A little Spark

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It's the next day and everyone knows about Shirley's dad. I get ready in my school uniform to meet all the others student council to go see Shirley and her dad. When I got there all of them were waiting for me. "Hey guys I'm here" I said getting their attention Milly stand up with flowers in hand "Alright you guys let's go" she said softly because now is not the time to be happy-go-lucky. We get too the room where they are keeping Shirley's father and he is in a bad condition.

There were some of Shirley family and her mother next to her husband. Shirley saw us and came over to step outside where we are "Hey guys" she said quiet because of her father. "We all came to support you" Milly said and hand her the flowers. Shirley looks down at them and smiles "Thank you for this" as Kallen said she is sorry about what happened because she caused it. We all talk to her mins Lelouch about how we be there for her but "Then Zero and Moon are cowards" we turn to Suzaku ask spoke about me and Lelouch as we don't want to get our hands dirty. As most of them common about that I look at Lelouch and he didn't say anything just looking down. I need to talk to him after this.

"Ok everyone let's go to school" Milly said and we all minus Shirley who stay with her family but as we walk, I notice Lelouch stay back as well. I just kept walking with the others knowing he was talking with Shirley. "What do you think about it Hyejin" I heard someone speaking to I look to the side, and it was Suzaku. I see that we are far behind than the others "Are you talking about the Black knights" I said to him. "Yes, you been quiet about it, and I want to hear your thoughts" Suzaku ask "Well they are a neutral thing for me" I answered.

"Why you say that Hyejin after all they had done" Suzaku stop walking to have his attention on me. I look at him with a serious face "Look Suzaku from what I hear and seen there are some battles that innocent people get in the crossfire for what you believe in" I said looking for one of the many points of view. "There are other ways to make change, why go through bloodshed if people just wait" Suzaku said mad about people dying "Not everyone thinks the same Suzaku and most times there is no time to wait so you have to do it yourself" I rebuttals. He was about to say something else then his phone rings as he answered it was his Lloyd telling him to come to the base. "Hyejin, I got to go but we finish this later" he said, "OK we will but be safe" and he ran off.

I turn to walk back to school as I felt a ding meaning I got a text. I look at it and odd enough it was C.C. on Lelouch phone asking for me to come and talk what happened. I changed directions and went to Lelouch's place. When I got there, I heard the shower going as I got to the bedroom and see C.C. laying down. "Hey, I'm here, what's to talk about" as I sat down in Lelouch desk chair. "Well, I was questioning about Lelouch if he wants to continue, seem he's not handling it well" I heard a bang coming where Lelouch is. "I think that's an understatement" I said, "But I want to ask you the same Hyejin dear" C.C. sit up looking at me.

"Hm the same about what happened" I look back at her to clarify "Yes are you willing to go down this path from what I seen you have a lot to lose" C.C. ask curiously. "I'm alright with some bloodshed but I want to make it to a minimum when it should be" I respond to her. "Oh, so your feelings won't get in the way like Lelouch one kiss from Shirley make him have second thoughts" she said trying to see my reaction. "Well good for Lelouch but if he wants to quit that his business it just would have been a waste," I answered her.

"What do you mean by that" I heard a voice behind me I look, and it was Lelouch with a robe on. "I mean if you can't see it to the end why start it at all" I stated to him "You sound a lot like her" Lelouch said eyeing C.C. "Anyway, I'm not going to run away we got this far but Hyejin are you sure that you're not in denial" Lelouch ask me. "Why would I be" I respond, "I think he means about what I said earlier if your feelings get in the way" C.C. said, "Like what would you do if you that brown haired guy" and I started to think about Suzaku. As I was thinking more, I realized I want to keep people safe and out of harm not just Suzaku that's why I fight. "I'll keep going because I have things to protect and I want to change the way the world is so even if I'm gone, they are still protected" I said speaking my mind for probably the first time.

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