guard liar, he entered seeing the guard there.

"Kion!" Bunga shouted, just as he flipped into the water, it splashing all over Fuli who growled.

"Bunga!" Fuli shouted, as Kion laughed and jumped onto the rock beside Fuli, before sitting down the slipped down to lie there.

"Hey Bunga." Kion laughed, when Bunga splashed Fuli once again.

"Hey Fuli! You up for another race?" Ono asked, as he pushed down his feathers and lined up.

"You really going to race the fastest in the Pridelandss? Other then me anyway." Kion said, smirking at Fuli who only glared at him.

"I can beat you! And, I can prove it." Fuli said, glaring at Kion before standing up, "All of us outside and race to the border of the Pridelands."

"But, that's almost 20 minutes away?" Beshte questioned.

"Exactly. If Kion thinks hes faster than me, he will be able to out run me." Fuli said, smirking to Kion, "And, who ever wins had to call the other the fastest in the Pridelands."

"Deal." Kion smirked.

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