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Outside is so dark it's almost like dark overpowers the light. Nothing is wrong with that it seems so peaceful to look at. Mostly when I look though my garden of flowers, they look more beautiful in the dark than the light. 

This is my life a 19-year-old live in a small place try to get by in this world. Here I am a lost cause, a person people use for their own gain. I lost so much that I feel numb inside. I don't have people who love for who I am. But all that is fine I got my hobbies to keep me company. I'm smart to get a well-paying job and I stay home the whole time. I still need to go out, so I don't get easily rob but everything is fine. 

I just finished rewatching code Geass for the up teens time. It a really great anime I like how the character reacting with each other. Looking at the knight mare are so cool that I want to own one. And also, how can most of the main cast be so good-looking and their personality are to die for. I wish they could have a better ending. Don't get me wrong I get why Lelouch did what he did but damn if only Euphemia didn't die things would go another path. But it is fine

I drop to my bed looking up at the ceiling thinking how I got here. I close my eyes as tears started to come out. No sound comes out of me as I let my sorrow come out as I feel the darkness comes in. I'm so lonely but it's alright I'm fine

"No, you're not" a calm voice is heard in the dark room. 

My eyes snap open "what the hell" as I see my mirror started to glow. I'm scared am I going to die. "Oh, sweetie you're not going to die" I look to see a woman with blond hair and green bright eyes. "Do you want to go to world that you might belong". "Who in the hell are you and what do mean by that". "You feel lonely do you not and you want to give people a happier life right".

"I mean yeah but that sound too good to be true," "but it is I'm the one of the gods in that show you like I want to bring you, so their life doesn't be in a loop" I look at her flabbergasted I think about it but if I have a chance to fix that and not be alone." I want to go but I want a Geass and I want to know your name". 

The goddess looks at me a laugh "you are the perfect person for this". When she stops laughing, she looks me in the eyes "My name is Glow it's nice to meet you" she said so sweetly I blush at how cute it was. "Before I send you there you will be in state where you will have to grow up again and you might be in pain, but I want you to look pass it, so you be happy as well" she looks at me lovely. "I understand"

"Now my child grabs my hand and tell me the Geass you want". "Can I have more than one" "Fine I'll be nice be only three". 

I think about what I want my Geass to be there so many ways to go. "Ok I got it what is my Geass I want see people dream and nightmare and make them see it in their mind". "Ok but that is two so you have one more" "That fine my last one will connect to people, so I make them feel like they are not alone like I was". "Good choices as well be careful dear". After that that light blinded me and it goes dark.

"That damn goddess" I yell as my 8-year-old self can. I look in the mirror as I brush my long dark black hair as I look at my golden eyes. My birth name in code geass is Hyejin Haneunim I'm the princess of the Korean republic. Never heard of it in the show it because it doesn't exist. 

When I was born into this family, I knew it wasn't for me. That fact is that my father is family with piece of shits from guess what Britannia. Mostly some of my relative made a deal with my father side and kill my father. Everyone knew it was them, so my grandfather dealt with them but my father side because they are from a noble house. Everyone care for my father even if he was half but mother was kill as well because some people don't want the favorite child to be happy after what happen to her. It made me sad that both had die it was the parents love I didn't have before, but I have too more forward. I have been practicing the old art of the family as I'm the child heir. I do a lot of swords fair and hand to hand to dancing and tea serving. 

It great I'll be nice to everyone and that made the people love. They said I'm the moon lotus because I was so born on the longest night and I'm beautiful like a lotus. But a lot of people still look up to me because I can take down a grown man even my size. 

Everything was going well until my uncle overrules my grandfather. He takes my everything away and the country change. That were I'm at right now I'm leaving to be peace maker in Japan. Turnout my grand is friend with people in Japan and my uncle had piss them off in a way. With that he is sending me to keep the peace. 

After I'm done getting ready, I walk down the hall looking at all the people that seen me grew. Some are angry, some are crying their eyes out. All I felt was the pity they were giving me. As I got out a see my grandfather waiting for me to say goodbye. He had that look on his face like he should had done better but his age is his downfall. "My dear grandchild I wish I could something" "Grandfather I want you to focus on your health".

"Child you mature to fast, but I want to give you something" he pull out a lotus hair pin. He got down to put it in my hair "I want to let you know that even if I'm gone you be amazing". "Thank you" grandfather I hugged him and said, "no worry in the future I will take back what was mine and bright hope". "I'm sure you can do it"

I got on the plane a look out the window looking at my grandfather. As the plane flew far away, I knew I'm going to have a long way. 

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