Let's get a Knight

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Few days had pass since the Mao incident and things are pushing. Lelouch had to revise his plan with the Chinese Federation, but we probably won't have problems because of my contact. "Hyejin, listen" I got hit on the head "Sorry Milly what was it" and I started to rub the place it got hit. "I was talking about your place for the school festival we need one more act before we do the big pizza" "And what do you want me to do" I should of know anything with Milly will backfire to you.

"You're going to be a singer for the pop club" Milly said having devilish smirk "What out of everything" "Aw come on Hyejin it will be a fun surprise". I look her way "Wait are you not telling the others" "Nope all they know someone will be singing" I faceplate to the table. "Milly if I do this can I choose the song" Milly eyes glittered with excitement "Oh yes you can blow the crowd away".

When we were done Nina, Rivalz, Kallen, and Shirley had came in after class. "Hey guys" I wave to them as I go back to work but had to stop because of Rivalz. "Hyejin, I got a bone to pick with you" as he got in my face "What did I do" "Milly had told me you gave her love advice for her blind date that you knew about". Of course, Rivalz is down bad "That between me and Milly it wasn't serious" and Rivalz just sink in his seat. "Wow jinjin really hurting the man's feeling and I didn't know you were good at that certain thing" Shirley said with sparkles "Well duh Shirley it's Hyejin she's good with people" Milly said putting down her papers. "Speaking of Hyejin, I need your advice again" Milly then try to give me doggie eyes.

"What Milly need advice" we all look to the voice, and it was Lelouch walking in with Suzaku and Nunnally. I dodged my eyes not looking at them, but I can feel two pair of eyes on me "Yes, I do I need Hyejin genius" and Milly grab my hand "Please Hyejin for me". "Milly I'm not you therapist she just moves closer "Please with your record you should already be". "Oh, she has a record" I look, and it was Suzaku I was about to say no but Rivalz beat me to the punch. "That traitor gave Milly love advice" and that got their attentions "Oh really what was it" Nunnally ask so innocently but that going to be the death of me.

"Like I said it wasn't serious it was more a joke" I try to cover myself it "Oh then give us a good example" Suzaku said looking through my soul. 'Why in the hell is Suzaku acting like this it was his plan'.


I opened my eyes and see it's still dark outside. I think I just pass out after what Suzaku, and I did as I can feel his body against mine holding on to me. 'I guess he cleaned me while I was sleeping'. I just lay there with him feeling his warmth thinking how I should start this conversation when he wakes up. Turns out he was already awake waiting for me "Oh Hyejin you're awake" he said and a raspy voice. I look at him about to ask but "Let's Pretend This Never Happened".

Flashback ends

I don't know so we just pretend nothing happen and it feels awkward. "Suzaku is right and plus you might have more experience Hyejin" Milly just made it worse "You're funny Milly why would I" "Well you did went to these types of dates". The room just went silent and cold 'God damn it Milly you dig my grave' "Milly you know how those types ended" I laugh it off trying to look for ways out of this. "Now that I think about it, you're from a noble family you must went on dates for a possible marriage" Kallen said. I can tell everyone going to get on me but "Excuse me I need Hyejin" a teacher had come in. I stand up "Is everything alright" as I was cheering inside and thanking this teacher "It nothing bad you just got a phone call" and I follow her.

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